Osteoarthritis is a degenerative process that causes pain, stiffness, and loss of joint function.
In recent years, there has been a revolution in understanding osteoarthritis.
- 20th Century science thought that osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the joints due to excess weight.
- 21st Century science shows a more accurate picture.
- The driver of osteoarthritic degeneration and pain is a complex holistic process involving immune, metabolic, brain, gut, and hormonal interactions.
- Excess body fat is inflammatory and drives the disease process.
- Mechanical stress on the joints is important, but there is also biochemical and metabolic stress involved.
- Cut dysbiosis and leaky gut are major drivers of the process.
- Chronic stress and vagus nerve impairment can feed the vicious cycles.
The conventional approach to treating osteoarthritis is built on the old, 20th century science. It has major problems, and doesn’t change the disease process.
- Medications like Tylenol and NSAIDs can have toxicities and may worsen joint inflammation.
- Injections such as steroids provide short-term benefits but do not change the disease process. Some evidence suggests they can make it worse.
- Physical treatments like exercise and acupuncture are also used.
- Topical NSAIDs are better tolerated and can be used as an alternative to oral NSAIDs.
Want to know more about the 21st century approach to reducing pain AND the disease process? Watch part two of this video
- Movement Toward Health is a training program that teaches you skills for transforming your health, reducing pain, improving mood and energy. It opens periodically for new members. You can get more information and join the waitlist here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Learn more here
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
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Full Transcript
So there we go; what is arthritis? What’s the 21st-century science? The notion that osteoarthritis is not inflammatory is changing. It is a new paradigm, and we’re gonna talk a little bit of a kind of overview of how do we treat pain, how do we treat and help function improve, and how do we get the actual disease process of osteoarthritis, and so those are the main points we will get at so you know arthritis is basically pain, or that doesn’t go away or comes back in a joint warmth redness, swelling this is probably pretty basic stuff I know some of you who are out there, and I know you are dealing with this on a regular basis so you don’t need me to tell you about warmth and swelling and stiffness and pain that doesn’t go away.
Then, sometimes, trouble moving joints is the general definition of arthritis, and arthritis can affect many different joints. When we talk about osteoarthritis, is main knee and, hip, and hands are the main ones, but arthritis can affect the spine, the hands, the elbows, the ankles, every joint in the body; the temporal mandibular joint can have can have arthritis in it, so you know here is from the Cleveland Clinic and here they give that definition of osteoarthritis which is wear and tear, but we’re gonna focus on that right we’re gonna focus on osteoarthritis you may have heard of rheumatoid arthritis which is more of an autoimmune disease against the joint tissues gout which is where the body creates these kind of crystals that precipitate into the joint and create inflammation ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis which mainly affect the spine but can affect the other joints too.
And then there’s juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, so we’re gonna focus on osteoarthritis in this conversation today, and so you know the classic signs of inflammation. This is an important distinction because, you know, until 20 years ago, you asked the average doctor, or maybe you still say, but what’s inflammation? They will say redness, pain, swelling, and heat are the four cardinal signs of inflammation. Rubore, calor, dolore, and tergore are the latin things we learned in medical school, and that is what we used to understand was inflammation. Sometimes there’s an elevated white blood count, or these clinical markers like an esr or a crp, and in rheumatoid arthritis, you can get a rapid breakdown of the joint, and then osteoarthritis was understood to be, well, there’s no inflammation there; it is just wear, and tear and but we what we know now is there is low-grade inflammation it is a subtle process where you don’t get this necessarily red hot thing going on but what you do get is this biochemical inflammation that is in the background that drives processes that create degenerative changes in the joint and those same processes like we’ll talk about in a bit affect potentially all of the chronic diseases that people deal with which is part of why people with osteoarthritis get chronic illness.
So it is really important to understand these things occasionally someone with osteoarthritis has a warm swollen joint cause you can get what’s called an effusion where fluid flows into it and sometimes the clinical biomarkers go up but usually they don’t on the other hand there are research markers that they measure in labs that are elevated and changed in osteoarthritis and so what’s really going on is like this is a view of a healthy joint on the left side and so that is what’s happening in in a healthy joint that the cartilage is smooth you got these menisci and you get that nice rolling joint where the joint works just fine and it is sliding and grooving that is all great you got a nice wide joint space there and what happens in osteoarthritis is that that joint breaks down the cartilage breaks down over time the cartilage can completely go away and you can get this bone on bone thing right you get bone spurs which can be a source of pain cause they are like pokey things in the joint and you get narrowing of the joint which can cause these changes in the biomechanics and on a biomechanical level it can be like a vicious cycle where you lose cartilage and that nice smooth surface is no longer there and you get these bony things and pointy things that are creating more pressure which creates more breakdown and
So it is a degenerative process that happens over the course of a long time it is typically not a quick process like rheumatoid arthritis but like many of you might know okay my knee started hurting a little bit a few years ago and then it got worse and then it got worse and then it got worse and they said I have osteoarthritis well that is the way it goes sometimes for sure so in any event this degenerative process happens with a joint breaks down and it hurts that is the worst thing most people describe but some people get loss of joint function hard to bend stiffness the stiffness is frequently worse in the morning or when you’ve been immobile for a while there’s this process in osteoarthritis called gelling it is one of those classic things when the person says yeah you know I’m really stiff and uncomfortable when I first get up but then once I walk around for a while it gets better it is sort of a classic osteoarthritis thing as opposed to a like hot inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis or gout flare up or something like that the really important thing to know is that okay yeah there’s so there’s this loss of function of the joints being stiff there’s frequently kind of a behavioral response to it which is like it hurts so I don’t want to move.
We will talk more about that later and the real key thing to hear right now so really listen to this is that there are a number of different other chronic illnesses that go along with osteoarthritis you see more frequently with people who have osteoarthritis and part of it is is the new understanding of what causes osteoarthritis cause we got these underlying biological imbalances that cause these other diseases too so that is why I really want you to understand this stuff so cardiovascular disease depression, anxiety diabetes, stroke, dementia chronic pain syndrome fibromyalgia really tough difficult things going on so osteoarthritis is growing these are estimates from you know 2015 I think it was where they had this initial data with it growing like this is just in the united states from like 46 million people to 54 million people over the course of about a little bit less than that and this is their projection for it is gonna go up into 2040 like maybe 80 million people with osteoarthritis in America and worldwide even huger numbers than that because it is a big world we live in
So it is incredibly important that we find solutions to potentially change the course of osteoarthritis cause old school is really about just treating the pain and hoping you don’t have to get a joint replacement and so we’re starting to understand things about what causes it and seeing things that we can do that we will talk about that actually can slow that process so that is what’s so exciting about thinking about this now in 2023 where we have got like a few decades of research that are showing us like wow it is not what we thought at all there’s things we can do that are lifestyle things to intervene and make this problem better so let’s unpack what that is obesity and osteoarthritis it is been known forever this is what I learned people who are obese are overweight and because it is overweight then it is too much wear and tear in the joints and that is what doctors would say to the patient Mr jones overweight people are more likely to have osteoarthritis because if you are overweight you are heavy and that means increase wear and tear on your joints so you should lose some weight like that was the old understanding but that is not the new understanding what we’re understanding now is that extra fat tissue actually is inflammatory and it drives a whole set of biochemical changes that drives osteoarthritis so being overweight and having extra fat it is not just that you are heavier than your joints want you to be it is that you have a systemic metabolic thing going on that is inflammatory and drives the disease process of osteoarthritis as well as a disease process of other stuff that is no fun to have
So let’s keep moving forward here so yeah 21st century thinking is much different than 20th century thinking it is not like that with Mr Jones and somehow it is still in the mainstream sites right I went to Hopkins medicine, John Hopkins hospital and here’s what they say on their website about osteoarthritis osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear of the joint over time because of overuse they are missing 20 years of research they are not talking about it this isn’t so surprising it is actually well known that medical research doesn’t get into the clinic for a long time like 20 or 30 years and you know objectively scientifically there are reasons for that because our new understanding of osteoarthritis is new and science is still working at the details about what do we want to do about this how do we turn this into treatments what do we recommend for people how do we know what’s safe and not safe it is a really complex question so giving credit to the conservative nature of medicine because you know one of the things that they always taught me in medical school is first do no harm and they don’t want to promote uncertainty they want certainty first but as we know we’re living in a world that is more and more uncertain there’s lots of complex influences that are affecting what information gets given to the public and what treatments are given to the public.
I know a lot of your faces out there you are very tuned into this kind of thing it is it is not the benevolent thing like we thought it was there’s a lot of financial interests and political interests and all sorts of things going on but there is also reasonably a scientific interest in whoa, hold the horses let’s make sure that these things are really true and we know what to do with it before you put it on this John Hopkins website but it could be that because you are here you are interested in a more progressive understanding my view is that especially with issues where lifestyle changes can make a difference we’re talking about safe things not drugs with horrible side effects we’re talking about things that are generally safe there’s much more latitude to be progressive to get at the cutting edge of what we know in science and actually come up with intervention that can make a difference for people at low risk to them so let’s keep moving alright yes no that is not the answer anymore cross it out so what is the answer the answer is that osteoarthritis is caused by a complex holistic process it is systems biology where all your systems are interacting with each other your immune system your joints your brain your gastrointestinal system your hormones your brilliantly complex system of little molecules that are communicating among all of your cells it is astonishing what goes into it we’re gonna touch on that hopefully in a way that won’t explode your brain like it explodes mine.
There’s so much to know about this. It is outrageous, but basically, we still know that mechanical stress is important, right? It puts physical stress on the cartilage, but we know that there’s biochemical and metabolic stress, and we know that excess body fat is an inflammatory organ that produces all sorts of chemistry that drives that metabolic stress on the joint. We know that mental and emotional stress can affect inflammation and that there are immune changes that there are brain signaling changes.
And even more, we will dive into the complex holistic process systems biology backed by ongoing scientific understanding of the gut brain immune interactions brain gut. Immune this is showing up in every field of specialty, whether it is arthritis, medicine, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, or psychiatry. All of the journals are starting to look at gut-brain immune interactions as being drivers of the chronic illnesses that conventional medicine doesn’t know what to do with, and osteoarthritis is no different, right so it is interactions among these things that’ll unpack a little bit that create joint degeneration as we talked about before
So one of the things that is going on in the gut is this process called leaky gut you may have heard that language it also gets called intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability if you look on the left side of this slide you see these cells right this is the inside of your gut and this is the blood vessels running along it right and so here’s where your food moves through here’s where your biome lives all of the trillions of bacteria and viruses and fungi that are normal inhabitants of your gastrointestinal tract and on the left side we’ve got these healthy cells that have something called tight junctions I’m not sure if you can see it that holds the cells together and what it does is makes it so that their intestines are like an incredible filter and all they do is bring fluids and digested food across to the blood vessels where they feed the body where you absorb fluids you absorb nutrients but a variety of different things create this situation called leaky gut or intestinal hyperpermeability where those tight junctions break down and you get little particles from bacteria and partially digested food crossing over that cellular boundary and getting to the blood vessels so besides the blood vessels what have you got wrapped around your gut.
You’ve got a massive immune organ called your gut associated lymphoid tissue or galt doesn’t matter what the name is the point is that you know your gut is like an interface it is like the border of a country and there’s soldiers on the border making sure that the bad guys don’t come across and so that is your immune system surveying your gut and when you get leaky gut you get all this stuff moving across the barrier and creating a systemic inflammatory response the other thing that happens is that you know bacteria in the gut produce this thing called lps or lipopolysaccharide and when that gets into the body well bad stuff happens if you’ve ever heard of someone who got a bloodstream infection where they got really sick that is endotoxemia that is lipopolysaccharide that can cause a massive massive systemic inflammation and kill a person god forbid if it is a really big time you know inoculation of that but when it is just a drip over the course of time it doesn’t make a person super sick like that but what it does do is cause systemic inflammation.
And that is one of the things that leaky gut does, and that is how it contributes to so many different kinds of chronic illness, and so here’s another view of that and what this is doing it is the same thing here’s the inside of your gut here are those nice little cells protecting it as a barrier and here’s that brain-gut connection and this is the vagas nerve has anyone heard of the vagas nerve? It is your big sort of gut affecting relaxation nerve but the vagus nerve can do all sorts of different stuff and when we’ll get into some more detail but basically the body’s responding to perceive danger whether it is biochemical danger environmental danger there’s a war there’s a fire there’s a boss who’s a mean person there’s an ex husband who’s nasty who knows whatever the stressor is but you get changes in the way the brain and the chemicals from the brain work that that can break down and cause leaky gut that can change the ecology of the gut flora just having a chronic stress response and then there’s other things like you know antibiotics and medications and all of that that break down this barrier and it is not just brain gut but there’s other systems that get involved like your hormones nerve function this process called oxidative stress which is like biochemical stress cellular energy the structure of your body detox systems it is super complex biology it is astonishing and it is beautiful and it is awesome when it works and I’m really into helping it work better for people so that is what we’re talking about
Alright, this is a lot of information; I hope it is not overwhelming. Are people having fun? Some people are nodding it is good okay so here’s that whole gut brain immune joint degeneration thing and I’m just sort of spelling out that all this other stuff is involved too we talked already about hormones inflammation oxidative stress but mood behavior diet you know when someone’s under stress and feels crummy and they have pain they tend to eat comfort foods which feed into other problems maybe they are drinking too much alcohol or smoking which create a toxic load on the body maybe they are doing less physical activity and physical activity is so incredibly healthy and important social isolation because of feeling sick of feeling pain not being able to get out and about the stress of social isolation you know if we were to put all of these things in a relationship and they be in a circle and there be like a million arrows and we would lose our minds looking at it but like everything here is everything connected with everything else and that is the brilliance and beauty and complexity of systems biology because we’re learning about all these interconnections with things we’re learning about all these different variables that are influencing our health and our disease processes and that we can mobilize them to lead us towards health as well so, just touching on that here is another key point the gut brain immune interactions that cause osteoarthritis through these other variables like we just talked about are what drives so many different chronic illnesses like chronic pain fibromyalgia abdominal pain fatigue depression anxiety migraine neurodegenerative problems like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, Neuropathy, Dementia, Autoimmune disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto’s, Thyroiditis, other autoimmune diseases and these are drivers of that and that is what we’re seeing throughout the medical literature so this is part of why it is so incredibly important if you have a significant amount of osteoarthritis to also be thinking about okay I need to work on these underlying drivers I need to get my gut healthy, my stress level healthy, my immune system healthy.
The other thing I wanted to add is this piece about autonomic imbalance. We will talk about it more in a second, but basically, that stress response leans towards oh my gosh! There’s danger whether it is perceived or real; the body thinks it is real, and that is one of the drivers that is one of the wheels that put juice behind this whole thing because it creates a danger signal, and that danger signal primes and shifts all of these other systems and it is part of what creates the illness and response that is why I do so much stuff with mind-body stuff because it is all about how do you create safety for your body and safety for yourselves okay so that is a ton of information you weren’t supposed to see this little yellow box just the sunflowers, but here it is just to sum up that there are all these processes of inflammation oxidative stress dysbiosis leaky gut autoimmune imbalance autonomic imbalance and obesity-related inflammation and just to give you a quick understanding I’m gonna run through this a bit but like this is not just my idea okay? For example, if you do a medical on PubMed and you look up arthritis and the microbiome, and this is just 2016 to 2024, first of all, you see how those citations are going up.
This is exploding research. I mean, research is exploding everywhere, but especially in microbiome relationships with so many diseases. It is a thousand papers about arthritis & the microbiome if you look at only osteoarthritis, which, as we talked about, I think got a slower uptake right because people understood well microbiome & inflammation and everyone was thinking, well, osteoarthritis is not inflammatory, right? So it took a while for that to catch up there’s a lot more research in things like psoriatic arthritis in the microbiome or rheumatoid arthritis in the microbiome but there’s a significant body that is growing I found like 120 papers in the past three years on the microbiome and osteoarthritis this is another view of those relationships it is another way to think about it this is from this this tremendous research group at rockefeller university doctor mcewen is a huge like mind body researcher he’s like been a really mover and shaker and these are these different accesses you’ll see in the middle there’s this chronic low grade inflammation and over here it is like the joint brain connection and the inflammatory thing in the middle and he talks about the fatty tissue adipose tissue brain connection the way all those stress chemicals and fatty tissues inflammatory molecules relate to each other and then there’s the gut brain axis like we talked about and then the whole central nervous system you know there’s more and more research about how osteoarthritis is connected to our body clock some of the like the higher centers that like organize the body the daily rhythm the circadian rhythm something called the suprachiasmatic nucleus our sleep cycles all these things are interconnected with these low grade inflammatory processes adiposity and you know whether the body storing fat or mobilizing energy the way the gut works the brain all that kind of stuff so this is big stuff and really big people are looking at it and coming up with awesome science and again in my my view of it is that this is such a big driver of all of it what’s going on between your ears do you feel safe do you feel happy do you feel connected or do you feel disconnected and unsafe and unhappy and we live in a hard world it is really important to pay attention and nurture yourself and care for yourself okay so autonomic imbalance immune dysregulation boom massive amount of interaction cause it is a danger signal right?
The autonomic system is all about whether there is danger or not. The immune system is for defense and repair; when it perceives danger, it goes into attack mode like the autonomic nervous system danger! Danger! Danger! Means inflammation and and maybe you’ve heard about this just what is that autonomic nervous system most you probably know but we got these two branches we’ve got what we call the sympathetic branch which is your fight, flight, freeze response your stress response your get up and go it is what mobilizes you for action and here is the way the sympathetic branch of the actual nerves themselves innovate every organ in your body and the same thing for parasympathetic which is the relaxation response this is recovery repair and heal this is rest and digest and again through your vagus nerve but also your sacral nerves through a whole bunch of different biochemical pathways it is innovating every bit of you so there’s this potential to have balance but for most of us living in our time and for those of us who’ve had difficult stressful experiences or illnesses or trauma that sympathetic response is overactive the fight flight freezes overactive and that is part of what drives so much of this process okay?
So I’m not really into vagal stimulation as a tech thing but just to share with you the importance of your vagus nerve and there’s importance to this autonomic balance thing there are research companies and tech companies that are putting millions and millions of dollars in creating high tech vagal stimulation devices where they implant by neurosurgery a little device in your neck and you wear a little thing like a little you know looks like a pager or cellphone on your belt and it triggers your vagus nerve to fire off and trigger a relaxation response throughout your intestines into your gut gut brain access it turns it on and the reason these companies are spending millions is because the early research of vagal stimulation is astounding what it does that people come in with horrible widespread inflammation throughout their body from rheumatoid arthritis vagal stimulation, it stops them so you know this is a high tech technology that isn’t perfect yet has all sorts of issues but they are trying to work it out
They are making cyborgs you know how it is? They want to do everything. The point is that there’s a pathway between your vagus nerve and certain ganglia and neurotransmitters that are all in your gut that release and block the inflammatory molecule right here with this is tnf-alpha (tumor necrosis factor). It is one of the end effectors, the chemical that drives inflammation and so many of these chronic illnesses, like we’ve been talking about, tumor necrosis factor, and when they do vagal stimulation, it just shuts that down; it turns it off; it turns off the inflammation, and so that is why I keep teaching people how to stimulate your vagus nerve through breathing through mindfulness through attention through spiritual practice because that also works to stimulate the vAgas and it is one of the most powerful things you can do and it is free, it creates a safety signal when you stimulate the vagus nerve and that changes the course of chronic illness okay so this is a crazy complex slide.
There are dozens of articles with researchers mapping out all these zillions of different biochemicals talking to each other and doing things. This is a schematic of the gut and all these things coming from the liver. I’m not going to go into the details of the bottom line: gut microbiome changes cause intestine permeability and breakdown of the barrier that changes the immune system throughout your body. There are dozens and dozens of articles with pictures which show the authors’ particular sort of biases. And a similar one from the same article, right?
It is again the same idea, but what he’s pointing out is that specific changes in the bio cause an increase in joint inflammation. At the same time, they activate immune cells, which are called macrophages, and macrophages, when they are activated, are the attack cells of the immune system, so dysbiosis is a leaky gut immune system attack. Are you hearing how important this is? You need to really get it. Because there’s so much that we can do to shift that okay this is a crazy dark drawing I don’t expect anyone to understand it but it is just another way of organizing the same set of principles that I’ve already talked about it is in an article that is called an integrated view of stressors as causative agents in osteoarthritis pathogenesis from biomodical molecules in 2023 briefly it is talking here about inflammation and cell signaling and oxidation as a core thing that is affecting these other five domains and those five domains are mechanical stress on the joint mitochondrial stress where the mitochondria don’t work and create a sick cell basically DNA damage where the actual process of cellular division get sick and protein stress where proteins don’t work properly as well as metabolic stress from overweight and from too much fatty tissue so again we are reviewing osteoarthritis reviewing and just getting a big picture about the 21st century science which tells us that osteoarthritis is not a wear and tear disease osteoarthritis yeah wear matters and mechanical loading matters there’s a whole set of biochemical and metabolic and biological changes that we can influence with the choices we make about how to live they are out there developing drugs to do this too
But there are lifestyle things, and that is what we’re gonna talk about next, alright, so it is good to see the sea. It is very soothing, and so, just by way of summing all of that up, I’m not gonna read this. We’ve read it so many times, but this is just okay. That is what we talked about so far. If you just came in in the past few minutes, all we did was talk about what causes osteoarthritis, mechanical stress, dysbiosis, leaky gut, immune changes, inflammation, autonomic imbalance, oxidative stress, mitochondrial stress, and metabolic stress from blood sugar control issues and diabetes and metabolic syndrome so that is like a summary of what we’ve done so far and if you want to get the details, there will be a replay.
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Less Pain And Better Outcomes For Osteoarthritis Through Functional Medicine

