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Maybe you’re thinking that meditation can help you with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, or something else really hard. You’d probably be right. But it’s not always so easy to meditate or concentrate.

One of my students asked me just yesterday, “Hey my mind is so busy and I’m so distractible, I can’t settle down to do sitting meditation. But if I do Tai Chi first, it quiets me down, and then I can meditate. Is that OK?” 

Is that ok? Yes, it’s more than OK. It’s great. Tai Chi, Yoga, Chi Kung, and other forms of “Moving meditation” or “Mindful movement” can be great pathways. They are wonderful calming exercises that shift you from the inflammatory biology of an overactive stress response, to the anti-inflammatory biology of well-being. And they can be great ways to settle your mind down.

His question is astonishingly common. We live in a time where most of us are stressed out, distracted, with lots of difficulty concentrating.  So please check out the video, and let me know how you like it.

In my view, sitting meditation and moving meditation are like peanut butter and chocolate. Peas and carrots. Forrest and Jenny. That means they go great together.

That’s part of why Movement Toward Health emphasizes both modes of meditation practice.  

If you haven’t heard yet, Movement Toward Health is a systematic training that guides you through the Seven Steps of Inner Healing. It combines sitting meditation and moving meditation, mindset training, and visual imagery. It’s purpose is to build your knowledge and skills so you can reverse the vicious cycles that worsen your pain, immobility, fatigue, and other symptoms.So you can take your life back and live again.

You can get more info at

If you’re interested, I suggest checking it out right away. We will have a brief open enrollment  during the week of September 12th for this year’s cohort. Don’t miss out. (If you missed that, you can click that link and get on the waiting list to know when we will open again.

Did You Know:

  • You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr Shiller’s email community here:
  • Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness.  Contact the office or schedule a consultation at 
  • Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation.  You can get the schedule and register at
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