Check Out Part One Of This Video And Learn The Modern Understanding of Osteoarthritis
Dr. Shiller discusses the importance of healing the gut and addresses the five steps of the healing process.
- Disease starts upstream and rolls downstream over time.
- A comprehensive assessment is done, including functional workup and gut testing.
- Empiric treatments can be used if gut testing is not feasible.
- The five steps in healing the gut are removing bad stuff, replacing missing nutrients, re-inoculating the biome, repairing the gut lining, and rebalancing the brain-gut immune system.
Dr Shiller discusses the benefits of LDN, mind-body care, and the use of curcumin and boswellia for reducing pain and inflammation.
- LDN triggers the body to produce more endorphins and enkephalins, reducing pain and inflammation.
- Mind-body care is important for healing as stress and anxiety can drive disease.
- Curcumin and boswellia are powerful anti-inflammatory substances that block pain and inflammatory pathways.
- It’s important to use high-quality curcumin and boswellia and to ensure that nutritional supplements are regulated and safe.
Pain is a complex process involving various factors such as emotional response, fear avoidance, and biochemical imbalances, and it is important to address all these factors to break the cycle of chronic pain.
- Nature-based treatments can block pain and disease processes.
- Central sensitization can occur in conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy.
- Emotional trauma and stress can contribute to central sensitization.
- Pain avoidance cycle, catastrophizing, and fear avoidance can amplify pain transmission.
- Movement, aerobic exercise, and strength training are important for managing chronic pain and osteoarthritis.
- Mind-body healing and addressing emotional and biological responses are essential for pain management.
Did You Know
- Movement Toward Health is a training program that teaches you skills for transforming your health, reducing pain, improving mood and energy. It opens periodically for new members. You can get more information and join the waitlist here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Learn more here
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
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Full Transcript
Alright, so let’s move along. Let’s think about what to do about osteoarthritis. Cause that is really what matters. This is where the metal hit is the road, or the rubber hit is the road. The pedal hit is the metal. I don’t know. The goals are to reduce pain, improve function, and slower stop the disease process. So we’re gonna do a big picture. And we’re gonna get a view of reducing pain and improving function or slowing the stopping the disease process. And my hope is to produce more content about the details so that you can understand it. So you can do the things that you can do for yourself. Cause it is so important to empower yourself with things that you can do to take care of yourself. I also, you know, a lot of us do this work one on one with people. And I’ll talk to you about that too.
So there’s the old school approach. And the new school approach. Old school is 20th-century medicine. New school is 21st-century medicine. Let’s go forward kadema. So what to do. The conventional approach. We’ve all heard about this. Probably things like analgesic medicines like Tylenol. NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Advice to lose weight. And then injections like steroids and hyaluronic acid, which is kind of like joint fluid. And then there’s physical treatments, mainly exercise, but other modalities and acupuncture. These are things that are all getting lots of use in the past decades. And this is the way I train. This is what I learned to do for people with osteoarthritis. And what I’ve learned subsequently is there are serious issues with some of these things that they are not even putting out there in mainstream stuff. Because the view is like this is the best we’ve got. So we’ll touch on some of those issues in a few moments.
So the problem with conventional approaches. First of all, there’s no evidence that it actually changes the disease process. And there is evidence that it might worsen the disease process. So let’s just unpack that for a second. Okay, so medications. There’s toxicities, right? Everybody knows that Tylenol, if you take too much, can hurt your liver. And too much depends on the person. And if you have other issues that are stressing your liver, other toxication issues, less Tylenol can be toxic. And everyone is not the same. And the conventional assumption is that, well, you can take 2 to 3 grams of Tylenol a day. But I know people who have impaired liver function, I know people who have fatty liver disease, which is an inflammatory chronic low-grade inflammatory disease of the liver. They have less capacity to detoxify stuff. Some people have genetic or nutritional issues that prevent the liver from detoxifying. So sometimes Tylenol can be great but in the right measure. NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen, naproxen, and then all the prescription things like diclofenac and meloxicam. And you’ve probably heard of these things if you are dealing with chronic pain. And there’s the obvious things everybody knows about that they can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, that they can cause problems with the kidneys, that they can worsen cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure and even trigger heart attacks.
But there’s this other thing that not most people don’t know, which is that they can worsen joint inflammation. And you know this data. There’s a couple of things quoted at 2021 study, but there’s things going back longer than that showing that sometimes people who take NSAIDs get worse. One of the things that NSAIDs seem to do is actually drive leaky gut. They break down that gut barrier. So you don’t even have to get to the point of having a gastrointestinal bleed. NSAIDs start to break down the gut barrier. And what happens when the gut barrier breaks down? What happens when there’s lucky gut, leaky gut? What does it cause systemically? Inflammation! Right.
So it is this crazy thing. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause leaky gut, which worsens inflammation. And so there’s a number of studies, and this is back from 1998, Intestinal permeability and inflammation in patients on NSAIDs. They reviewed a bunch of studies. There’s research since then for decades showing that NSAIDs contribute to leaky gut. But it is not showing up in the literature. I just recertified in my field. I had to do a bunch of CME and read all these papers and answer questions. And I read this. That year 2020, like review, one of the professional expert bodies were giving their recommendations, consensus about how to manage osteoarthritis. They talked about NSAIDs, and they didn’t even talk about leaky gut. They didn’t talk about NSAIDs causing systemic inflammation. The most kind of compelling stuff about worsening joint inflammation may have been after they stopped collecting resources for that study, for that meta-analysis. But basically, there’s a few different research studies where they gave NSAIDs to people and then looked at their joints two years later and found worse inflammation and joint space narrowing. The people who had NSAIDs were worse than the people who didn’t. So real issues there.
Okay, so we also have topical NSAIDs, and this is an important thing because there are creams and ointments and gels that are made out of NSAIDs. And we actually know that those are better tolerated. And so if you have bad osteoarthritis and you don’t know what else to do and you are worried about taking something like ibuprofen or naproxen, you can take topical NSAIDs. There’s diclofenac, there’s a bunch of different ones that are topical that don’t get absorbed as much. They don’t seem to bother the gut, and that was shown in a couple of different meta-analyses. The jury is out on whether they contribute to heart disease from what I can tell.
Okay, and then injections and steroids, right. Short term benefit is you give a person who’s got a hot, irritated, swollen osteoarthritic joint, you give them cortisone, they feel better. If they don’t have a hot swollen joint, then they often don’t feel better. And it can actually worsen the joint and it could create more joint space. We’re seeing more research showing that cortical steroid injections, cortisone injections can worsen the process of osteoarthritis. So, I tend to avoid them unless it is an emergency.
Let’s move forward. We have so much to talk about that is actually more interesting. Alright. So then there’s this functional progressive approach. We talked about old school, and then let’s talk about what I’m calling new school because I tend to think progressively. I tend to think, okay, if we’ve got some research and we are doing things that are probably safe cause they are not as invasive, then I’m more willing to take that step and share with people the reality that okay, we might not have as much research as we do with NSAIDs, but we know that NSAIDs cause all these problems and you’ve got pain, you need to walk.
So here are some of the things that research is telling us. Heal the gut, supporting detox pathways, nutrients right. Let’s just touch on this. We know that low magnesium is associated with elevated inflammatory markers. Low magnesium is associated with worse osteoarthritis outcomes. Low vitamin D is associated with worse osteoarthritis outcomes. So, the nutrient status in your body is actually really important, and these things are incredibly inexpensive and easy to take. You need a little support with them. You know B12 and B6 and B1 are so involved in so many different chemical reactions but especially pain transmission and neurotransmitter synthesis. And these are things that are really important to pain.
There’s this big category of chemicals that are called polyphenols. And polyphenols come from plants. They are colorful molecules, the things that give blueberries and raspberries and celery and spinach and other living green things. The things that nature, God, evolution, whatever you want to call it, made for us to use and eat and enjoy are profoundly disease preventing and anti-disease. They are antioxidants, and they reduce inflammation, reduce pain. We will talk about that in more detail. There’s something called LDN or low dose naltrexone which I use a lot for people who have chronic pain. And exercise is really important. Movement is medicine. There’s something called microcurrent, and I’ve been consulting with a company that created a microcurrent device. Really tiny electrocurrent electrical currents that actually reduce inflammation in a profound way. They reduce cellular stress. They enhance mitochondrial production. So this thing, this stuff is up and coming. There’s gonna be physics-based devices, what are electromagnetic, that they are gonna do amazing things to your body. If you are of the age where you ever saw Star trek and like you know Bones McCoy would come along and go you know and do this little thing on people and they would get better. Like we’re heading in that direction. I think in the decades and 100 years to come we’re gonna look back and think, oh my gosh, we used chemistry that was so dumb. Like physics is so much better. Gentle electromagnetic fields. Light. You know these things actually have physiologic effects and changes.
So keep an eye on all that. We should know that, in the eyes of conventional medicine, all this stuff is experimental. Cause we’ve got either a little bit of research or no research. But again, it is a different rationale. I don’t have a slide of this, but one of my mentors decades ago painted the picture of a lever, right? Like with a fulcrum and a lever on it, right? And if you are pressing really close to the fulcrum and you are trying to lift a load, you have to press really hard. Like if you are on a seesaw and you get really close to the hinge, you have to be really heavy to lift the other person. And that is kind of what a lot of interventional invasive things are. They are not utilizing the complexity of the biological system. So they have to hit hard, and that is where you get side effects. And on the other hand, a lot of natural approaches and products are using the complexity and the intelligence of the organism. So it is less force, it is less intensity. You are working with the system and its inherent intelligence. And that is why maybe they are more safe, and we will hear about that when it comes to polyphenols in a moment. So stay tuned.
Hope you all are doing okay. People are asking great practical questions. How much B vitamins? What form? Oh my gosh, it is wonderful. It has got to be a whole other talk, Sandy. Thank you. I appreciate you asking. It is a great question. Alright!
So treating the gut neutral, we already did this. The same slide, okay? So what do I do in my practice? First of all, what I want to say is sometimes the conventional approach is faster and more appropriate. I don’t like to use oral NSAIDs, but if I’m working with a young person who’s got a really hot situation, sometimes a week or 10 days of NSAIDs is okay. You take precautions, you give them stuff that helps protect the gut. It is like using antibiotics. I like not to do that, but if I have to, okay. Then let’s replace the biome and support the body’s natural health. So again, I tend towards topical instead of systemic because the topical ones have less side effects, especially towards this whole biology of gut-brain axis and all of that.
Steroid injections, you know, somebody came to me about a year ago and she had really bad arthritis for the knee. And she was having a flare-up, and her daughter was getting married in three days. And she wanted to have a good time. And, like curcumin is not gonna help your joint, and neither is LDN in three days. So I gave her a steroid injection, and her joint was better in 12 hours. And she had a great time at her daughter’s wedding. I think that is a good use of the steroid injection, and so did she. You know, on a similar note, I used to work in rehab a lot. So, somebody has a fall or an injury, whatever it is, and it is pretty common that stressor flares up their arthritis. And they are in the hospital and they come to rehab, and they are in a subacute rehab facility, and their arthritis is flared up. And if they can’t demonstrate progress in their ambulation, the insurance company is gonna cut them off and send them to a nursing home, God forbid. So, in a situation like that, knee needs to be better now or tomorrow so that this person can actually get up and walk and strengthen themselves after the stroke and go home and not get stuck in a nursing home. So you know, it is contextual, it is situational. So I try to treat the patient and not be dogmatic about it. And I encourage you to think that way too, and you know, whatever in your conversations with your doctors.
Some people do great with opioids for osteoarthritis. I’m not a big fan, but some people come to me and they say if I take one tramadol in the morning, I’m up and going and I feel great and I have been doing it for 10 years. Can you prescribe it for me? Sure, why not? It is working. In the meantime, let’s try some other things. Maybe we can get your system healthier and you won’t need it. And if they are open to that, great. But if not, I try to be a good gas station attendant. Somebody wants gas, I give them gas. If they want oil, I give them oil. I try to convince them and explain to them to use the right gas and right oil. Let’s keep going. What else is alright? This whole process of disease that we want to change? We talked about this before for the late arrivals. Welcome gut-brain immune axis joint, you know, sickness of osteoarthritis. That same process is driving a lot of other chronic illnesses and it is important to address that. A lot of people come to me cause they want that deeper underlying approach. And just so you know, I do this by telemedicine. I work through Rose Wellness which is why this whole thing is called Rose Wellness, right? It is a company in America that lets me practice in a number of different states where I’m licensed. And I also do it where I live in Israel. And so part of it can be like okay, I’ve got osteoarthritis, what do we do about pain and helping me deal with it so I can function? Great. But then there’s this underlying reality of the underlying biological imbalances that we’ve been talking about this whole time that are driving not only arthritis but potentially driving other chronic illnesses that can have horrible effects over time. So, I like to think about all of that. So I do a really comprehensive assessment. We spend like 60 to 90 minutes.
It is a functional medicine approach. It is time-intensive, right? I want to know how widespread are the joint issues. Somebody who’s got one joint that is bothered and hot might benefit from a very different approach than someone who’s got six or seven joints that are hot or back arthritis and in two knees. And it, you know, it really depends on the context and how bad things are and what’s needed in the short term to help them get going, to help them get physically active because physical activity shifts so much to this other milieu of complex systems biology. And then what’s the individual sort of a biological picture based on their history, their symptom inventory, and their conventional labs? What’s going on in the gut, mind, body, stress? Is there trauma, a lot of anxiety, immune stuff going on, oxidative stress? These things leave clues. They show up in the history, they show up in systems that, whether it is psychological cognitive symptoms versus skin symptoms versus, you know, gut stuff. Like I do a really broad look and that triangulates back and lets me know a little bit, but what’s going on here.
So my approach, what I’m aiming to do and what functional medicine is about, and this is why I work with Rose Wellness ’cause they are really into this stuff, but basically, this is another way of mapping out all the things I talked about, all these different variables: digestion, the immune system, energy production, detoxification, cardiovascular signaling molecules. But like disease is a stream rolling down stream. Things start upstream and they roll downstream over time. And what we want to do is try to start rolling the stream backward. We want to do the things that counteract and turn off the processes that create the illness experience.
Okay, so what do we do after we do that comprehensive assessment? First of all, we think about a functional workup because there are tests that we can do to really characterize what’s going on in the gut, right? There’s a test that I do, The Biome, that tells me is there a balance in the biome? Are there inflammatory nasty bacteria that tend to cause inflammation? Are there yeast that tend to cause inflammation? It gives variables about the actual immune system in the gut and something and some of the molecules that show up in the gut when there’s an overactive or out-of-balance immune system. It looks at pancreatic enzymes, and most importantly, it looks at something called zonulin in the stool. And zonulin is one of the markers that go up when someone has a leaky gut. And some people come to me, and their zonulin is pinned; it is red; it is like, whoa, big-time leaky gut.
Somebody came to me after 15 years of horrible pain, completely dysfunctional. She’s only 22 years old, miserable, unable to do almost anything. And all of the normal markers were fine, and we did this gut test. She had gluten testing by the blood, which we know isn’t sensitive. There are lots of different molecules that gluten can cross-react with and cause inflammation systemically and cause leaky gut besides the ones they test for, which were designed to look for celiac disease. And so in the testing we did in that stool, we saw this massive anti-gliadin antibody, which is one of the gluten antibodies, and massive inflammatory markers. And she’s miserable, and we just stopped gluten for three weeks, and she was like, “Oh my gosh, it is life-changing.” And that is from a stool test. But they don’t do it in conventional clinics, but they do do it. So not everybody wants to do that, not everyone can afford to do that. So sometimes we just do empiric treatments, things to address pain, inflammation, oxidative stress, gut health, nutrients, all the things we’ve been talking about. These are things that we can do to address them. So how do we heal the gut?
First of all, alright, yeah, we want to heal the gut to get out all those diseases. And I use an approach that is called 5 R’s. These are the five things we want to remove – the bad stuff, meaning foods to which a person might be sensitive, meaning toxic bacteria or fungi or viruses. We want to replace missing stuff like nutrients that might be depleted. We want to reinoculate the biome and create a healthy biome. We want to repair the gut lining. And we want to rebalance the brain-gut immune system. Those are the big picture things, and there’s lots of details, and I’m gonna give a big picture idea of what those details are. But that is the general process we try to do, and that is how we heal the gut, and that is how we turn off that fire coming from the intestines, driving systemic inflammation and a lot of these other issues.
Okay, I hope you all still with me. So, healing the gut, dealing with all of these different biological imbalances that are part of that sick intestinal and brain-gut immune system. Okay, so let’s get into this. So here we are, and we want to heal the gut, we want to address the biome, we want to address the inflammation in the gut. We all know about probiotics, and we might not all know about prebiotics and postbiotics. Cause basically, what do all those healthy bacteria in the gut eat? They eat fiber. They eat digestible and non-digestible fiber. And that is why fiber supplements are so important.
There’s something like called beta-glucan, which is a fiber-like, but it is produced by various kinds of mushrooms and fungus. Profoundly anti-inflammatory. Healthy bacteria digest it. It builds the healthy bacteria. And then they produce post products biotics. The most well-known, well-mapped things are some things called short-chain fatty acids. And there’s something called Butyrate, or butanoic acid or butyric acid, which you can actually get as a supplement. It is really cheap. And not only does it reduce intestinal inflammation, but it helps rebuild the gut barrier. And so when I’m thinking about healing the gut, yeah, these things are biome-oriented, but they are also prebiotic postbiotic, like shifting overall biochemistry and shifting the products that the bacteria in the gut are producing, which are great for the gut, healing the gut, and healing the system as a whole.
I just want to step back for a second cause I wanted just to share a thing that I’ve heard a lot from a lot of people. And maybe this applies to you or somebody you knew, but I’ve listed five things – removing the bad stuff, replacing missing stuff, re-inoculating, repairing the gut lining, rebalancing the brain-gut immune system. I can’t tell you how many people have come to me and said, “I don’t think the problem is in my gut cause I stopped gluten and I still have the problem or I stop dairy or whatever it is.” That is a good move, right? Because many people are sensitive to gluten or dairy or refined sugar. And there’s certain things that I recommend people do initially, if they are sick, to do an elimination diet for like four weeks where you stop all of that stuff and see how you feel. And if you feel better, you gradually add those things back in, and you see what’s triggering you.
So it doesn’t mean being deprived for your whole life. But what it does mean is doing due diligence and initial effort to discover things that might be poisoning your gastrointestinal tract, driving inflammation and breakdown. And if you stop those things, and you can’t kind of stop them, you know like one of my patients came back after 5 weeks. “Oh, I did the gluten-free diet. It didn’t help.” “Oh, interesting. So you didn’t have any gluten?” “Well, I had a little gluten.” “What do you mean?” “Well, I had a piece of toast in the morning, but I didn’t have all the gluten I was eating all day long.” “Like great. That is less gluten, but that is not gluten-free. If you are sitting at a campfire with your friends and you stop putting wood on the fire, and the fire is burning down, but then someone puts a piece of wood on the fire, it comes back up, and then, like, it goes down, and then they put another. You are keeping the fire going.
And you need to let the fire go out. And typically, we recommend doing that for four or five weeks. So that is really important. But that is not enough. All that is is exploring whether there are food substances that are triggering your gut, and that is huge. But that hasn’t told you whether or not you got dysbiosis, and it hasn’t done anything to address nutrients you might be missing cause of leaky gut and a broken-down gut lining. You haven’t reinoculated the biome. You haven’t taken the stuff to help repair the gut lining. There’s a rich literature about people with celiac disease who get conventional care, which says stop this, the gluten, and they do that. But so many of them continue to be sick, and so many of them continue to have endoscopic findings of a non-healthy gut for years cause they are not doing the rest of this stuff. Cause this is 21st-century medicine, and they are in 20th-century medicine. They are just stopping the gluten.
More and more stuff is coming out about the role of this stuff. More and more we’re learning about pre- and probiotic fibers and substances. We’re learning about nutrients that heal the leaky gut. L-glutamine is a nutrient for intestinal cells. It is an amino acid. It is cheap; it is in powders, and it is in capsules.
First of all, all right, yeah. We want to heal the gut to get out all those diseases. And I use an approach that is called 5 R’s. These are the five things we want to remove: the bad stuff, meaning foods to which a person might be sensitive; toxic bacteria, fungi, or viruses. We want to replace missing stuff like nutrients that might be depleted. We want to reinoculate the biome and create a healthy biome. We want to repair the gut lining. And we want to rebalance the brain-gut immune system. Those are the big picture things. And there’s lots of details, and I’m gonna give a big picture idea of what those details are. But that is the general process we try to do, and that is how we heal the gut. And that is how we turn off that fire coming from the intestines, driving systemic inflammation and a lot of these other issues. Okay, I hope you all still with me.
So, healing the gut, dealing with all of these different biological imbalances that are part of that sick intestinal and brain-gut immune system. Okay, so let’s get into this. So here we are, and we want to heal the gut. We want to address the biome. We want to address the inflammation in the gut. We all know about probiotics, and we might not all know about prebiotics and postbiotics. ‘Cause basically, what do all those healthy bacteria in the gut eat? They eat fiber. They eat digestible and non-digestible fiber. And that is why fiber supplements are so important. There’s something like called beta-glucan, which is a fiber-like but is produced by various kinds of mushrooms and fungus. Profoundly anti-inflammatory. Healthy bacteria digest it. It builds the healthy bacteria, and then they produce post-products biotics. The most well-known, well-mapped things are some things called short-chain fatty acids. And there’s something called butyrate or butanoic acid or butyric acid, which you can actually get as a supplement. It is really cheap. And not only does it reduce intestinal inflammation, but it helps rebuild the gut barrier. And so when I’m thinking about healing the gut, yeah, these things are biome-oriented, but they are also prebiotic postbiotic like shifting overall biochemistry and shifting the products that the bacteria in the gut are producing, which are great for the gut, healing the gut, and healing the system as a whole.
I just want to step back for a second because I wanted just to share a thing that I’ve heard a lot from a lot of people. And maybe this applies to you or somebody you knew, but I’ve listed five things: removing the bad stuff, replacing missing stuff, re-inoculating, repairing the gut lining, rebalancing the brain-gut immune system. I can’t tell you how many people have come to me and said, “I don’t think the problem is in my gut because I stopped gluten and I still have the problem.” Or I stop dairy or whatever it is. That is a good move, right? Because many people are sensitive to gluten or dairy or refined sugar. And there’s certain things that I recommend people do initially if they are sick: to do an elimination diet for like four weeks where you stop all of that stuff and see how you feel. And if you feel better, you gradually add those things back in and you see what’s triggering you. So it doesn’t mean being deprived for your whole life, but what it does mean is doing due diligence and initial effort to discover things that might be poisoning your gastrointestinal tract, driving inflammation and breakdown. And if you stop those things and you can’t kind of stop them.
You know, like one of my patients came back after 5 weeks. “Oh, I did the gluten-free diet. It didn’t help.” “Oh, interesting. So you didn’t have any gluten?” “Well, I had a little gluten.” “What do you mean?” “Well, I had a piece of toast in the morning, but I didn’t have all the gluten I was eating all day long.” “Like great. That is less gluten, but that is not gluten-free. If you are sitting at a campfire with your friends and you stop putting wood on the fire, and the fire is burning down, but then someone puts a piece of wood on the fire, it comes back up, and then, like, it goes down, and then they put another. You are keeping the fire going. And you need to let the fire go out. And typically, we recommend doing that for four or five weeks. So that is really important. But that is not enough. All that is is exploring whether there are food substances that are triggering your gut, and that is huge. But that hasn’t told you whether or not you got dysbiosis, and it hasn’t done anything to address nutrients you might be missing cause of leaky gut and a broken-down gut lining. You haven’t reinoculated the biome. You haven’t taken the stuff to help repair the gut lining.
There’s a rich literature about people with celiac disease who get conventional care, which says stop this, the gluten, and they do that. But so many of them continue to be sick, and so many of them continue to have endoscopic findings of a non-healthy gut for years cause they are not doing the rest of this stuff. Cause this is 21st-century medicine, and they are in 20th-century medicine. They are just stopping the gluten. More and more stuff is coming out about the role of this stuff. More and more we’re learning about pre- and probiotic fibers and substances. We’re learning about nutrients that heal the leaky gut. L-glutamine is a nutrient for intestinal cells. It is an amino acid. It is cheap; it is in powders, and it is in capsules.
There are other things I give along with that frequently, like aloe or marshmallow root and a few other things that help kind of the not just the cells, the lining of the cells, but the cells that produce the mucus layer. Butyrate is the other thing; vitamin D is really important. Omega-3 fatty acids are part of that gut lining membrane and really important. They are anti-inflammatory, and like the butyrate I spoke about, postbiotic fiber, which I didn’t put in here (and it is really a mistake), is anti-inflammatory polyphenols. I’m gonna talk more about them in a minute. But examples of that are things like curcumin, berberine, and quercetin. And depending on what’s going on for the person, depending on their clinical picture, one or more of those things might be more appropriate than others. There’s a lot of polyphenols we want to think about.
Immune function, this is the place where LDN can be really incredibly powerful. LDN, in case you haven’t heard of it, is an orphan drug. The parent drug is an opioid blocker that is used for people who have substance abuse issues to block the action of the drugs they might take. When you use LDN in very low doses, like 20th or 50th of what’s used for addiction issues, what happens is it shuts down the opioid receptors for a few hours, and the body says, “Hey, I need more endorphins and enkephalins.” The body produces more of its naturally occurring pain-blocking, inflammation-blocking chemicals. So, you are triggering the body to have a more robust responsive endorphins and enkephalins. For many people, that does an incredible thing in terms of reducing digestive system symptoms, reducing pain, reducing inflammation. There’s a lot of preliminary research. LDN is one of those drugs that is never gonna get big research because it is generic, doesn’t cost anything. So there’s no company that is gonna spend $50 million to do a full set of trials and get FDA approval for LDN. It is not gonna happen anyhow. Works great for a lot of people.
Mind-body care, we talked about how danger signaling ubiquitously at the level of the cells, the level of the organism, perceived danger, stress, anxiety. You can do all this great biochemical stuff, but if you are walking around in a stress phenotype and an anxiety phenotype and a post-trauma phenotype, you are probably not gonna heal because that is probably driving your disease in a huge way, whether it is osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia or fatigue or any other number of chronic illnesses. Okay, so we want all that stuff to go away. What else?
Some practical details: we talked about the LDN a little bit. Again, this is an off-label use, a compounded drug that you get at compounded pharmacies. Very good safety profile. It has to be customized to the person so that the dose is right for the person. A lot of doctors out there just want to throw it at people and don’t titrate it properly, and that is no good. Curcumin comes from the turmeric; it is the spice of turmeric. But you really probably can’t get enough eating turmeric unless you are eating a huge amount of turmeric. But curcumin, 500mg to 1,000 mg twice daily, is a powerful anti-inflammatory. And I think I got some slides talking about it. Basically, curcumin, boswellia, some of these other polyphenols. Boswellia is also frankincense, and boswellia is another herb, another plant-based substance that comes from a root. And basically, not only does it aid in pain blocking, but it blocks a lot of those inflammatory pathways that we were talking about. They are looking at curcumin and, like, I think I’ll show it to you later in a minute.
There’s other things I’m not gonna get into dosing on this. What I should do is give a whole talk on these things and get into details because there’s particulars and details. You got ta use the right curcumin and the right boswellia ‘ because there’s a lot of junk out there. I don’t have a slide on this, but like, there have been studies for decades showing that unregulated nutritional supplements very often don’t have what’s in the bottle, don’t have what’s on the label. Actual capsules don’t have what’s on the label. There’s also evidence showing that they frequently are produced in ways that aren’t safe. So you really need to get things that have good manufacturing processes where a third party has reviewed it, and you want some evidence that what’s on the label is what’s in the capsule. So I want to talk about all that more detail on another talk because we can’t cover it all here.
But these are some of the things that I use depending on the person. A lot of people have heard about glucosamine. Glucosamine got some interesting press a bunch of years ago because of the GAIT study, which is this huge randomized control trial with lots of people. It was the biggest, supposedly best study of glucosamine. But they used a different kind of glucosamine than what had been used in all of the previous studies. They used glucosamine hydrochloride, which is not glucosamine sulfate. And it was just an assumption that, like, well, it doesn’t matter if it is sulfate or hydrochloride.
That paper that I mentioned, that review paper that I had to study and do answer all these questions to recertify recently, it actually commented in there, “We didn’t review glucosamine because the GAIT study gave such negative results. And based on a meta-analysis, we didn’t see. But you take a huge study and you put it together with a lot of smaller studies, and if the huge study is done wrong, it is gonna make all those smaller studies look like there’s nothing really happening there.” That is what happened with the initial meta-analysis after the GAIT study. More recent meta-analyses have shown, actually, no, there does seem to be some benefit, and there’s potential reasons why.
That paper that I mentioned, which is this expert panel that reviewed it, they actually said, “We can’t think of a reason why glucosamine hydrochloride wouldn’t work as well as glucosamine sulfate.” So we’re assuming that the issue is with glucosamine and not the kind of glucosamine. To hear that kind of twisted logic was very disappointing. I was very disappointed in my colleagues.
In any event, omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils, the most common source. Some people get it in green-lipped mussels, and some people get it in vegetarian sources that are grown from algae. Like, where do the fish get the omega-3s? It grows in algae. It gets eaten by little organisms, and the fish eat the organisms. That is why fish have omega-3 fatty acids. You need 1 to 2 grams a day. If you look at most fish oils, they’ll have like total omega-3s, and they’ll have EPA and DHA marked separately. What you want is 1 to 2 grams of EPA/DHA, not just the overall omega-3s because the body has to produce the ones that are really anti-inflammatory, and these are the ones that have the most data supporting their anti-inflammatory effects.
I was listening to some other research lately about how EPA and DHA help the person maintain muscle mass as they get older, and that is a really huge thing because muscle is metabolically active. There is a practice in Europe that is muscle-centric medicine. There’s a lot more research coming out about how physical exercise, using your muscles, reduces inflammation, shifts all this sort of oxidative stress stuff. It is a really huge thing. So maintaining muscle mass is incredibly important, and omega-3 is showing up as something that seems to help maintain muscle mass too.
Let’s move further, treating pain and inflammation and oxidative stress. We mentioned magnesium, vitamin D, B complex – very important things. And here is a meta-analysis and a systematic review of curcumin. They looked at 1,621 people and did better with pain control. Did as well as NSAIDs without as much side effects. The key thing is you need to use curcumin for three months, but it seems like it works as well as NSAIDs if you get a good quality curcumin, if you take enough, and you take it for 3 months. So it is a reasonable substitute for persons who’ve got osteoarthritis or are dependent on whatever NSAID. It is a reasonable thing to switch, and I do this a lot with people.
Polyphenols, like we talked about, eating the rainbow, all the colorful foods. In nature, this is a reviewed article entitled “Dietary Interventions with Polyphenols in Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review Directed from the Practical Data and Clinical Studies and Nutrients.” And I got to get closer to this to see it, and maybe you do too, so forgive me for my face getting out of it. But basically, what they find with polyphenols, lots of different colored foods first of all – anti-inflammatory effects like we talked about, anti-pain effects, blocking pain, reducing oxidative stress, and working on signal pathways and anti-aging catabolic pathways. Kind of hard to explain that, but the point is nature’s bounty, the colorful foods that are so important to consider in quantity and build into your diet. We’ve got all this research out there looking at plant-based diets and how much better they are than meat-based diets, and everyone’s assumption is meat is bad for you, and it can be. I’m not knocking that research as a whole, but when you look at something like that, you have to realize, well, eating more plant-based foods does all sorts of amazing stuff to reduce the things that are driving chronic illness, like I spoke about in the earlier part of this talk.
There’s a whole set of biological processes – inflammation, oxidative stress, signaling DNA changes, mutations – that are drivers of osteoarthritis and chronic illness. Polyphenols, colored plant and fruit-based substances, are turning those processes down and moving them towards a healthy direction. So, polyphenols are powerhouses of nutrient for so many reasons.
This is a huge amount of information, but this is another systematic review and meta-analysis of curcumin, basically supporting the idea about all the pharmacologic things that curcumin does – blocking molecules involved in driving inflammation inside of the cell, inhibiting oxidation by removing free radicals, promoting cartilage repair by affecting a whole bunch of different proteins living inside your joint. So, it is not just about inhibiting pain; it is about actually changing the process of disease. Like we talked at the beginning, there’s 20th-century medicine, which is all about palliation, and let’s block your pain and hope you don’t need a joint replacement. And now we’ve got these substances that we’re starting to measure in such an unbelievable way that are nature-based, available, being produced, being refined about how to deliver them, how to absorb them better. And not only do they block pain, but they block the process that drives the disease process. So that is really cool, and I’m really excited about that. And I don’t even own stock in curcumin; I just think it is great.
Okay, so blocking pain, we kind of talked about that, yeah. I’m gonna run through a few things. We’ve been at this for a little more than an hour, and I think somebody else needs to use the Zoom soon. So, I’m gonna just kind of deck, deck, deck, move through. Can you spell butyric acid? B-U-T-Y-R-I-C. Pain is not like a light switch. You’ve got an incredibly complex pain transmission pathway. It is full of these processing states in your spinal cord and your brain before it gets to the part of your brain that says “ow.” And there are amplifiers in your spine and your brain, and those amplifiers can get turned up. We call that process central sensitization, and we know that it happens in osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and a whole bunch of different things. We suspect that part of it has to do with those attack macrophages.
We spoke about central sensitization, but it can come from stress, inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. This is why it is really important if you have chronic pain to look at all those things carefully. That is a big part of what I do when I consult with people. It is like, let’s cover the bases. What are all the things that can cause central sensitization? Let’s see the things that we can change, check off, and shift. Let’s unpeel off the layers of things that can drive this central sensitization process. We talked about the autonomic nervous system, and just reviewing that is a big driver of central sensitization. So many people I know who have come to me miserable with chronic pain, and they dealt with their trauma, and their pain got a lot better. It is not to say that everybody who has pain is just from trauma, but if a lot of it is, and many of you may have heard of John Sarno’s work. Doctor Sarno’s approach, it is a systematic approach that a lot of docs do, and a lot of laypeople teach other people to really get at the emotional layers, writing exercises, identifying sharp, hard emotions, because that turns off that autonomic nervous system imbalance, and it also corrects a lot of brain chemistry and neuropeptides and signal molecules that may be holding an emotional response that is contributing to a pain response.
Moving forward, pain reactivity and disability. This is a huge thing for any chronic pain problem. Here is the cycle: the pain experience, for some people, creates what we call the pain avoidance cycle. Pain catastrophizing – “Oh my gosh, I’ve got pain, I can’t do anything, this is never gonna get better, it is a disaster, I’m gonna be a wreck, forget about it.” All those thought patterns that get triggered, that is part of that stress response, part of chronic anxiety. And this is not to shame or blame anybody but to recognize that that is a big driver of the cycle, and catastrophizing is one of the things that turns up the volume on pain transmission. This has been demonstrated in functional MRI scans – really important thing.
Okay, so pain-related fear, avoidance, and hypervigilance. A lot of people have pain, are guarding their joint, they don’t want to move. I see this in my practice every week with people who’ve had the injury, they’ve had the surgery, they are having pain that persists, and no one knows why. The orthopedic surgeon says everything’s fine. Part of what’s going on is they are holding their body, and it is not on purpose, it is a reflexive thing. You add some anxiety into it, it makes it worse. You add some biochemical imbalances – B12 deficiency, other different things that can make the neurologic system more irritable, magnesium deficiency – you get more of that, and that creates a secondary source of pain.
So it is really important to think about these things, including in osteoarthritis, and that process of not using the limb, not using the body part, leading to disuse, depression, disability, which feeds that whole catastrophizing pain experience. And the way out is to break through the fear, and you got to find whatever way you can find – whether it means getting psychological support, doing some Sarno work online, finding your best friend to scream at you if that works for you, getting up and moving, figuring out if it is pain that is dangerous or not. Most chronic pain is not dangerous, but the body doesn’t know that. The fear response to the body doesn’t know that, and when your fear response, your body thinks that your pain is dangerous, it feeds that vicious cycle of biology and neurochemistry and inflammation and all of that and feeds into the sickness of chronic pain. So breaking out of that, confronting it, moving forward, recovering – huge, huge thing. Sometimes you need support, sometimes you need a great physical therapist or a mental/emotional therapist.
This is just mapping it out again, we already kind of talked about it, so you know I’m not gonna talk this through because we don’t have so much time. But like that is how it works. I see this hundreds and hundreds of times where all these biochemical imbalances and metabolic balances we talked about sensitize the nervous system, create this whole distressing suffering experience, feeds it all, and feeds into fear avoidance. This is chronic pain syndrome, and getting it addressed is hugely important.
And this is what I’ve been doing for over 20 years. You need to see someone who really knows pain, who can help you out of it if you’ve fallen into this cycle. Stuff you do for yourself – strengthen coordination. I love gentle, mindful movement for chronic pain because it is gentle, and you are stimulating the relaxation response while you are strengthening the body. So tai chi, qigong, yoga, Pilates, whatever it is. There’s a lot of different approaches, there’s all sorts of great techniques for retraining the body to move freely. If you have chronic pain, osteoarthritis, I went to China many years ago when I was in medical school, and you go to any park early in the morning, you got all these elderly people moving and doing tai chi. It is like the national pastime, and part of it has to do with the effect on the joints and moving the joints to the full range of motion.
We got a bunch of people here who are in my movement towards health, tai chi, qigong-based class. You guys want to speak up and tell – no, I’m just kidding, but it is really good stuff. Aerobic exercise is good if you can do it. Strength training is really good if you can do it. The muscles of the joint need to be strong. That is the piece we haven’t really talked about, but one of the things is that in osteoarthritis, the loss of joint position sense and coordination happens before the joint breaks down. Crazy, right? That is one of the things doctors aren’t often thinking about.
So the basic idea is that the deconditioning and the loss of the neuromuscular intelligence of the joint are part of what contributes to the generative process. So it is really important to think about that movement is medicine. It generates hormones, reduces inflammation, signals molecules, helps you sleep, reduces pain, and releases neurotransmitters. Have I said this enough? So important to find a way. I’m gonna do another talk about osteoarthritis and movement training. I’m gonna do another talk about osteoarthritis and polyphenols. We’ll get into some more of the details here. I know this is a superficial overview, but I wanted to give you the big picture.
What else? Mind-body healing. So many different layers to that. Relaxation response, mindfulness. We don’t have time to really talk about this, but it is a whole area of self-healing through the mind-body system and the intelligence of your own consciousness. I’m not gonna go down this road and talk about these things in detail. I want to leave a little time for Q&A. These are some of the processes that people go through as they are healing inside, healing the deeper layers of your being. I know a lot of people who had trauma or difficult experiences and they get CBT, which is mainly about functioning, kind of behavioral therapy. But they are never working on that heart-centered or body-centered nervous system. The stress response is in the body, and you can get your thoughts in shape, and that can help you a lot. But until you meet the hyper-vigilant emotional responses and hyper-vigilant biological responses and transform them and rewire them, then they are gonna continue, and they’ll continue to drive disease. And there are safe, proven things to do that, and it is worth a whole talk. It is really worth it.
Okay, great. So, I think that is the end, folks. Thanks for staying so long. I had no idea how long this is gonna be. I hope it was fun for you.
Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
6 Things That Most Doctors Miss, Which Worsen Pain and Prevent Healing, Part1

This is part 1 of a two-part video.
One of my readers wrote in: “Hey Doc, I’ve been doing all the things they taught me in rehab to recover after my accident and surgery. Pacing myself. Doing the exercises. I’ve progressed, but I’m stuck. I still have significant pain and my regular doctor has nothing to offer except drugs that mess up my head. And I haven’t been able to increase my exercise tolerance enough so I’m still limited in function. Why is that happening?” It’s a great question and I’ve heard variations of it over the years. Many people just get “stuck” with persistent pain or fatigue or weakness. And the conventional approaches often don’t have a solution. Based on a few decades of integrating natural healing methods into medical and rehabilitative care, I have often been able to help people who “tried everything”. Because they didn’t really try everything. They just did the conventional stuff. The key to success has been to look for and address the six things that I talk about in this video. So please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks Andrew David Shiller, MDDid You Know:
- Movement Toward Health is a training program that teaches you skills for transforming your health, reducing pain, improving mood and energy. It opens periodically for new members. You can get more information and join the waitlist here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Learn more here
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
Related Posts:
- How to unlearn the mind-body patterns that create chronic pain and illness.
- Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? Empower Your Healing.
- Life-changing stuff most doctors don’t tell you about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic illness.
- LDN can be great. But here’s why it is not a miracle cure for pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Full Transcript:
Hey, it’s Dr. Shiller we’re talking today about the six things that can worsen pain and lead to disability and um, and slow the healing and recovery process. And it’s really important to check this out cuz this is not typical stuff you’re going to hear from conventional medicine. It’s not typically treatable with drugs and procedures, but it is treatable and fixable and healable through things that you can learn to do for yourself.
So these are game changing principles that have completely shifted things for so many of the people who have come to me with the, with that situation of I’m still suffering and I tried everything. Well, like, no, you didn’t try every, everything. These are things you didn’t try. Let’s do that. And in many, many, many cases, profound difference.
So let’s open this up. Let’s talk about it. . And so I first want to talk about, well, how does that process happen? What worsens it? Why is it that things tend to snowball after injury or illness and get worse and worse? And that leads to the clarity about like, okay, so what do we do about this to help you get better?
And so a little background of what I bring to this conversation. I trained in physical medicine, which is also called physiatry, pain management, internal medicine at some of the top places in the United States, and have worked in integrative rehabilitation medicine and pain management for over 20 years.
And so I’ve seen literally thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people who’ve had persistent challenging problems. alongside with my formal training, I did decades of training and clinical practice and teaching in what you might call complimentary or natural healing. So I developed this broader perspective than what they taught me at at Duke University in Harvard Medical School, and that’s, let me see, the things that conventional medicine over often overlooks.
which are really important to the recovery process and in my experience, that has been what has enabled me to frequently help people who are kind of stuck in that I’ve tried everything and I can’t get better place. And so my experience is mirrored in that of many of my colleagues who I’ve spoken with and who I’ve trained with, where when we bring these new perspectives, then there’s frequently dramatic results.
Frequently the patients who are stuck and not getting better are suddenly getting a whole lot better in feeling better. So it’s extraordinarily like a privilege and gratifying to be like, wow, this is actually. and helping means that person who was stuck in suffering with pain, inability to do stuff, brain fog, various kinds of symptoms, is now feeling better and able to function better.
And I want to be clear that this is not alternative, and this is not antagonistic to conventional medicine. It’s broadening the model. It’s understanding things more fundamentally, more systemically, more holistically, but not in the flaky. Like a grounded scientific way of understanding, well, what is your biology?
What is your mind body system? How does it function? How does it get out of function? So we’re gonna share six things that. Worsen pain and disability and prevent and block the healing process. We’re gonna share an overview of that and then in other videos I’m gonna drill down into those so you can get the detail and understand them more comprehensively.
But I really want you to have the big picture. This is probably gonna be two videos so that it’s more easily digestible. And so I really want you to plug into this whole learning series if this is a topic that seems important to you. So I want to tell you how to get access to it because I’ve set up a program that’s called Movement Towards Health, and it’s really about a training program.
It gives you skills for transforming the biology of pain and suffering and disability to the biology and the psychology of wellbeing and recovery. Um, and. , there’s a wait list for that program. It opens up periodically. My suggestion is get on that wait list because what will happen is you’ll get notifications about as these videos come out, so you can watch them.
There’s also a place in there where you can binge watch them all at once, once they’re all in place. Um, and you’ll also get notification about the program and more information about it. You might find it interesting and you might want to join. If you don’t, it’s fine. Just enjoy and learn and be inspired.
to understand what it is that is perpetuating, creating the suffering that you’re having so that you can make conscious choices about what to do about it. Because most doctors are not gonna do that because they’re not aware about it. And of course, it doesn’t mean that they’re bad people or bad doctors.
It just means that the conventional medical model sees things a certain way and there’s a broader way of seeing things. and what I’m doing is sharing that broader way so that you can make conscious choices and do the stuff that you need to do so that you can feel better and live better. Okay, so we’re jumping in.
Problem one that worsens pain and illness and prevents healing is what we call autonomic imbalance. Okay? That’s a big scary word, but really what it means is like this, you probably know that you have a stressed. And a relaxation response. It’s built into your entire brain, spinal cord, and your whole nervous system.
It touches every cell in your body. One aspect of it is fight, flight, freeze. That’s your stress response, and the other is your. Rest, digest, and heal or relaxation response. And they’re meant to be in balance with each other. But what happens is that chronic pain, chronic illness shift the, the scale towards an overactivity of that stress fight, flight, freeze response, and a bunch of other things can shift the scale towards that, which feeds into chronic pain and chronic illness, and the underlying biology that drives chronic pain and chronic illness.
So it could be. The trauma, the injury, the illness. It could be earlier things that happened, your life that were traumatic. It could be stress, it could be lack of sleep. It could be chemical exposure or toxic exposure. It could be early life stress or adverse events, which are more and more proven to be associated with chronic pain and honest chronic illness.
And the issue is autonomic imbalance, where the system is shifted to an overactive fight flight, freeze. There are simple things that you can learn to do to bring balance to that fight, flight, freeze response. Some of them are things that you can learn on your own for free, and they are life changing for many people and they’re also life skills, and they empower you to deal with the difficulty in life no matter what it is.
So there are things you can learn on your own. There’s things you can learn together one-on-one with a therapist or in groups or various contexts that support you to retrain your system from being in this fight, flight, freeze response to being in a more relaxed, anti-inflammatory, healing oriented response.
And that’s also part of what we do in movement towards health. So moving on to number two is mood instability or mood imbalance. And the most common things you might think about are like depression and anxiety. There’s other things that go along with its symptoms of O C D. It’s a complex picture. The thing I want you to understand is that the biology of.
Depression and anxiety isn’t what we’ve always thought, which is, oh well, it’s about serotonin problems. Well, yeah, there can be issues with neurotransmitters and, and that’s how some of the pharmaceutical companies have made tons and tons of money, and they push that point of view because that’s how they make their money.
But there’s an aspect of it that has to do with inflammation. There’s an aspect of it has to do with. Your balance of your stress and react and, and relaxation response, that autonomic balance and it’s lifestyle. These are conditions that are affecting your thoughts, your emotions, and your core bodily functions.
Your brain, your brain chemistry, your immune system, your gastrointestinal system, your physical activity, your thoughts. All this stuff is deeply integrated and those things that you can do on those three levels of thought. Reframing and and mindset training of training your mind with various tools to shift your biology, of diet, of nutrients, of physical activity, lifestyle, stuff that can have a huge impact.
And the reason this is so important is because we know that depression and anxiety are part of what’s in that vicious cycle with chronic pain, with disability, with the disability cycle. And so we’ll talk more about that in a bit, but you really gotta get the mood stuff under. Number three is your overall biochemical, metabolic state of your body.
And so check out this slide, which shows some of these relationships, but like I mentioned, your. Brain and brain chemistry and your autonomic system function, your thoughts and your emotions, your gastrointestinal functions. So the biome, the barrier function of the gut, the immune system, the hormonal system of the body.
Um, these are profoundly integrated and they have a huge impact on how your body function. They have a huge impact on how you think, how you feel, how much energy you have, how much strength you have. They have an impact on sensitization of your pain pathways. So this is complex biochemistry and anatomy and metabolic stuff, and there’s things again that you can do.
That’s the big part of the gift of the functional medicine model, is how to look at all that in a scientifically based way where we can think ration. about how to address these different aspects of dysfunction, like it shows in the slide and, and that involves, again, lifestyle stuff. It’s diet and it’s nutrients, it’s mind body therapies, it’s physical exercise, physical treatments.
And these things have made a profound impact for so many of my patients who are dealing with these difficult pain and related syndromes. So the point of all of this is to sensitize. that there are these dysfunctions that can be part of what’s perpetuating the challenges you’re having, and these are things that are within your control to work on.
They’re things that typically aren’t fixed by drugs, although sometimes medications can support the process. They’re things that are fixed and changed by the things you do for yourself sometimes in conjunction or in cooperation with appropriate care caregivers or therapists or practitioners. Okay, so that’s an overview of the first.
Of the six things that can worsen pain and disability and prevent recovery. And and that’s especially true if you’ve sort of done all the right conventional things and you’ve tried everything and you haven’t gotten better, you need to [00:11:00] think about these things. And so in summary, these are dysfunctions.
These are shifts in the functioning of your whole mind body unified system. And they’re not really taught in medical school, though they are supported by medical research. I suspect that in 20 or 30 years, they will be much more widely taught in medical school. Um, but there are, there is hope and there’s help.
There’s things you can learn to do. There’s practitioners who can help you, and the first step is understanding them so you can start to actually address. , in my experience and in the experience of many, many practitioners with whom I’ve worked or trained or, or, or taught, um, that the effects can be dramatic when you actually start to shift the underlying biology that makes these things worse.
We covered three of the six thing, these six things. Um, the second video will show you the rest of those. Look for the link below this video to get to that video, which is the se, the, the second set of three. Um, I want to share that [00:12:00] movement towards Health is a training program to give you skills to address these underlying issues.
And I encourage you to get on the waiting list. Movement towards Health opens periodically, and if you’re on the waiting list, you’ll hear about it, you’ll get an email and you won’t miss out. Um, and you’ll also get access to the additional training sessions that go into more depth into these aspects that go into more depth on the six things that can prevent the healing process from happening.
And I just wanna stress that. , this is about empowering you. You’ve got the capacity to learn things that shift your biology, and when you learn those, you actually are acquiring life skills. It’s about building your resilience, helping you have skills to live more effectively despite all the difficult things that are going on in life.
And we have a lot of different thing, difficult things going on in life in our generation. Okay, so obviously this is an overview video. I encourage you to go to mth, get on that wailing list, dive deeper [00:13:00] into the materials, see how it impacts you, what you learn from it. So thanks for watching this.
Um, if you like this, I encourage you, first of all to leave a comment or shoot me an email. With one thing you learned about it, and also share the video wherever you’re finding it. Share it with people you care about, who you think might benefit from starting the OR, or deepening this learning process about this journey of self-healing.
So thanks again. Take care.
Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
6 Things That Most Doctors Miss, Which Worsen Pain and Prevent Healing, Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part video
One of my readers wrote in: “Hey Doc, I’ve been doing all the things they taught me in rehab to recover after my accident and surgery. Pacing myself. Doing the exercises. I’ve progressed, but I’m stuck. I still have significant pain and my regular doctor has nothing to offer except drugs that mess up my head. And I haven’t been able to increase my exercise tolerance enough so I’m still limited in function. Why is that happening?” It’s a great question and I’ve heard variations of it over the years. Many people just get “stuck” with persistent pain or fatigue or weakness. And the conventional approaches often don’t have a solution. Based on a few decades of integrating natural healing methods into medical and rehabilitative care, I have often been able to help people who “tried everything”. Because they didn’t really try everything. They just did the conventional stuff. The key to success has been to look for and address the six things that I talk about in this video. So please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks Andrew David Shiller, MDDid You Know:
- Movement Toward Health is a training program that teaches you skills for transforming your health, reducing pain, improving mood and energy. It opens periodically for new members. You can get more information and join the waitlist here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Learn more here
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
Related Posts:
- How to unlearn the mind-body patterns that create chronic pain and illness.
- Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? Empower Your Healing.
- Life-changing stuff most doctors don’t tell you about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic illness.
- LDN can be great. But here’s why it is not a miracle cure for pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Full Transcript:
Hey, it’s Dr. Shiller we’re talking today about the six things that can worsen pain and lead to disability and um, and slow the healing and recovery process. And it’s really important to check this out cuz this is not typical stuff you’re going to hear from conventional medicine. It’s not typically treatable with drugs and procedures, but it is treatable and fixable and healable through things that you can learn to do for yourself.
So these are game changing principles that have completely shifted things for so many of the people who have come to me with the, with that situation of I’m still suffering and I tried everything. Well, like, no, you didn’t try every, everything. These are things you didn’t try. Let’s do that. And in many, many, many cases, profound difference.
So let’s open this up. Let’s talk about it. . And so I first want to talk about, well, how does that process happen? What worsens it? Why is it that things tend to snowball after injury or illness and get worse and worse? And that leads to the clarity about like, okay, so what do we do about this to help you get better?
And so a little background of what I bring to this conversation. I trained in physical medicine, which is also called physiatry, pain management, internal medicine at some of the top places in the United States, and have worked in integrative rehabilitation medicine and pain management for over 20 years.
And so I’ve seen literally thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people who’ve had persistent challenging problems. alongside with my formal training, I did decades of training and clinical practice and teaching in what you might call complimentary or natural healing. So I developed this broader perspective than what they taught me at at Duke University in Harvard Medical School, and that’s, let me see, the things that conventional medicine over often overlooks.
which are really important to the recovery process and in my experience, that has been what has enabled me to frequently help people who are kind of stuck in that I’ve tried everything and I can’t get better place. And so my experience is mirrored in that of many of my colleagues who I’ve spoken with and who I’ve trained with, where when we bring these new perspectives, then there’s frequently dramatic results.
Frequently the patients who are stuck and not getting better are suddenly getting a whole lot better in feeling better. So it’s extraordinarily like a privilege and gratifying to be like, wow, this is actually. and helping means that person who was stuck in suffering with pain, inability to do stuff, brain fog, various kinds of symptoms, is now feeling better and able to function better.
And I want to be clear that this is not alternative, and this is not antagonistic to conventional medicine. It’s broadening the model. It’s understanding things more fundamentally, more systemically, more holistically, but not in the flaky. Like a grounded scientific way of understanding, well, what is your biology?
What is your mind body system? How does it function? How does it get out of function? So we’re gonna share six things that. Worsen pain and disability and prevent and block the healing process. We’re gonna share an overview of that and then in other videos I’m gonna drill down into those so you can get the detail and understand them more comprehensively.
But I really want you to have the big picture. This is probably gonna be two videos so that it’s more easily digestible. And so I really want you to plug into this whole learning series if this is a topic that seems important to you. So I want to tell you how to get access to it because I’ve set up a program that’s called Movement Towards Health, and it’s really about a training program.
It gives you skills for transforming the biology of pain and suffering and disability to the biology and the psychology of wellbeing and recovery. Um, and. , there’s a wait list for that program. It opens up periodically. My suggestion is get on that wait list because what will happen is you’ll get notifications about as these videos come out, so you can watch them.
There’s also a place in there where you can binge watch them all at once, once they’re all in place. Um, and you’ll also get notification about the program and more information about it. You might find it interesting and you might want to join. If you don’t, it’s fine. Just enjoy and learn and be inspired.
to understand what it is that is perpetuating, creating the suffering that you’re having so that you can make conscious choices about what to do about it. Because most doctors are not gonna do that because they’re not aware about it. And of course, it doesn’t mean that they’re bad people or bad doctors.
It just means that the conventional medical model sees things a certain way and there’s a broader way of seeing things. and what I’m doing is sharing that broader way so that you can make conscious choices and do the stuff that you need to do so that you can feel better and live better. Okay, so we’re jumping in.
Problem one that worsens pain and illness and prevents healing is what we call autonomic imbalance. Okay? That’s a big scary word, but really what it means is like this, you probably know that you have a stressed. And a relaxation response. It’s built into your entire brain, spinal cord, and your whole nervous system.
It touches every cell in your body. One aspect of it is fight, flight, freeze. That’s your stress response, and the other is your. Rest, digest, and heal or relaxation response. And they’re meant to be in balance with each other. But what happens is that chronic pain, chronic illness shift the, the scale towards an overactivity of that stress fight, flight, freeze response, and a bunch of other things can shift the scale towards that, which feeds into chronic pain and chronic illness, and the underlying biology that drives chronic pain and chronic illness.
So it could be. The trauma, the injury, the illness. It could be earlier things that happened, your life that were traumatic. It could be stress, it could be lack of sleep. It could be chemical exposure or toxic exposure. It could be early life stress or adverse events, which are more and more proven to be associated with chronic pain and honest chronic illness.
And the issue is autonomic imbalance, where the system is shifted to an overactive fight flight, freeze. There are simple things that you can learn to do to bring balance to that fight, flight, freeze response. Some of them are things that you can learn on your own for free, and they are life changing for many people and they’re also life skills, and they empower you to deal with the difficulty in life no matter what it is.
So there are things you can learn on your own. There’s things you can learn together one-on-one with a therapist or in groups or various contexts that support you to retrain your system from being in this fight, flight, freeze response to being in a more relaxed, anti-inflammatory, healing oriented response.
And that’s also part of what we do in movement towards health. So moving on to number two is mood instability or mood imbalance. And the most common things you might think about are like depression and anxiety. There’s other things that go along with its symptoms of O C D. It’s a complex picture. The thing I want you to understand is that the biology of.
Depression and anxiety isn’t what we’ve always thought, which is, oh well, it’s about serotonin problems. Well, yeah, there can be issues with neurotransmitters and, and that’s how some of the pharmaceutical companies have made tons and tons of money, and they push that point of view because that’s how they make their money.
But there’s an aspect of it that has to do with inflammation. There’s an aspect of it has to do with. Your balance of your stress and react and, and relaxation response, that autonomic balance and it’s lifestyle. These are conditions that are affecting your thoughts, your emotions, and your core bodily functions.
Your brain, your brain chemistry, your immune system, your gastrointestinal system, your physical activity, your thoughts. All this stuff is deeply integrated and those things that you can do on those three levels of thought. Reframing and and mindset training of training your mind with various tools to shift your biology, of diet, of nutrients, of physical activity, lifestyle, stuff that can have a huge impact.
And the reason this is so important is because we know that depression and anxiety are part of what’s in that vicious cycle with chronic pain, with disability, with the disability cycle. And so we’ll talk more about that in a bit, but you really gotta get the mood stuff under. Number three is your overall biochemical, metabolic state of your body.
And so check out this slide, which shows some of these relationships, but like I mentioned, your. Brain and brain chemistry and your autonomic system function, your thoughts and your emotions, your gastrointestinal functions. So the biome, the barrier function of the gut, the immune system, the hormonal system of the body.
Um, these are profoundly integrated and they have a huge impact on how your body function. They have a huge impact on how you think, how you feel, how much energy you have, how much strength you have. They have an impact on sensitization of your pain pathways. So this is complex biochemistry and anatomy and metabolic stuff, and there’s things again that you can do.
That’s the big part of the gift of the functional medicine model, is how to look at all that in a scientifically based way where we can think ration. about how to address these different aspects of dysfunction, like it shows in the slide and, and that involves, again, lifestyle stuff. It’s diet and it’s nutrients, it’s mind body therapies, it’s physical exercise, physical treatments.
And these things have made a profound impact for so many of my patients who are dealing with these difficult pain and related syndromes. So the point of all of this is to sensitize. that there are these dysfunctions that can be part of what’s perpetuating the challenges you’re having, and these are things that are within your control to work on.
They’re things that typically aren’t fixed by drugs, although sometimes medications can support the process. They’re things that are fixed and changed by the things you do for yourself sometimes in conjunction or in cooperation with appropriate care caregivers or therapists or practitioners. Okay, so that’s an overview of the first.
Of the six things that can worsen pain and disability and prevent recovery. And and that’s especially true if you’ve sort of done all the right conventional things and you’ve tried everything and you haven’t gotten better, you need to [00:11:00] think about these things. And so in summary, these are dysfunctions.
These are shifts in the functioning of your whole mind body unified system. And they’re not really taught in medical school, though they are supported by medical research. I suspect that in 20 or 30 years, they will be much more widely taught in medical school. Um, but there are, there is hope and there’s help.
There’s things you can learn to do. There’s practitioners who can help you, and the first step is understanding them so you can start to actually address. , in my experience and in the experience of many, many practitioners with whom I’ve worked or trained or, or, or taught, um, that the effects can be dramatic when you actually start to shift the underlying biology that makes these things worse.
We covered three of the six thing, these six things. Um, the second video will show you the rest of those. Look for the link below this video to get to that video, which is the se, the, the second set of three. Um, I want to share that [00:12:00] movement towards Health is a training program to give you skills to address these underlying issues.
And I encourage you to get on the waiting list. Movement towards Health opens periodically, and if you’re on the waiting list, you’ll hear about it, you’ll get an email and you won’t miss out. Um, and you’ll also get access to the additional training sessions that go into more depth into these aspects that go into more depth on the six things that can prevent the healing process from happening.
And I just wanna stress that. , this is about empowering you. You’ve got the capacity to learn things that shift your biology, and when you learn those, you actually are acquiring life skills. It’s about building your resilience, helping you have skills to live more effectively despite all the difficult things that are going on in life.
And we have a lot of different thing, difficult things going on in life in our generation. Okay, so obviously this is an overview video. I encourage you to go to mth, get on that wailing list, dive deeper [00:13:00] into the materials, see how it impacts you, what you learn from it. So thanks for watching this.
Um, if you like this, I encourage you, first of all to leave a comment or shoot me an email. With one thing you learned about it, and also share the video wherever you’re finding it. Share it with people you care about, who you think might benefit from starting the OR, or deepening this learning process about this journey of self-healing.
So thanks again. Take care.
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How To Supercharge Your Healing From Fibromyalgia, Post-Covid, Depression, and Anxiety

If you’ve got chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, difficulty walking, depression, anxiety, fatigue… Movement Toward Health might help you feel better and live better.
MTH was created by a Harvard Trained Medical Doctor with decades of experience in mind-body and body-mind healing. It fills the gap in the conventional medical/rehabilitation system.
You will be guided in several mind-body and body-mind practices that balance your nervous system, help you heal emotional trauma and pain, empower a healing mindset, and most importantly teach you to move again with fluidity, comfort, and joy. Even if previous PT or physical training was not successful.
Affortable, convenient, fun online training with an experienced expert. Put the joy back into movement.
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- You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr Shiller’s email community here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
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How To Heal Emotional Pain From Trauma, Narcissist Abuse, and Toxic Shame: Part 2

This is part 2 of a 2-part interview.
Please click here to see part 1.
You’ve probably learned by now that your physical well-being, or lack of it, is profoundly affected by what goes on in your mind and emotions. That’s not to say that your pain and suffering are “all in your head”. It reflects the reality that your mind and body are so profoundly interconnected that it probably makes sense to have one word that includes both of them. Because we can’t really find a place where one ends and the other begins. Common sense and most cultural wisdom support that idea, which is increasingly confirmed by scientific study. One of my patients, Leah, had been suffering from pain in several parts of her body for years. She had diagnoses of osteoarthritis, tendinitis, and fibromyalgia and was really suffering. She had done lots of conventional medical pain treatment with only temporary and partial benefits.Did You Know:
- You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr. Shiller’s email community here:
- Dr. Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
- Dr. Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, and reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
Related Posts:
- How to unlearn the mind-body patterns that create chronic pain and illness.
- Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? Empower Your Healing.
- Life-changing stuff most doctors don’t tell you about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic illness.
- LDN can be great. But here’s why it is not a miracle cure for pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
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How To Heal Emotional Pain From Trauma, Narcissist Abuse, and Toxic Shame: Part 1

You’ve probably learned by now that your physical well-being, or lack of it, is profoundly affected by what goes on in your mind and emotions. That’s not to say that your pain and suffering are “all in your head”. It reflects the reality that your mind and body are so profoundly interconnected that it probably makes sense to have one word that includes both of them. Because we can’t really find a place where one ends and the other begins. Common sense and most cultural wisdom support that idea, which is increasingly confirmed by scientific study. One of my patients, Leah, had been suffering from pain in several parts of her body for years. She had diagnoses of osteoarthritis, tendinitis, and fibromyalgia and was really suffering. She had done lots of conventional medical pain treatment with only temporary and partial benefit.We broke the conversation into two parts because there was so much to say. Click here to see the second part of this interview.
Did You Know:
- Dr. Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, and reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
- You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr. Shiller’s email community here:
- Dr. Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
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Pain and Suffering. How To Get Off The Mindbody Rollercoaster

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- You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr Shiller’s email community here:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. Learn practical tools for transforming suffering, reducing stress and inflammation. You can get the schedule and register at
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Full Transcript:
Hi, it is Dr. Shiller here. Today I want to speak in response to a comment that I recently got from one of the people in one of my classes, and I hear this comment quite a bit. It is very relevant for a lot of people, and this is someone who was doing some meditation training, some mind body skills development. Someone who is dealing with chronic pain and some other medical challenges and social challenges. Some really hard stuff going on for her, and her comment was like this: “Hey, Doc. During the meditation, I get to this really quiet sweet space, especially the things we do that are about opening up our hearts and like giving, and I really get to a great place and my pain is gone. And it can be gone for hours, it can be gone until the next day. It is amazing. I really appreciate this. But, and here is the kicker, right? But you know, I go back out into life, whether it is the same day or the next day, and something happens. And then suddenly, it is like, I never even did the meditation, I am in this place of distress in my mind and my emotions, my pain comes back. You know, I am starting to feel like I am just kind of a phony. Like, I am imagining it, like what is really going on here? I can relate so much to the question, personally, when I was in medical school and in residency, and I was first starting to work with contemplative practice. I could very much relate to what this person is talking about, that the experience, the practice itself was deep and beautiful, and seems so transformative. Like, “Oh, my gosh, the world is going to be completely different now”. Then, you know, whatever amount of time later, it is like, boom! Getting sucked back in the same old stuff, the tension, the anxiety, I was having. Like neck pain and back pain and things like that. And so, it was really this sense of like, okay, was that real? Is this just a bunch of phoniness, like, what is really going on? And what I want to say is that it is real. The experience of dropping into quiet in your mind, your emotions, in your body, generates biology, that is healing. It generates mental emotional patterns that are healing, and very pleasant. It is real, it is reality. The issue is that you also have other aspects of your being, and your history, and your habits. There can very much be a dance between those two, I am going to call that dance and not tension, because to my eyes at this point, 20 years later, the dance is where the real artistry and the real healing and creativity of life comes in. The first principle I want to share is that wherever your mind goes, there you are. And this is something that has been said by a lot of wise people over the years, including the Baal Shem Tov and Rabbi Nachman and in some of the sages of the Torah tradition. That wherever you put your consciousness, your conscious intention, or your unconscious intention, where your mind is, that is, what is generating your, a lot of your physiology. That is what is feeding into the thoughts, you are having, the emotions that are coming up. Yes, the bodily responses you are having, together with those thoughts and emotions. So, the art and the work is really a question of starting to become aware of that. A lot of my students who are progressing further along, are starting to be aware of that, right? They start with the meditation that brings them the quiet to go, wow, this is amazing. Then they start to notice, oh, I keep thinking about that guy. Or I keep thinking about this experience or whenever I see this person, it brings on a sort of negative mind, emotion state. So, what do you do about that? Well, you start to work with it. It is an aspect of self-learning, it is reflective learning, to start to see those patterns. When you start to see those patterns, you start to become more mindful. You start to actually develop a kind of awareness that is not judgmental. You see that maybe, okay, I am self-judging, or self-doubting, or there is self-blame or even self-hatred. Then you start to actually say, wait, no, I do not want to live from that place. It is a little bit of an active will, just to decide that. Then it is an act of awareness and something transformative that happens when you just start letting your heart receive it, and be aware of it. If you were to see a little kid who is misbehaving, and they are a little kid, they are doing what little kids do. And if you are not too close to the issue, you kind of recognize and you are like, Yeah, and you can like, give that kid some support. Like, “Hey, come on over here. Listen, you know, I care about you. I love you. I see you doing that thing that is making a mess. You start to do that with yourself, and it can be transformative, because what happens is you develop the skill of dropping into a quiet place that just feels good and brings on the biochemistry and neurobiology of healing. Then you also develop this presence of mind, this mindfulness, this compassionate, discerning awareness. That lets you see your habits of going to the negative places, and lets you start to make more conscious choices. Rather than just going with the habit. Because habits, most of them we developed from back then, when we were not so conscious. A lot of your worst habits, I can guarantee you came from a place of you actually taking care of yourself. When you start to actually notice, wow, the reason I am reacting with anger is because back when this happened, I was scared, I was scared, I did not want it to happen again. So, I am angry, because I am trying to protect myself, and you start to see that kind of stuff. And that is the process. That is the work of inner healing. I want to bring another aspect to this from the Torah tradition. And you know, the inner tradition of Torah brings this notion that every human being has got what we call an animal soul and a divine soul. Your animal soul is really responsible for self-protection, self-preservation, reproduction, pleasure; it is your physical embodied self with all of the urges, and aversions that you have. A lot of that is very conditioned, a lot of it is instinctual, a lot of it is cultural, it is stuff that we just are. Then we have got this godly soul, it is a divine soul. It is the part of us that as we grow and mature, we start to naturally have a sense of desire or urge, to be generous, to be giving, to include other people in our world, to care, to actually want to make a positive difference. Those are aspects of our godly soul. Those are aspects of your elevated divine soul. In that tradition, the work of growth, the work of healing, the work of returning to our highest potential, is to come in contact with that elevated divine soul. To understand it, taste it, know it, become familiar with it, start to identify with it, and bring it with compassion, with intelligence to that animal soul. The metaphor that often gets broad is like, if you are a person who rides horses, you know that the horse needs care, the horse needs to be brushed and cleaned, the feet need to be protected, the horse needs good food, shelter and protection from bad weather. If you want to be a good horse person, you need to take care of the horse. But you also need to ride the horse, and you need to direct the horse where you want to go. That is what horsemanship or horsewomanship is really about. It is actually having the awareness and compassion for the animal, and actually having a clear connection to your own higher aspiration, your own higher purpose, your potential of who you are. I invite you to really reflect on that metaphor, reflect on the different aspects of your own experience, that you might consider your animal bodily, embodied soul. Rather than judging them as bad, just realizing that they are part of who you are, and part of what you can direct and learn to develop mastery over in your path of self-healing, of self-actualization, of being your most beautiful, powerful self in the world. You are not a phony, you are someone who is learning to pay attention. You are someone who is learning that when you give your mind to matters of the divine soul, of purpose, of potential, of possibility of expansiveness, of connection, there is a certain physiology that is supported by that, and that comes out of that. When you give your mind to the potentially more protective, negative, challenged aspects of the animal soul, you may experience negativity. But gradually over time, you learned to let your divine soul be the rider of the horse. In summary, what most people say who stick with the practice and stay true to it over time is that as you get familiar with it, as you develop a sense of greater self-acceptance, and you work through some of the challenges of relating to those more difficult parts of self, then the difference is less glaring, the extremes are less extreme and you develop a somewhat smoother pathway. We all have times of elevation and times when we fall. And what happens over time is the decline, the fall becomes for the sake of rising, and according to the Hasidic tradition, every time you have a fall, every time you slip into a negative pattern, every time you meet those difficult parts of self that are such troublemakers, it is really happening for the sake of them being elevated by your own divine soul and awareness. There is really a path here of transformation that is available to you if you are sincere and dedicated and willing to develop awareness, develop the skill of self-regulation and quieting, develop mindfulness and compassion that the bumps are less strong, you spend more time in a place of relative, Hey, it is okay. I am with it, I have got this, things are going to be alright. And you spend less time cycling into the really heavy negative patterns. It takes time, it takes effort. This is real work, but it is also incredibly fruitful and valuable, because it not only influences the process of bodily healing, it leads you to excel, a sense of self and self-expression that is ever more beautiful and evermore connected to doing good things in the world and being the kind of person you want to be. I hope this has been useful. Feel free to leave any comments or send me comments or questions by email if you want. And tune in again. Look forward to being in touch.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Fibromyalgia is Tough. Why is Disability Optional? Part B

This is part B of a two part video. Please watch part A first.
Click HERE to watch part A.
You learned in part A of this series why the pain system gets sensitized in fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and what creates suffering, and why it can be so disabling. Click here to see part A if you missed it or want to review.. In this video (part B), you’ll learn some of the main things that you can do to reduce suffering, and break the “fear-avoidance-disability cycle” that otherwise can suck your life down the drain. This isn’t easy work. But have hope. There are things you can do to help yourself. Please let me know what you think by sending an email or commenting on this post.Did You Know:
You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr Shiller’s email community here: Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at www.mindbodygroove.comRelated Posts:
- How to unlearn the mind-body patterns that create chronic pain and illness.
- Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? Empower Your Healing.
- Life-changing stuff most doctors don’t tell you about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic illness.
- LDN can be great. But here’s why it is not a miracle cure for pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Full Transcript:
Hi, Dr. Shiller here. We are continuing with part II of fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Why are they so disabling and what can you do about it? In part I, we looked at the whole variety of different metabolic and mind-body and sort of mechanical structural factors that can give rise to the disability and really loss of life and function that happens when people have chronic pain, especially fibromyalgia. In this part, we are going to talk about what you can do about it. I encourage you to watch part I if you have not seen it yet. So, look for that link connected to this video. I am going to bring back up the slide we ended with, let us look at that. So, just summing up, like you know that talk in 30 seconds that there are metabolic mind-body and sort of movement or motor mechanical system aspects to this whole process that the biology that gives rise to central sensitization is influenced by the mind-body variables, like your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts, and especially autonomic imbalance. Autonomic imbalance is that over-activity of the stress response that can happen with chronic pain and chronic illness. Fear avoidance is that, I do not want to do stuff because it hurts, because you are not active, and you get inactive, then your body gets weak and stiff, and you get disabled, and because you are not moving, that feeds into all of the physiologic and mind-body variables, and the place where you actually have therapeutic leverage is to actually work on these things, right? I am not going to talk about the metabolic part, those are incredibly important. I talk about those in other talks. So, have a look for that stuff. I am going to focus today on the mind-body stuff and the motor mechanical stuff, and summing up all of this, the things that we really can address with the right kind of mind-body and movement system care are really the autonomic imbalance, fear avoidance, and inactivity, and the rest that flows out of addressing those things. So, let us just talk about a few principles or interventions, and I am going to share the big picture, the top-level stuff. Every one of these big picture top-level things are things you can drill down to and learn more, and I will do that in other talks. I am really interested in your feedback, what you want to hear more about. So, feel free to respond in the comments as I am going through about what you need to hear more about or send an email or whatever it is, reach out to my office and let me know. The whole point of this content is for you, to help you, to empower you. So, let us go forward with this, okay. Other videos about metabolic and the mind-body stuff. There is a number of different steps to mind-body healing, and there is mind-body tools that you can learn to shift your physiology and especially your autonomic imbalance as well as the kind of fear avoidance thing and to heal your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts, and it is incredibly transformative because you stop and unwind these cycles that give rise to the suffering and the disability of fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Self-regulation is the foundation. Self-regulation means tools, like simple breathing and focusing techniques that actually shift your neurobiology and your biochemistry, stimulate the vagus nerve, the vagus nerve is this big nerve that comes out of your brain stem, serves your entire intestinal tract, and it is anti-inflammatory when you stimulate your vagus by going into a deep relaxation, it slows down inflammation. When you are stressed out, aggravated, when you have autonomic imbalance towards sympathetic, your vagal nerve is shut down, and it is a pro-inflammatory state, and that is why we got so much research showing that an overactive stress response is pro-inflammatory and that various mind-body techniques modulate the immune system in a positive way and help it function more effectively. There are various techniques of self-regulation, mindset and beliefs, where you put your mind is where you are going to go. It is like a person driving one of those race cars in the Monaco grand prix or wherever, where if they look at the guardrail or the tree, you are going run into the tree, and if you look for the open space, you are going to drive into the open space. Another way to think about it is that if you are focusing on negative stuff in your life, the pain, the suffering, the lack, the loss, the person who hurt you, the blame, the guilt, all of that kind of stuff, you are going to generate negativity, and it is going to cause more suffering for you, for you. You are going to suffer more because of what you think about, and again this is not blame and shame. This is just inviting you to start seeing that if you focus on the positive stuff and you start to give your mind over to the good things that you can do to help yourself, then you are going to move in that direction. It is much harder to do than it is to talk about it. So, there is a lot more to learn about this, but it is a huge piece, and I encourage you to start thinking about it. Mindfulness could also be described as compassionate present moment awareness. Most of us are used to thinking in an analytical judgmental, how can I fix this or change it mode, we are doing? How can I do it better? And we are all conditioned for that. We get especially conditioned for that when we are under stress and we are suffering, because we want a solution, we want to fix it. Mindfulness is turning that upside down, it is shifting into a place of being present and compassionate, and when you talk about it, when you read about it might make sense or not make sense, but either way, you are not doing it. Doing it is an experience, you need to practice it, you need to learn it, and what I suggest is you find a guide, whether it is, you know, on the internet with or mind space or headspace or apps, okay that is a good start, but find a teacher, find someone who can help you learn it, because it is transformative, and I can tell you from my own experience and seeing so many people who like thought about it, they read all the books. I know mindfulness, no. Because they get into the training and they start to do it, and okay if things are challenging and hard and then suddenly, “oh my gosh,” like they have a realization, they have an experience that shifts everything. I did not know that could happen. I did not know I could feel that way. I did not know I could have that much free choice about my life. You got to practice it, to get there. Everyone can do it to a certain extent, go for it, okay. Next thing, body awareness. I work with a lot of people who think good thoughts, they are prayerful, they are spiritual, they are religious, they are doing good things, thinking good thoughts, but meanwhile their body is in alarm reaction because of their trauma, because of their pain, because of their disease. It is completely different when you take the good thoughts, the positive, calm, happy mindful mind and you bring it to your bodily experience, and you start to send up a message of safety to your body, you start to bathe your cells in the biology and neurobiology and neurochemistry of safety and positivity, transformative. Cultivating positive emotion, healing emotion, healing trauma. We know that people who have had adverse childhood experiences get more illness, they get more chronic disease, it is a complex phenomenon, it does not mean it is all in your head, but what it does mean is that emotional trauma, physical trauma shift your physiology, and there are tools that you can learn to shift it back into a healthy state. These are a collection of mind-body tools that can be transformative, and all of these are things to drill down to. Every one of these mind-body tools that I have listed here are things that you can learn to actually develop skill and cultivate, and once you do that, once you start to build that skill, it is yours. It is not something you have to go back to every week to your therapist or your treatment person. You have got tools, you have got transformative tools, that can help you break a fibromyalgia flare, that can help you find your way out when something triggers you, that can help you change your physiology and reverse those vicious cycles that give rise to the suffering and the fear avoidance, inactivity, and the disability. Okay, let us get into the motor mechanical, the movement piece of this. One aspect of this is bodywork, and there is two main kinds of bodywork. There is the hands-on direct stuff, where a person is pushing and prodding and doing stuff to move, to crack and crunch and move you, that can be great for some people. In my experience, it is not so great with people with fibromyalgia, because it tends to flare you up. There is another kind of manual bodywork techniques that you could describe as indirect, they are very gentle, they are more about consciousness and finding the freedom in the tissue and your body, your fascia, your tissue unwinds and moves in response to that, and that can be profoundly transformative. You can find that from a good osteopath, from a good manually trained physical/occupational therapist, some very good massage therapists, and some chiropractors, but you want to ask if they have worked a lot with people who have chronic pain and fibromyalgia, if they know indirect gentle techniques to release tissue, to release neuromuscular imbalances and reflexes that are counterproductive. Okay, and then there is stuff you can do for yourself. There is movement arts, and my emphasis, my bias is towards what you might call meditative or mindful movement arts, because exercise can hurt. If you just go out there and treat your body like it is a peanut piece of meat and you get on the treadmill and just go, go, go for 20 minutes, you are going to go above your threshold, and you are going to make yourself worse, and you probably have had that experience with some well-intentioned physical therapist, exercise therapist, or family member who said just get up and go, go do it. But what happens when you get up and go is you activate your stress response, you activate counterproductive reflexes, you go over your threshold, and you create a crisis in your cellular physiology, and you actually feed into this cycle, and you get a fibromyalgia flare, and that is not good for anybody, and maybe you have been there, done that, and maybe you never want to move again and maybe you are thinking who is this guy telling me I should move, forget about that. I get that, I have heard that from a lot of people, but when they started to learn to do a meditative quiet kind of motion and movement that respects the limitations of your body, that respects the low threshold, that actually lets you drop your calm, happy awareness into the body, and you know where you can move. You develop your intuition of your own body’s capability, and you start to move with that intuition and you build, you open up your envelope, you gradually learn to develop more flexibility, more strength, more endurance, and over time, you are climbing out of that hole of disability, and that happens through meditative movement, and so whether it is Feldenkrais or yoga or Tai Chi Qigong, Pilates, or other things that somebody may have invented. Find someone who is really good at it, find someone who has got a lot of experience and a lot of compassion and a lot of humility, who is willing to meet you where you are at and be your guide. Let them teach you and let yourself learn, let your inner wisdom grow, so that you know how to work with your own body, and over time, you are going to heal, you are going to feel better. You may need to work on this for the rest of your life to stay healthy, but you are going to be able to start doing only stuff that is meaningful for you. You are going to be able to get back to stuff that matters. It might not be like you were when you were 24 or 36, it might be like you are now, and then you build from there. So, you restart and you restart and you grow and you heal. Okay, so summing up. Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, there is a spiral of lots of different factors that lead to disability and disuse, and there is a process for preventing and reversing that, it has to do with addressing your metabolic biochemical system, to get the underlying cause of the symptoms. It has to get to do with your mind-body system, addressing your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, and addressing most importantly that autonomic imbalance, it is about learning how to move again. This is a healing path, nobody can do it for you, it is your healing path and it is unique to you. I really encourage you to find your guides, find the people who can help you address those three aspects of this situation or maybe some people can address more than one for you, but you need to start walking down that road, that healing path, which is yours, you find your guides, you let them teach you, you become an expert in yourself, and with time, what is going to happen is you are going to become the hero of your own story, because no one else is your hero. They are your guides, you are the hero, you are the one who is making the journey, you are in a place where you are stuck, where you are feeling horrible or you are terrified that you are going to get worse, and what is on the other end of your journey is, I feel empowered, I feel capable, I feel stronger, I know what I need to do. I might not be perfect, I might have setbacks, but I know how to deal with the setbacks and what you are going to do is learn to be a fuller self. You are going to learn to reconnect to purpose, to do stuff that you care about, to start feeling better about life again. So, my work is dedicated to helping you learn and grow in that way. I want to hear about how you like this video, if it is good for you, let me know, leave feedback in the comments or send me an email, sign up for my email community, so you can get updates about when I produce more content, and I am here and at your service. Thanks for watching.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Fibromyalgia is Tough. Why is Disability Optional? Part A

In fibromyalgia, your pain is amplified. There are known biological changes that can contribute to the increased pain. Most of those changes can be helped if you know what to do. Suffering is a more complex thing. Suffering happens where pain meets your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. There are simple tools that you can learn to shift your experience of pain and suffering. So you can be more comfortable, happier, and live better. Disability is an even more complex process. You have choices about how to mobilize your body-mind’s healing responses.Did You Know:
You can receive updates about new content and learning opportunities for transforming pain and suffering, by joining Dr Shiller’s email community here: Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at www.mindbodygroove.comRelated Posts:
- How to unlearn the mind-body patterns that create chronic pain and illness.
- Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? Empower Your Healing.
- Life-changing stuff most doctors don’t tell you about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic illness.
- LDN can be great. But here’s why it is not a miracle cure for pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Full Transcript:
Hey! It is Dr. Shiller, and I am going to speak with you today about fibromyalgia and disability. What I am going to say goes beyond just fibromyalgia. We are going to be talking about principles that are relevant to also chronic fatigue and chronic inflammatory illness to chronic pain problems in general, and this question that comes up over and over that eats at people is like what is this fibromyalgia thing? Is it a progressive disease that is going to eat up my body and destroy me like some kind of cancer or autoimmune thing? Like why does it have to be disabling? Am I going to get disabled? Am I going to lose all of my function and lose all of my self-respect and swirl down some sort of whirlpool into a black hole? Like what is going to happen to me? And the encouraging answer I want to give you is that it depends, that there are actually lots of places where you have an option and you have the potential power to shift the process, and what I am going to do in this talk is unpack, why does disability happen in fibromyalgia and what you can do about it? Because there is a lot of hope. So, check it out, listen, and hopefully this is useful for you. I am going to use some slides, because I am going to share a lot of information, and I want to give you visuals on it, okay? First thing we know is pain. Pain is the core thing that starts to bother so many people with fibromyalgia and one of the things that even the medical experts agree on is that there is central sensitization, and what does that mean? It means that the pain processing system is turned up, and this is a picture from Scientific America and basically you have a pain processing system that is the nerves from your say your hand, like if you have injured your hand, like in this diagram, and that signal goes up the nerves to the spinal cord and then through the brain to the parts of the brain, that says, “aah, my hand hurts.” and the part of your brain that gives you that like emotional angst a person often gets when they have pain, and the key thing that you need to know, listen up, is that your pain processing system is like an amplifier. There are several steps where the signal is transferred and processed by a lot of different factors, and that can turn things up like an amplifier, so that things that should not hurt, hurt, and if you have fibromyalgia, you probably recognize that experience where things hurt you that did not used to hurt you. Modern medicine does not really agree on a consensus about why central sensitization happens even though we know a lot of factors that cause it. We know a lot of different variables that can create hyper-extensive excitability and inflammation actually in the brain and activation of certain cellular and biological processes that turn up sensitivity of the brain, and these are some of them. We are not going to spend too much time on all of this and do not get hung up on it, but stuff that you may have already heard about it, you may have been looking into like inflammation and biochemical or oxidative stress, loss of cellular energy, hormonal changes, dysfunction in the biome or the gut motility or the gut lining, the leaky gut phenomenon in certain toxicity states, and then there is something called autonomic imbalance, and that is when that stress response is overactive compared to the relaxation response. Look into this if you have not heard of it before, but the key factor is that you have a system within your brain and spinal cord that touches every bit of your body, it is your autonomic nervous system, and it balances, it biases your energy allocation. Am I in get up and go fight flight freeze or am I in relax, rest, digest, assimilate nutrients, heal, sleep? They are two very different sets of processes and every part of you is involved in them, and one of the common things underlying a lot of pain, fatigue, and chronic illnesses is autonomic imbalance, and that is a whole other topic. Look for more information from me or other people about that. It is part of what drives the wheel of all these different changes that give rise to central sensitization and give rise to pain sensitization, and so autonomic balance is also an outcome of pain. When something hurts, like it creates that, that sense of it is not okay, that sense of loss of safety and that feeds into the process. So, just showing for the diagram, that it is a vicious cycle, where pain leads to autonomic imbalance, which leads to all of these processes moving forward and worsening of the process. Let us just think about pain for a second, because pain and suffering are profoundly interconnected, but they are not identical. Suffering and pain, the way a person experiences it are very subjective, they are very conditioned, they are very cultural. There are a lot of different things that affect how much a person suffers when they have pain, and that tends to be in the area of your beliefs and your emotional responses and your thoughts that you have about it, and so you know this is just the piece we already saw about all these sort of cellular and biochemical changes that affect pain sensitization, but then there is the interaction with the beliefs, the emotions, and thoughts, and what I am suggesting to you to start considering is that your suffering is an integration of all of these factors, it is the pain itself, and it is the way your body and mind and emotions respond to that pain, and of course as I am sure you have experienced autonomic imbalance is part of that too, because when you are suffering, when you are suffering, what you are doing, what happens is your being feels distress, it feels danger, and your stress response tends to be activated, and that feeds into all the physiologic changes like we talked about, it feeds into central sensitization, and it feeds into your beliefs and emotions and thoughts, because when we are stressed out, it changes the way we receive the world. If you are living in a reality where you are stressed out a lot of the time, that us feeding the disease process. We are going to talk more about this, but that is one of the places where you potentially have leverage. Okay, let is keep moving. I just want to point out that you could kind of separate and say, look, there is kind of metabolic process, it is just a label we are giving it for ease of understanding, that all these biological processes that we talked about that give rise to central sensitization, they are kind of on the level of metabolism and biochemistry, they are in your cells, they are in your organs, your endocrine system, and then there is your mind-body system, your beliefs, your thoughts, your emotions, right? And your autonomic balance and your central sensitization is kind of in between those two, because both of them influence it quite a bit, your metabolic biochemical state, nutrition, a lot of things like that, and your mind-body state. Let us take this to the next step, right, because there is this principle, there is a principle called fear avoidance that every good pain practitioner understands, because basically when a person is afraid of their pain, they do not want to move, and it hurts when you move. So, you do not want to move, and it is the most natural normal thing in the world, and there is no shame, and there is no blame, it is just the reality that when things hurt, you naturally do not want to move, and your reflexes know that. If I put my hand on a hot fire, I guard it, I pull it back, it is a protective reflex, and your whole system is organized around protective reflexes, and so if your autonomic system is on fire and you have autonomic imbalance, your protective avoidant reflexes are going to be even more active, but the problem is when that becomes systemic and when it hurts so you do not move, and you get, I am sorry, I am just pointing out here, sorry that autonomic imbalance thing is integrated with everything, but the main thing here to think about is that when all this stuff is happening and you respond to that natural tendency of fear avoidance by not being active, by not moving, you get inactive, your muscles and your tissues get weaker, you become stiff, and that is when disability happens. Disability is a process that happens in response to the way your body and mind are reacting and responding to pain, and it is not your fault, right? A lot of this is things that just creep up on you, and before you know it, you cannot do stuff you used to do, and the horrible thing that I have heard from so many people as they get less and less active and more and more disabled is like, well, I cannot take care of my kids, I cannot do my job, what happened to me? Who am I? This is not me, and your sense of self, your beliefs, your emotional state becomes even more out of balance, and it fits into the vicious cycles, and so it is disability cycle, and every good pain clinic knows this, which is part of why they have behavioral medicine people working together with the pain doctors, working together with the physical therapists and other therapists, because this is a holistic whole person process, and the better you understand this, the better off you will be. Let us just kind of follow this through because your movement system of your body, your muscles, your nerves. When you are physically active, you change your physiology for the better. Physical activity is one of the most helpful things you can do, it changes a lot of these metabolic processes, and so when you are inactive and becoming disabled, you are feeding into the underlying physiology that gives rise to pain sensitization. By being inactive, you are generating more inflammation and oxidative stress, potential toxic metabolites, hormonal changes, gut dysfunction, it feeds into the whole process. This is not about blame and shame, this is about opportunity, this is about understanding all these different factors and unpacking them. So, you can start to see what is relevant for you, so that you can start to make conscious choices to help yourself heal, to help unwind all of this. Every one of the changes that I put on this slide; all of these different things are biological, mental emotional, physiological processes that you have potential choice over. They all can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed depending on various lifestyle or other choices that you make, and so I am sharing all this so you can start to make those choices. The next part of this talk is really to talk about what we can do about it. I am going to pause and stop here, because we have already been at this for about 10 minutes. I am going to split this into part A and B. So, we just did as part A. Part B will be coming, look for that, and we will talk in part B about what do you really do about it. You know there is a healing process, and that healing process is addressing the metabolic, the mind-body, and the motor or mechanical parts of this. so, that is what we will do in part B. I hope you will tune in for that. I hope this has been interesting to you. My work is dedicated to helping you learn and grow in that way. I want to hear about how you like this video. If it is good for you, let me know, leave feedback in the comments or send me an email, sign up for my email community, so you can get updates about when I produce more content, and I am here and at at your service. Thanks for watching.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Dr Shiller’s Integrative Approach to Pain

Video Overview:
Things you should understand about chronic pain.
- Your pain processing system can be turned up or turned down like an amplifier. Learn what factors make the system more sensitive, and ways to turn down the volume.
- Secondary sources of pain can worsen suffering and disability. They are treatable, so understanding them is important. Some secondary sources of pain include:
- changes in neuromuscular function.
- change in the fascia and connective tissues of the body
- gut-brain-immune axis changes can increase pain, inflammation, anxiety/depression, and other chronic disease
- hormonal changes
- emotional distress worsens pain, which worsens emotional distress
Did You Know:
Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at www.mindbodygroove.comRelated Posts:
Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Dr Shiller’s Clinical Services

Watch this video to get an overview of Dr Shiller’s integrative approach:
Scroll down past office logistics, for videos that talk about his approach to pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, depression/anxiety, and other difficult chronic conditions.
Office Logistics:
Dr Shiller meets with patients in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Gush Etzion as well as by telemedicine. Telemedicine appointments are available for people in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Virginia, and Israel. Other international clients can be seen on a case-by case basis.
He sees patients in the Leumit clinic in Beit Shemesh on Bar Ilan. Contact the clinic directly if you are a Leumit patient. He does not work through the other Kupot or US insurance companies. Patients with private insurance often get reimbursement. Ask in advance for a visit summary.
Access the convenient online scheduler on the homepage here, and follow these instructions:
- Click “schedule an appointment” in the upper right corner.
- Follow instructions on the scheduling page.
- If you need more help, contact the office directly.
Direct office contact:
- 1-203-290-1368
- 972-058-789-0369
See more videos about Dr Shiller’s approach to difficult chronic problems. Click on the relevant link below:
Healing Pain When Drugs and Procedures Don’t Help
Fibromyalgia: Feeling Better and Healing The Roots
Optimal Recovery After Injury, Surgery or Severe Illness
Topics Coming Soon:
- Stress, Depression, and Anxiety
- Osteoarthritis
- Fatigue and Post-Covid Syndrome
- Persistent Postoperative pain
- Autoimmune Disease
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Unlearning Negative Mind Body Patterns That Create Pain and Illness: Part 2

In this video series we’ve been learning about how chronic pain and associated suffering develop. The idea is to understand the chronic processes, so that you can make choices about how to reverse them and reclaim your sense of well-being and ability to function and live your life. The previous videos in this series shared how the body-mind “learns” chronic pain. You can also “unlearn” chronic pain. This video continues to explain how that process works. I spoke in previous videos about the biological processes that are involved in the development of chronic pain. Have a look at those if you haven’t seen them yet. You can see those posts HERE. We discussed how protective responses are built into the pain processing and movement control systems of your body-mind. These processes get knocked “off the rails” by certain factors. And persistent pain leads to gradual changes in those systems that can unfortunately make pain worse. It’s like vicious cycles, where the pain system gets sensitized, and the movement control system stops working as well. So movement hurts, and pain spreads. It’s richer than that, as persistent pain and the resulting stress-response lead to measurable changes in gene expression, hormonal regulation, cellular energy production, emotional regulation, immune balance, and gastrointestinal function. And these all feed back into one another and can increase pain. So there is this snowball effect, where vicious cycles of biological relationships propagate forward and create the disease of chronic pain. The good news is that many of those changes can be reversed. In my experience, your own mind/body connection is a crucial place to start the changes. One great place to start is by developing the quality of ‘mindfulness”, which starts to shift the reactivity of the protective responses. Just like your brain-body learns chronic pain, mindfulness can start the process of unlearning.Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation in CT, NJ, and Florida, as well as worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. His US-based consultations are offered in conjunction with Rose Wellness to enhance the quality of care and ease of your experience as a patient. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at Rose Wellness. For international consultations contact
- Movement Toward Health is an affordable and effective training program to teach you to heal and feel better and improve your functioning. It will teach you to integrate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and mindful movement techniques that are drawn from Dr Shiller’s 30+ years learning, practicing, and teaching these approaches to people suffering chronic pain and chronic illness. To get more info and be notified of the next start date CLICK HERE.
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
Related Posts:
Full Transcript:
As mindfulness develops, you start to notice stuff, you become more aware, because you start to develop your ability to pay attention and receive what is there. You start to notice, “Gosh, I’m spending most of my life filtering through my thoughts and beliefs about what’s going to happen instead of actually seeing what’s going to happen” and almost everybody that goes down this path is like struck by that, “Oh my gosh, I was living in fantasy and I’m starting to touch living in reality” and part of that is you start to touch the sweetness and goodness of life, you start to smell and touch and taste things that are beautiful. We will talk about that in the next part, because that is really important, but for now, we are talking about kind of inhibiting the negative patterns, because that is the other aspect of what we do, it is kind of like I said, stopping these unproductive reactive habits about your mind and your thinking, your nutritional habits, your posture, your bodily habits, what you do in the world, and it is not like you are being forced by some sort of blaming conscious and shitting yourself, like what is wrong with you, do not you know you should not do that, that is not the game, because what happens is you just start to pay attention and you just forgive everything and you just choose to be grateful and you let go and you practice letting go and being present, and what arises naturally is just a clear choice, like, “I don’t want to eat that stuff or gosh this person in my life is toxic. I want to do something different because I’m, so much negativity there or gosh look at all my own toxic thoughts, how can I be with that and let go of them” S Mindfulness practice develops this observer, that starts to notice the negativity and you naturally start to just say, “No, thank you” and you naturally become more forgiving with yourself and forgiving with other people. You naturally start to like accept your life as it is and that does not mean it is never going to change, but you are less reactive to the things that are difficult, that used to grab you and pull you into severe suffering, and it is remarkable the changes that just happen naturally that I have been privileged to witness with other people. You know it is kind of like there is concrete and then suddenly the grass grows through the crack somehow, like there is life in there that wants to come out. One example, there is a fellow that I worked with, his name is Bill, and he was a recovered alcoholic, but really struggling with cravings, a lot of difficult emotional stuff in his life, and every day was like a war to not drink, and you know we were practicing one day and Bill basically says, “I really have the urge to drink” and I said, well, okay, so what else are you experiencing? He said, well, I feel tight in my chest and I feel irritable, my back hurts. Okay, and what about the emotions? I feel irritated, I feel angry with you for asking me all these stupid questions. So, I said okay, so how about just sit with what you are experiencing, sit with the difficult emotions, just observe them and be with them, notice what they feel like, do not try to change them, just agree because that is what is happening. He sits there for like a minute and a half and then like a smile comes on his face, like why are you smiling? He’s like, well those emotions were really hard and then they just kind of went away, and I do not feel like I need to drink anymore. That was a discovery, it was something that just came to him through observing his own life, and I could give you so many examples of things like that in my own life, in the life of so many patients, where it just comes from paying attention with compassion, dropping the judgment, forgiving, being present and cultivating this part of you that actually kind of hovers above your emotional self and your bodily self and is with you all the time, and it is an expression of a deep inner intelligence, and it is your healing intelligence and that is the power of doing that kind of training to unwind these pathways of mind, emotion, and physiologic reactivity that perpetuate and develop this process of chronic pain and chronic illness, and so, as you practice and train yourself to be aware with compassion and with discernment, things start to change spontaneously, you start to just, you know, you may have lived your whole life in patterns of reactivity that are mental, emotional, and physical, and you start to notice them and they start to kind of get lighter and get less heavy and you start to have more freedom of choice, and it is from practice, it is relearning, it is rewiring, nerves that fire together wire together. When I have that experience of tasting the irritation that once created reactivity, and I choose to just be with it and let it be there and say yes, it is happening, I agree this is what is up, letting go the judgment, then I am turning off the reactivity, it is like, I am uncoupling it, you know, it is those two nerves, there is the irritated and then there is the reactive nerve, right? I am irritated, so then I get emotional, and I am basically saying, “No, I’m not believing you anymore, you are just a habit. I don’t need to get reactive when that happens” and then you start to actually uncouple your physical, emotional, mental experience from your ability to choose to have the kind of experience you want to have, and that changes your physiology, it changes your neural networks, it changes your gene expression, because you are living in a more calm, clear, connected state, where you are not as reactive. We talked about how there can be setbacks and how a person can be learning to live in a calm or clear state of mind and body but then something happens that like knocks him on the ground, knocks him back into the hole or they fall in the water, so to speak metaphorically, so what is that about, how do you deal with that? We talked a bit how just being mindful gradually that happens less and you develop the capacity to respond more effectively when it does happen, but the other thing is that there is deeper kinds of work than just sitting there and being mindful of what is going on. There is deeper work that involves getting therapeutic support, whether it is with an individual or a group or in your own inner work and intentionally going in and meeting the dark places inside, because a lot of us, most human beings, we have had experiences of profound disappointment of hurt, of trauma, of fear, times when we felt like we were disconnected and it just was not okay and, you know, there is a language for this in various psychotherapeutic and spiritual traditions, but the point is meeting those places and evoking various tools for actually doing a deeper level of work, to reclaim that part of yourself and to free up the deeply held protective responses that you might have in your heart or your body, that is profound work as well. It is a little bit beyond the context or it is a little bit beyond the scope of this video. So, I am not going to go there now, but that is something else to think about and talk about, because a lot of people with chronic pain and illness have trauma. We know that early life trauma is a huge part of what influences people to develop chronic pain and chronic illness and healing that trauma can be a profound influence on all of these physiologic processes, because what it does is sort of uncouples or discharges or disengages these deeply held patterns that said, “danger” and it is about healing those, so that your whole system can be more at ease in that rest, and there is techniques for learning that. Okay, so let us make a break now and we have talked really about the process of sort of saying no and uncoupling and unlearning negative protective responses, and we also want the process of installing and learning and actually awakening healing responses. So, we will talk about that in the next vid, hope you tune in.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Unlearning Negative Mind Body Patterns That Create Pain and Illness: Part 1

In this video series we’ve been learning about how chronic pain and associated suffering develop. The idea is to understand the chronic processes, so that you can make choices about how to reverse them and reclaim your sense of well-being and ability to function and live your life. The previous videos in this series shared how the body-mind “learns” chronic pain. You can also “unlearn” chronic pain. This video begins to explain how. I spoke in previous videos about the biological processes that are involved in the development of chronic pain. Have a look at those if you haven’t seen them yet. You can see those posts HERE. We discussed how protective responses are built into the pain processing and movement control systems of your body-mind. These processes get knocked “off the rails” by certain factors. And persistent pain leads to gradual changes in those systems that can unfortunately make pain worse. It’s like vicious cycles, where the pain system gets sensitized, and the movement control system stops working as well. So movement hurts, and pain spreads. It’s richer than that, as persistent pain and the resulting stress-response lead to measurable changes in gene expression, hormonal regulation, cellular energy production, emotional regulation, immune balance, and gastrointestinal function. And these all feed back into one another and can increase pain. So there is this snowball effect, where vicious cycles of biological relationships propagate forward and create the disease of chronic pain. The good news is that many of those changes can be reversed. In my experience, your own mind/body connection is a crucial place to start the changes. One great place to start is by developing the quality of ‘mindfulness”, which starts to shift the reactivity of the protective responses. Just like your brain-body learns chronic pain, mindfulness can start the process of unlearning.Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation in CT, NJ, and Florida. worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. His US-based consultations are offered in conjunction with Rose Wellness to enhance the quality of care and ease of your experience as a patient. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at Rose Wellness.
- Movement Toward Health is an affordable and effective training program to teach you to heal and feel better and improve your functioning. It will teach you to integrate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and mindful movement techniques that are drawn from Dr Shiller’s 30+ years learning, practicing, and teaching these approaches to people suffering chronic pain and chronic illness. To get more info and be notified of the next start date CLICK HERE.
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
Related Posts:
Full Transcript:
All right, so in the last video, we talked about how chronic pain and illness are processes that gradually develop over time, that genetics and life experiences and various triggers can start this process, and that your biology shifts, your system, your mind body system so to speak practices various protective and maladaptive responses and that is built into your neural networks, so practicing it over time, your system learns it and it becomes kind of set, and that is affecting your neurologic activities and emotional and mental responses, your neuromuscular functioning of your motor system, your gastrointestinal system, your hormones, your immune system. To varying degrees, those are all influenced, because it is all one system, and it is all working together, presumably to protect you from danger but effectively to generate these secondary problems of chronic pain and chronic illness. The system gets unbalanced, the neural networks change, gene expression can change, and the outcome is chronic pain and chronic illness, and just like it can be learned, it can be unlearned, and so this video is going to start talking about how do you help the healing process, how do you unlearn chronic pain, how do you relearn health? Healing is a learning process, it is about the conscious choices that you make on a daily basis, lifestyle, behavior, habits, thought patterns, mindset. You could break it into three parts, because I like to do that to make it easier and they are called three M’s, there is your mind body system, your metabolic or biochemical system, and your motor or your movement system, and all of those are ways that you can kind of grab hold of your physiology and on a regular consistent basis start to shift your physiology towards health. Obviously there is a lot to unpack there, but the point is that you really need to think about it as I am taking charge of my health. I am not expecting someone to fix me. I am not looking for an overnight miracle that suddenly I am going to be better. What I am looking for is gradual change over time that happens, because I have made conscious choices, and I have been doing stuff to help my mind body system to optimize my metabolic system, nutrition, inflammation, all of that, and to actually use the power of my movement system to help my body heal. This whole aspect of retraining and unlearning pain and illness and relearning health. There are these two parts of aspects of unlearning the bad stuff and learning the good stuff, pretty simple, right? Let us start by talking about unlearning the bad stuff and you got to start that conversation by talking about stress and almost everybody now knows that you have a stress response and you have a relaxation response, this is physiology that has been demonstrated for 50 years and interventions to evoke the relaxation response have been tested over and over and over again in so many different realms of health and showing their benefit, because they balance that system out. You are meant to go through stress in life, life is not meant to be stress-free despite what the magazines tell you, but the point is, you have stress and then you have relaxation, and the system is in balance. Most of us in our current time are stressed, there is a lot of difficult things going on in the world, and if you have got chronic pain, chronic illness, there is a protective stress response going on and you probably like overdoing it on the stress response and under-doing the relaxation response. Simple techniques, there is a bunch of different ones, can actually evoke the relaxation response, and lots of research showing us that those are beneficial in a variety of different kinds of conditions and situations, to enhance well-being, to help people cope with pain, to reduce the effects of chronic illness in various ways on various organ systems. The key is consistency. We are talking about a learning model. We are talking about the body has practiced for months or years, an unbalanced stress response and all of that influences in the whole body-wide system, and so what you are looking at doing is shifting that, and that means consistency, nerves that fire together wire together, you want to shift your neural networks, you want to bathe your whole body and mind in biochemistry that starts to shift gene expression overtime. You want to try to do it on a regular basis. Hopefully that all makes sense, but there are a couple of problems with relaxation training. I have been teaching meditation for a lot of years, and what I hear over and over again from a lot of people is, “doc, I try to relax and I get more tense.” It is a really common thing, because you know what, if I am trying to do something, I am not relaxing, effort is the opposite of relaxing, and what you could say is stress is when we are trying to put an unbalanced force on something, an absence of stress is just stopping, it is effortless, there is no effort, there is no trying to get anywhere, and so a lot of the relaxation response methods that are sort of like active, “Hey, you are going to relax,” they can trip a person up that way. If it works for you, great, do it. In my own experience, just simply bringing the awareness to the present moment, bringing awareness to the sensual experience of life, bodily sensations, breathing, sounds, textures, even the taste of food, that is all about bringing your awareness and your consciousness into the here and now, and there is not stress here and now. Mental emotional stress comes from future and past; it comes from comparing and thinking and striving and yearning and trying, and when you just bring your awareness into the here and now, the whole system starts to calm down and relax. In my experience, that is often a big change for people who are sort of stuck in the “I can’t meditate, I can’t relax.” Okay, so do not meditate, do not relax, just pay attention in a structured way, just notice what you are experiencing, notice your breathing, let your breathing be like waves coming in from the sea and rolling up on the shore and rolling out to the sea. It is an experiential process. The second big challenge with relaxation and stress management in general is what I have heard from so many people, which is, “I feel great when I am doing it, but then as soon as I get back to life, wow, everything hits me and suddenly like I am back into the vortex, and I am into the reactivity” and you know whatever it is, like the wife or the husband or the co-worker who does something unkind or the pain flare or the financial issues that trigger something, and before you know it, you have fallen back in the hole. So, what do you do about that? One of the first things you do about that is realize that it is totally normal, if you have been practicing being in a reactive stress state for months or years, then your body is used to it, that is what we are talking about here, we are trying to change physiologic habits, and it can take time, and it is totally normal that you get pulled back into the challenging stuff. There is a deeper level to this if you start really thinking about the structure of a human being and a human soul, which is that we often have areas in our deeply held experience in our heart, even in our bodily memory that are associated with painful traumatic experiences, and until we start to actually unravel that and unwind that, they are going to still pull, they are going to pull our attention, they are going to pull our physiology, they are going to have a pull on your emotional experiences. That is where it gets a bit deeper, because the idea of bringing your attention and your awareness to the present moment experience, yes, it can be very relaxing, but there is a deeper process. What happens is you develop this quality of your own mind that is able to be present, and you actually gradually condition your mind and your emotions to observe what is going on without getting sucked into the drama, without getting sucked into the judgments and the habits of self-blame, self-judgment, criticism of self or others and the emotional reactivity that they create. In my own experience and what I have witnessed with so many people, there is this process by which the awareness develops overtime, there is a part of your mind and soul that is elevated above your emotional reactivity, and you develop it, you build it, you condition it, you teach it, you learn it by practicing it, and that is why the real benefits from meditation happen from practice. By doing it on a consistent basis, by observing, by being present, by letting go of the reactivity, by falling off and getting sucked into it and then letting go again. It is a training process whereby you are essentially saying to your whole being, I am paying attention, and I am here, and I am not going to go down those pathways, I am saying no essentially to the normal reactivity, like I am sitting there and breathing, and I am paying attention, and I notice the thought that comes up that often triggers me, and I choose to just let it go. I notice an emotion that might come up, that might trigger me, maybe it is sadness or fear, and I just choose to hold it; I decide to compassionately relate to it. Okay, there is a difficult emotion, I am feeling fear, I am experiencing pain, let me just be present to that as if it was a little child who needed my loving care and attention and hold it in my heart without getting into the whole reactive, oh my gosh, how’s it going to change, I can’t live like this. The things, the habits of reactivity that naturally become part of our being when we are dealing with chronic pain and illness can be unlearned and that is really what mindfulness training is about, there is a lot of different layers to it, but the basic idea is developing awareness and consciousness that are present, discerning, and compassionate. Which means I understand why this could happen, with all the different things that have gone on in life that have happened to me, that have happened to the world, of course, this is what is happening right now. I am falling back into fear and irritation and anger. I am slipping into chronic pain. I have been rehearsing it for 10 years. Okay, I am noticing it, I am letting go, I am not getting caught in the spiral, and what happens is that there is this part of your mind or your brain or your being depending on who you want to think about it, that you develop, and it gets called mindfulness in some circles, in the teachings of Torah and Kabbalah, it is the higher soul, it is the Neshama, the part of us that is just present to our life experience and can connect our sort of lower needs and drives with our higher aspirations, and it is your biggest ally in healing. Many of the people who I serve appreciate shorter videos, because it is easy to absorb that way, and we are going to continue to learn about unlearning pain, but I am we will just to take a break here and continue in the next video, you can find that whether on the blog or on the YouTube page or elsewhere, just look for the next number in the sequence and please join me there, please share if you find this interesting, and talk to you soon.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? These Scientific Principles Can Empower Your Healing: Part 2

Science is revealing why chronic pain and associated problems happen. Understand this stuff and you’re on your way toward healing and feeling better. Chronic pain and illness don’t just happen. They are processes that develop over time. The body-mind learns chronic pain. And it learns the things that go along with chronic pain, like anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable howel, high blood pressure, and so on. Just like your body-mind learns to be sick and suffering, you can unlearn sickness and suffering. You can learn to heal. If you want to feel better, then tune in to these videos and share them with others.Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
- You can learn more about Dr Shiller’s practice and schedule a telemedicine or in-person consultation at
- Movement Toward Health is an affordable and effective training program to teach you to heal and feel better and improve your functioning. It will teach you to integrate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and mindful movement techniques that are drawn from Dr Shiller’s 30+ years learning, practicing, and teaching these approaches to people suffering chronic pain and chronic illness. To get more info and be notified of the next start date CLICK HERE .
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- Heal Pain With Your Mind? What Does The Science Say?
Full Transcript:
Okay, so we have been talking about some of the basics of about why chronic pain and chronic illness are learning experiences, the physiologic, biological changes that happen from the interconnection of all your body systems that bring about the suffering, that bring about the dysfunction, that bring about the disability, and these are things that when you understand them, you can start to choose to unlearn them and to reverse them and start to actually install patterns of responsiveness to life in your mind/body system, in your biochemical metabolic nutritional system, and your movement system. So, let us continue. There are other aspects of neuroplasticity, right? So, like, you have protective responses in your body, you can actually say that the stress response is a protective response, because when that limbic system that says not safe to be, fires on, really what it is doing is making you vigilant so you can look out for further danger, and that is why so many people who have chronic stress, whether it is from some horrible trauma that develops PTSD or if it is just from living under chronic stress are a little bit hyped up, and they might be irritable emotionally, they might be just having a hard time sleeping, they might be developing digestive problems or cardiac problems, because their body is rehearsing a stress response, and that is a protective response. The person so to speak is looking to protect from danger. Meanwhile, the danger is over, but the system is stuck. Hope that makes sense. Similar things happen with your motor system, the nerves, muscles, joints, bones, the whole system that helps you move through space, move towards what you care about, and move away from what might be dangerous. If you put your hand in a hot stove, immediately you have a reflex that causes you to withdraw your hand, that reflex is plastic. If you have perpetual or persistent pain coming into a particular part of your body, those reflexes that create muscle contraction, tightening of connective tissue, shifting in joint position sense actually becomes set into the system. I told you about a woman who had some pain in her shoulder and after a while, two years, she was holding her arm like this, that is a protective withdrawal response. Maybe, I need to sit back a little bit so you can see that, but basically, she was walking around like this all the time, it is a protective withdrawal response, okay. Imagine you have got that in your hand and you are trying to reach out and type. Every day, you try to type and you are working against contraction, you are working against yourself. Same thing happens when someone is trying to walk. That is part of what perpetuates the problem, protective responses in your mind/body system, protective responses in your neuromuscular system, and the other aspect of it is changes that happen in your hormones, your immune system, your gastrointestinal system, whether it is from chronic stress, chronic pain or whatever, that feeds into dysfunction in your gastrointestinal tract, and this is something that is showing up in all of the research of last 10 or 15 years or so, and that feeds into problems with the brain, because when the gastrointestinal tract gets dysfunctional, it creates a situation where there is biochemistry and immune changes that can feed into and worsen anxiety and depression, can feed into and worsen pain transmission. There is this intimate connection that is in every part of your body, it is a learning process, it is the way your body presumably is trying to protect itself, but it gets a bit haywire and becomes chronic pain and chronic illness, and it is a learning process through neural networks that are all talking to each other, nerves, organs immune system functioning in a system that gradually learns to become dysfunctional, and so what I am suggesting is that there are ways to make it less dysfunctional, and that is what healing is about, but it takes time and practice. I want to take it to the next step, right. We talked about neuroplasticity as one mechanism of that, how the connection and communication among nerves of various regions of the brain or various parts of the body, the spinal cord, the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, it is all neuroplastic and it all responds to persistence of distress of pain of noxious painful stimulus. There is another level of it, which is actually genetic, right? And we tend to think of, well, genes are just genes and what my genes say or what my body does, but what we know from the past few decades is that is not at all true, that we have genetic tendencies and that gene on your chromosome is surrounded by even greater amounts of material that is intelligent so to speak and it responds to your experience, it is called epigenetic material, and it determines whether your genes are turned on or turned off, and what we are knowing more and more and understanding with greater clarity is that if you are subject to persistent stress, persistent insomnia, persistent in pain, persistent emotional distress, it shifts gene expression, it is another aspect of the learning process, which can work against you or it can work for you. In summary, the processes by which chronic pain and chronic illness take place, they take place overtime, they are learning processes. There are neural networks, there are circuits that work together through various organs, various areas of your brain, nerves that fire together wire together. If you want to recover from chronic pain and chronic illness, what is really important is getting out of this mindset that someone else is going to come in and fix you, getting out of the mindset that someone has got some magic bullet that is going to change it all and realize that your habits, how you choose to think and work with your mind/body connection, what you choose to eat and how you nourish yourself biochemically, and what you do with your physical system can potentially retrain your brain, your body, your whole system to be more healthy, to recover a greater degree of function and health that gets taken away by that chronic process that generates chronic pain and chronic illness. The mindset shift is one of being proactive of realizing that you know what, you need to be in charge. You might have great healers that help you, you might have doctors that give you just the right medications or do just the right procedures, and I am not saying stop that stuff, but what I am saying that there is a piece about ownership and taking responsibility and learning, that is going to empower you, because you might go to a great therapeutic person, whatever they are, and you might see them once a week or once a month and they do something and something shifts. Maybe, it is psychotherapy, maybe it is hands-on therapy, but what are you doing in between, and so what I am suggesting to you is to start to learn what you can do for yourself, what you can do to teach your body and direct the learning process, so that your system moves towards recovery and healing. Okay, so, this is the first video. There is going to be another video that is going to get a bit more practical about it, and so stay tuned for that, and I hope you have enjoyed. In the meantime, feel free to leave comments, leave questions, and hopefully I can respond. Thanks so much.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Why Does Chronic Pain Happen? These Scientific Principles Can Empower Your Healing: Part 1

Science is revealing why chronic pain and associated problems happen. Understand this stuff and you’re on your way toward healing and feeling better. Chronic pain and illness don’t just happen. They are processes that develop over time. The body-mind learns chronic pain. And it learns the things that go along with chronic pain, like anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable howel, high blood pressure, and so on. Just like your body-mind learns to be sick and suffering, you can unlearn sickness and suffering. You can learn to heal. If you want to feel better, then tune in to these videos and share them with others.Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
- Movement Toward Health is an affordable and effective training program to teach you to heal and feel better and improve your functioning. It will teach you to integrate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and mindful movement techniques that are drawn from Dr Shiller’s 30+ years learning, practicing, and teaching these approaches to people suffering chronic pain and chronic illness. To get more info and be notified of the next start date CLICK HERE.
- You can learn more about Dr Shiller’s practice and schedule a telemedicine or in-person consultation at
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- Don’t Miss These 3 Things That Can Prevent Healing from IBS, Fatigue, and Chronic Pain: Pt.1
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- Heal Pain With Your Mind? What Does The Science Say?
Full Transcript:
All right, greetings everybody, Dr. Shiller here. So, there are some confusing beliefs in our culture that keep a lot of people sick and suffering and two of them are particularly difficult or toxic. One of them is that you might think somebody else is going to fix you, and the second one is that there could be some sort of quick fix where your chronic pain or chronic illness is going to go away like right away when you start doing whatever it is that you might start doing to help it, and I just want to share with you why that is not a good way to think, why it is counterproductive, and how it is the opposite of how things really work, because what that does is potentially invites you to open your mindset to think about things in a way that is more productive that actually might bring you some real solutions that could help you. The key thing is like this, chronic pain and chronic illness are learned, learned. Okay that might sound kind of strange because when you think of learned, you might think like, “Oh, I sat down and read a book, and I wanted to learn French or how to cook or whatever it is you might want to learn.” It is not what we are talking about here, but we are talking about a process over time, where the physiology, the biology of your body actually practices and reinforces and develops certain patterns, and that is how chronic pain happens, that is how chronic illness happens, and the key thing is learning how that happens, so you can learn how to unlearn it, and you can re-learn how to live well and actually to help your body heal. Let us talk about that. Let us talk about chronic pain for instance, like a lot of people who have chronic pain after some kind of trigger, there was an injury, maybe it was surgery, maybe it was an infection, maybe it was some kind of trauma or damage or a fall, and then what sometimes gradually happens is that the thing just gets worse over time, right? There can be worsening of pain in the actual region that got hurt and then there can be like a spreading of pain, so it might start in the person’s foot or hip and then it spreads to their back or whatever it is, goes to a different part of their body. Sometimes, it can affect the whole body. Sometimes, there can be issues with other organ systems that create secondary sources of pain, changes in the brain, the nerve, the muscle tissue. There can be things that drive chronic illness or even turn up pain sensitization, and that involves shifting in biochemistry of brain function, shifting in psychological function hormones, intestinal function, the balance of the immune system. These are all things that can worsen chronic pain, that can create secondary sources of pain and that can generate chronic illness. Let us try to understand how that happens. I just want to give an example of what I am talking about in case it is not clear yet. A woman I will call Jane. She was actually one of my first patients when I finished residency 20 years ago, and I learned so much from her and other people like her. She basically had fallen down. She was a teacher. She got knocked over by some students. She was trying to break up a fight, and she hit her head, she hit her shoulder, and she had what you described mild moderate injuries. She was not really messed up from it. She was not in the hospital, but gradually, she developed shoulder pain that spread all the way down her arm. She started developing headaches. She could not use her arm. She held her arm like someone who had had a stroke. She had headaches that were disabling. She developed all sorts of psychological challenges. She was in her mid-30s, and she was disabled. She was not working, and she had gone to many doctors, and all of them tried what I was taught to do when I was in medical school in residency; let us try this thing, let us try that thing, let us try this medication. The thing is we were not really looking at what was going on with her physiology, and so let us talk about what that is, what happens physiologically, and what I am going to share with you is kind of a digest of what I have learned from reading medical research and basic science research. A lot of this is stuff that is not in the clinic yet. It is well known that a lot of basic science research does not make it to clinical practice for 10, 20, 30 years, because it is a whole other thing to like understand what is going on than it is to develop like randomized controlled trials with lots and lots of people that convince most doctors so that things get into practice. The challenge is when someone comes to you who has got this chronic problem, who has tried all the first-line things that the best neurosurgeons and neurologists and orthopedic surgeons try, and then they are still suffering, what do you do then? And so that is kind of how I have built my practice. So what do you do then? And that is the kind of patient I have been seeing for 20 years. So, that is what I am speaking from, is that experience. Let us think about this underlying principle that we call neuroplasticity, and neuroplasticity means the brain, spinal cord, and nerves change over time. In response to experience, they change their function, they change their connectivity. Let us unpack that a little bit. Let us talk first of all just about the sensitivity of nerves to pain. So, you got a nerve in your finger and you get a bad injury on your finger and it burns or it hurts and that sends a signal up to your spinal cord, and from there, it goes up to your brain, and from the core of your brain where all the sensory and emotional and cognitive information is processed, it goes to the part of your brain that experiences pain. The nerve itself when it is persistently stimulated reorganizes, it changes DNA synthesis, it changes synthesis of proteins and ion channels and various kinds of sort of physiologic biological properties that affect how that nerve responds to stimulation and how it functions, and so you can get spreading of pain around the area of injury and you can get a situation where that nerve sends out signals that are wrong. That is the classic thing someone who has got nerve pain and you gently stroke the hand or something and it feels like fire and it burns or someone who has got neuropathy in their feet where they cannot stand the sheets, sitting on their toes at night. So, they cannot sleep, that is sensitization of the nerves, and that is a physiologic change that happens over time in that nerve. A similar thing happens in that whole tract going up to the part of your brain in the sensory cortex that says, how my hand hurts, because those interconnections, they are called synapses, right? So, one nerve talks to another nerve through a synapse. So, the signal comes down the nerve and it gets to this junction that is called the synapse, it is between the two nerves, and what happens is the signal gets down, and if it is strong enough, it causes that nerve to release some juice into the space between the nerves, and that juice is chemicals. It is neurotransmitter chemicals, and those contact that secondary nerve and stimulate the nerve to do various things. If they stimulate it in a strong enough way that secondary nerve fires, and those two nerves are in relationship with each other, and the more that this one fires and makes this fire, the more they get used to firing, that is why they like to quote, “Nerves that fire together wire together.” What that means is that the synapse as it gets more frequently active, as it is stimulated with a strong stimulus, it gets more active. So, they are kind of like good buddies talking to each other, they already know what the other guy is going to say, they are already in conversation, they remodel their connections. So, it becomes more sensitive. Now, the function of your entire brain, spinal cord, and body is built on thousands of nerves talking to each other. You have got regions of your brain that do certain properties, regions of your brain that do other functions, and the connectivity between all of those parts of your brain is what determines how well your brain or body works, and all of that is subject to this principle of neuroplasticity, where nerves that fire together wire together. So, suppose that somebody has a horrible traumatic accident and part of that is that they develop a painful thing happening in their tissue or their body, it is an injury, a wound, a break, whatever it is, it is painful. It is constantly sending a signal that is sensitizing. Meanwhile, they also had a traumatic experience, and that traumatic car accident or bomb going off, whatever it was, God forbid, creates a situation where they are in a stress response, they are in a danger response. Their system is stuck in that trauma, and that represents certain areas of the brain, often the limbic system, the frontal cortex that are interacting with each other and firing off this persistent pattern of “I am scared, it is not safe to be me.” All the information about your emotional reality is integrated with the information of your sensor reality, and so a traumatic experience that is practiced so to speak overtime, that becomes set into that person’s neurophysiology, habitually changes the pain transmission system, and that is probably, and it seems to be why we see it so often that people who have persistent or have had significant traumatic events often develop chronic pain, because the processing of pain and the processing of stress, a sense of danger, sense of lack of safety, grief, anger, frustration are intimately connected with each other. So, that is just kind of one example of how habitual experience of trauma stimulates habitual experience of pain, and it is a vicious cycle, and that is a learning process that gets worse overtime in many cases, and the issue is how to unlearn that. It gets richer and deeper though, okay. Okay, so we are going to take a break right now and cut this, and we will get to the continuation of this topic in the next video. Summing up, there is a foundation physiologically about why chronic pain and chronic illness are really learning processes and how you can, by understanding that, unlearn them, that is where we are going with this. The whole idea is for you to understand how the learning process may have happened in you, so that you can make positive choices to unlearn the negative stuff and install learning for the positive stuff and actually bring yourself towards healing. So, please look out for the next part of the video of the same name, and we will continue with the topic.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Where Do You Start, If You Have Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and IBS?

One of my readers asked a great question: “Doc, what are your thoughts about EBV and Herpes as causes of fibromyalgia? And what about bio-film and leaky gut? I have bad IBS, and always feel so tired. Oh, and I also have bipolar, PTSD, and panic attacks due to trauma and abuse”.How does someone start to heal if there is so much going on?
It’s important to remember that many chronic pain and illness syndromes share underlying biological imbalances. If you can start to identify those issues, you can understand what is driving your symptoms. And that can help clarify your path to healing. At the core of almost every chronic pain and illness syndrome is the intimate relationship among the gut, the immune system, and the brain. Gut-brain-immune interactions are showing up in chronic illnesses including autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, dementia, neuro-degeneration, arthritis, neuropathy, and more. It might be decades before the research is organized into treatment that the average family doctor will offer. In the meantime, many people benefit from safe lifestyle approaches that address the underlying causes of chronic pain and illness. And that often helps people heal, feel better, and live better. It’s helpful to think through the history of early life experiences, illness, triggers, and what issues are most prominent in life now. And to start to understand how these things interact. The reader who shared this question was asking about everything BUT her ongoing anxiety and panic, related to her history of emotional and physical abuse. It’s a shame, because those issues can heal. And then the person can heal. And the person usually doesn’t heal the physical illness if they don’t heal the toxic shame, self-blame, anxiety, and hypervigilance that often develops after such tragic events. So many folks with anxiety and chronic illness have been stigmatized with ‘it’s all in your head”, when really they have significant biological issues. The sad thing is many docs don’t seem to “get it”, even though the research shows the issues quite clearly. And unfortunately, that’s triple-bad for patients. They don’t get their needs met. They get blamed and shamed for their illness, which often makes them worse. And the stigma often creates an obstacle to recognizing the mind-body relationships that are driving the physical illness. The patients continue to suffer because they are unwilling to do the crucial mind-body healing work, which is a foundation of healing and recovery. Chronic pain and illness mean that your actual physiology is in “protective mode”. If you have anxiety, panic, depression, history of trauma, then that protective mode is amplified intensely. It’s incredibly important to develop the power of your mind and heart to shift the patterns that create disease. And to create a sense of safety, acceptance and compassion, and to get it “into your bones”. Once you learn these tools and make them real in your life, amazing things can happen. Scroll down for full transcriptDid You Know:
Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at www.mindbodygroove.comRelated Posts:
Full Transcript:
Presentation Slides Hey everybody, Dr. Shiller here, and I want to talk today in response to a question that a reader sent in, because it is so relevant to many people when it comes to the whole idea of healing chronic pain and chronic illness. I want to talk a bit about some of the chronic syndrome that have common underlying issues, why we look at them slightly differently in the functional approach compared to the way a lot of us learned in medical school, and in particular to talk about really the relationship of some of the core physiological imbalances, some of the biology underlying chronic pain and chronic illness, no matter what the issue is, there is this underlying biology, and how does someone like me think about it. So, you can kind of look at your situation and try to get some insight, and so it is a great question she sent in, because it evokes a piece of confusion a lot of people share, and so I want you to hear this and take it in so that you do not get confused by it. So, here is her question. Doc, what are your thoughts about the article that I have read that said that mononucleosis which is Epstein-Barr virus and herpes virus can be the cause of fibromyalgia. Look, she has fibromyalgia and chronic pain. What is going on here is very generalizable though. I am going to tell you why. So, what do you think about these viruses that can cause viral, and what about the effect of the hysterectomy I had due to bad endometriosis? So, if this is an individualized thing, how do I narrow down my own personal cause? And she goes on to say, “Oh, by the way, I have bipolar disease and PTSD and panic attacks due to physical and emotional abuse,” like wow, wow, like a heart- breaking complex situation, that is not this person’s fault, she has a real physiologic illness, and she has a lot of like social and emotional trauma going on. She goes on to ask more questions; doc, what are your thoughts about leaky gut and biofilms? Do I need to diagnose that and treat that? I have irritable bowel syndrome pretty badly, I am always feeling so drained and lethargic and exhausted, and you know it has been really hard, because I do not really trust my doctors anymore. A lot of them have treated me like I am a drug seeker, and you know not only do I have fibromyalgia, but I got really bad osteoarthritis. I am only 45. I have already had a hip replacement. I am going to have another joint surgery coming up. I hurt so bad every day that I feel like living like this is just not like living life. And so the reason this is relevant to a lot of people, not just with her sort of diagnoses is because it is a complex picture and her head is spinning around with all the different possibilities of, like what do I do next? And I hear that all the time, it is so confusing. You read all the stuff on the internet, and she is talking about biofilms and leaky gut and like what comes first? What should a person start doing? What I want to say is that the thing screaming at me from her case is the PTSD and the panic attacks, and the fact that she has got like an ongoing, really intense kind of psychiatric illness, and the issues with that are not just relevant to people with psychiatric illness. If you are someone who has had early life trauma or you have had traumatic experiences or if it is less severe than that. Suppose you are just like a normal person who does not consider yourself mentally ill, but you actually like noted, yeah, like I had that really tough experience when I was in high school or college when there was that breakup of that really close relationship where I lost the person I loved and cared about or I was in college and I was abused by my professor or whatever it was and right around then my symptoms started happening, or maybe it was that car accident that did not seem so bad or I had that surgery and then suddenly things started unwinding. Well, this is for you too, okay, because the thing that is so important is that people frequently overlook the incredible power of the mind-body connection, and I want to flesh this out for you a little bit, okay. –Next Slide– So, let us start off by looking at some of these slides just to understand, like how do these syndromes develop? And you will notice what I have written here, that many chronic debilitating problems share biological imbalances, whether it is chronic pain, fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, and leaky or irritable bowel like she had, fatigue, depression, anxiety, but also things like migraine, dementia, neurodegenerative disorders, neuropathy, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue. There are underlying imbalances that drive these diseases and they show up differently in different people, and part of the problem and challenge of conventional medicine is that they are looking at the disease as the sort of here, the disease will tell us what the problem is. If they are not looking at the kind of person who has a disease and how this disease probably developed based on the more detailed history, and that is what we do in functional medicine. So, let us keep going on this here. –Next Slide– So, we try to identify and treat the underlying biological imbalances that give rise to all these different diseases as opposed to saying, hey for this disease, we use this drug, because that is the approach that often does not work for people, and if you have a chronic illness, you may have experienced that yourself. –Next Slide– So, identifying the underlying biological imbalance, how do we do that? We think about three things. We think about antecedents, the foundational issues in the person’s life or history that set the stage. We think about triggers, transient events that shift the system and create like a different reality, and then mediators, things that keep you sick, persistent underlying physiological imbalances, and so the antecedents and the triggers give us an idea of what the mediators that might be most important are in a given patient, and that is when we start thinking about treatment. –Next Slide– So, let us keep going and unpack this some more. So, antecedents are things like genetics, adverse childhood events or early life trauma, which can actually turn on the genes of stress in an overactive hypervigilant, mental/emotional system that is intimately connected with your immune system, your gut, and everything in your body. Illnesses or exposure, lifestyle, these are early life of things that set the stage of who you are biologically, so that when the trigger comes along and it could be a stressor, an infection, a trauma or a toxic exposure or a drug exposure, it could be a serious illness, and that creates a shift, and that shift sets up some kind of mediator. It could be a change in the immune system and a kind of onset all the time. Sensitization of the nerves or the brain, what we call central sensitization or peripheral sensitization, dysfunction in the mitochondria that produce biochemical energy, imbalance in the autonomic nervous system which is that stress relaxation balance that you are meant to have, but sometimes because of various antecedents and triggers, it gets locked into a locked-on position. Issues with the gastrointestinal tract and dysbiosis, hyperpermeability, malabsorption, classic things that go on with irritable bowel syndrome, and as you can imagine, all of these mediators can feed into each other, and so it is kind of like a snowball that is going down the hill or a river that is flowing downstream. It kind of gathers energy overtime, and that is why you may have had the experience of like, “Oh, yeah, that thing happened. I was not feeling too well, it did not really get better, or I got something that got better, but then something else happened, and then like it has just gotten worse and worse over years,” and I hear that everyday over and over from almost everybody who shows up with chronic illness and chronic pain. There was some antecedent, there was a trigger, then there are these mediators that perpetuate and roll downhill like a snowball or flow downstream like a river. –Next Slide– Regardless what your diagnosis is, whether it is any of these things. Frequently, there are antecedents, triggers, and mediators, and these diagnoses are like the outcome, they are like what happens when the actual end organ gets sick and that is when people tend to have symptoms and go to the doctor, but we know that when a person has a chronic syndrome, it frequently starts a long time before that. There is actually data showing with rheumatologic disease, like osteo or like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus that there is symptom onset, then there is positive lab tests and then there is when you get a diagnosis and that can be months or years before you get a diagnosis, and that process is typically going on for a while before the person even has symptoms. So, these are processes. They are not discrete events in time. A discrete event in time can trigger the process. That is part of what is important about understanding it and part of thinking through in your life, okay, like, what was I like as a kid? Do I have a family history of illnesses or diseases like this? Like what are my antecedents? What are the triggering events that seem to bring things on and make them worse? and start trying to understand, well what might the key thing be? –Next Slide– Okay, let us keep going. All right, the gut-brain immune axis. This is just key. You could broaden this, you can add the endocrine system, you can add other aspects of your systems, because all of the systems in your body are one system, but this is a place where the money is frequently. This is the place where the money is in terms of you understanding what the issues are for you and why you stay sick? So, we had had a growing development of lots and lots of data over the years showing us these incredible connections between your brain, your gastrointestinal system, and your immune system, and at this point, like every specialty has journal articles and research findings coming out all the time, talking about these relationships, whether it is psychiatry journals, rheumatology journals, cardiology journals, and general internal medicine. It is all about this. These are the underlying physiologic things going on, and conventional medicine has not had enough time to do enough research, to really put all of this stuff together in a way that satisfies, you know, sort of the mainstream advisory boards and collectives that get together and make clinical guidelines, because it is still fuzzy, but there is a lot of underlying science that gives us directions about what to do, and those of us who practice functional medicine are early adopters. We are looking at patients who are otherwise getting sicker and sicker, because conventional medicine is not helping them, and we are saying, okay, we do not have complete data yet, we never will. Not everything that counts can be counted. We do have pictures and patterns that are showing up, and when we do relatively safe lifestyle interventions, the risk-benefit ratio of treatment is pretty good. So, let us keep moving through, and let us think a bit more about this issue that people get mixed up on, right, because this patient in particular was asking me, well, what about what is going on in my gut or did I have a viral infection that stimulated my immune system? And the answer is, yeah, those things might be really important, but you have got PTSD, you have got chronic anxiety, you have got panic attacks, that means your stress response is on all the time, saying danger, danger, danger, and that is going to re-stimulate your gut, and it is going to re-stimulate your immune system. –Next Slide– Let us unpack this a bit. This is just a progress in neuro-pharmacology and biological psychiatry, right? This is a graphic of your brain and here is your gut and here is a blow-up of your intestinal tract, showing like the inside. We call this the lumen, and in the lumen here, all the bacteria that make up your biome, you got trillions of bacteria in your gut, and they are not just hanging out there living the life. They are helping you metabolize food. They are producing metabolic products that are circulated into your system and affect all of the tissues, especially your brain. They are modulating and moderating the immune system that is living in the walls of your gut and that is in turn affecting your entire system. Chronic stress has all these neurologic pathways, by which it affects the gut, and it affects the biome and changes the biome. It is when the biome changes, for instance, certain shifts in the biome can create toxic metabolites that go to your brain and create anxiety, bipolar disease, panic, depression, and perpetuate that. There are also biochemical pathways, like the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Cortisol also influencing the thyroid axis that feeds into the gut biome situation, and from there, what is going on in the gut biome and what is going on with the integrity of the wall of your gut feeds into the overactivity of the immune cells that are living around there, and that gets systemic, and they produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, inflammatory chemicals that go to your brain and feed the issues. So, this is a loop of interaction between your brain, your gastrointestinal function, your biome, your gut barrier, and the immune function of your entire body. So, that is why people are thinking about dysbiosis and leaky gut and biofilms, that is why people are thinking about viral infections as issues or triggers that cause these chronic disease processes, because they set off this system, but that is why you also need to be thinking about your mind-body connection and the balance of your autonomic nervous system. –Next Slide– Here is a cartoon that just looks at this, like barrier dysfunction, leaky gut, intestinal permeability thing. These are all kind of different words for the same phenomenon depending on who you are talking to, but here is your normal gut. You got these junctions between the cells of your gut that keep the bad stuff inside and absorb the good stuff, so that you absorb nutrients, but you keep the bacteria in your gut, and you remove the waste products. So, along comes stressors, toxic exposures, infections, various kinds of things and create change in that biome and create leaky gut or intestinal permeability, and you have got stuff leaking through, and your immune system that surrounds the gut and your vasculature, your blood vessels that surround the gut, are exposed to all sorts of stuff, that can be incompletely digested food, that can be bacterial components that generate a big immune response systemically, and that is part of what drives the chronic inflammation that drives chronic illness and chronic pain. I hope you are starting to see the picture. –Next Slide– So, let us keep going here. The last element of these changes that happens is so relevant to this particular person who had irritable bowel and fibromyalgia, which often go together and there is a reason why, and this is it, right? Because that cycle of overactive stress response that affects gut function and dysbiosis and leaky gut and overactivity of the immune response creates peripheral and central sensitization, that means the nerves are overactive, that means everything hurts in your brain. It can also mean brain fog, it can mean more anxiety. It is a neurological overactivity, because the brain has too many excitatory chemicals. In the gut what happens is the actual nerve endings get sensitive and the actual function of the motor system that makes your gut very carefully move the food along gets either overactive or underactive. You get constipation/diarrhea or diarrhea/constipation, depending on the kind of irritable bowel that you have got going on, but that is part of the problem, stuff is moving through too fast, you are not absorbing nutrients. –Next Slide– So, what do we do about all this? Well, I have talked about this before, and this is the way I think. I think about these three domains. I call them the three Ms; mind, movement, metabolism. Mind is your mind-body relationship. It is the fact that between your ears, you have a capacity for free choice, you have a capacity for mobilizing your mindset, your thoughts, for transforming emotions, for actually shifting your physiology, and this is real science, it is not kumbaya, goofy, goofy, floofy, floofy. It is real physiology of how mind-body training and how mind-body techniques and the right kind of therapeutic tools shift your physiology. Your movement system is your musculoskeletal, neuromuscular nerves, the way that you move in space, your body was made for movement, and that shifts everything too. Exercise is the best medicine going. You got to just know how to do the right stuff for you, and then your metabolism like we are talking about, what is going on with the gut, the immune system, the hormone system, the neurotransmitters, all that biochemistry, and there is ways to think about all of these things and treat them with lifestyle. –Next Slide– So, like, all right, these are important things, right? Metabolic/biochemical, that is this part, metabolism, right? These are some of the things we work with, your diet, you know working with food sensitivities, the right nutrients, low antigen, high polyphenol diet. This is a whole lecture obviously just to talk about this, supporting the adrenal system. There is an off-label medication that I use a lot called low-dose naltrexone, because it gently shifts the immune system and enhances certain biochemicals that enhance well-being and block pain and then there is healing the gut. There is ways to treat dysbiosis and leaky gut. There is ways to treat biofilms, which can perpetuate dysbiosis. –Next Slide– And then the movement or mechanical system. Movement is medicine, it can be healing. If you are sedentary because of pain, because of joint injury, because of obesity, because every time you do exercise, you get wiped out because you have got chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, you need to find a way to exercise that works for you, and I guarantee there is a way. I have worked with so many people who have felt like, I cannot move, I cannot do anything, but then you teach them in the right way, how they can learn to move, start where they are. Accept the current limitations and build and build and open your envelopes that you get stronger, more flexible. Build your endurance while you are doing these other aspects of healing, and obviously, there is aerobic exercise, stretching, strengthening. But most importantly potentially, especially if you are chronically ill, is mindful movement arts, whether it is yoga or tai chi or chi-gung or Feldenkrais. These are approaches that are really about helping you bring your awareness into your body. So, you are actually directly aware, you can bring compassion to yourself, you can learn to move from the inside out, as opposed to some kind of no pain, no gain thing, which just flares you up and makes you worse. –Next Slide– Okay, but here is the whole point of this talk. The real thing I want you to take home that is so important is, yeah, we have got all these different issues that give rise to these illnesses, but autonomic imbalance is huge and people do not like to recognize it. We do not want to think there is something wrong, right? And part of it I think is because so many people have been stigmatized, accused, humiliated, and otherwise dismissed; oh, you are just anxious, blah, blah, blah. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the fact that your state of calm versus anxiety. Your state of autonomic balance or imbalance is fully integrated with the underlying biological processes that give rise and perpetuate your chronic illness and your chronic pain, and if you do not address that, it is just like you are not addressing your gut imbalances or your hormonal imbalances. The fact that you are sedentary or the fact that whatever it is, it is one complete system and you really need to address the autonomic imbalance.The good thing is, there are ways to do that, there are so many techniques and tools and technologies. –Next Slide– Let us talk more about that, and I just want to like another little diagram here, right? You have a state of mind and consciousness, it is your mind-body state, and it is the way you are in relation to yourself, and that influences everything. It influences your pain pathways, it influences your brain function, your immune function, your cellular energy production, your relationships and roles with people around you, which influences your happiness, which feeds into the whole system. Your motivation and self-care, like are you doing things that nourish you and heal you or you are doing things that feel good in the moment but actually make you sicker, like eating the wrong food or using substances that create transient feeling good, but in the long run, feed into your illness process, and then of course like your whole gut barrier biome motility. Your gut-brain axis is so powerful, and if you are not doing this, you are missing the boat, but on the other hand, when you start to open your mind and start to learn tools, then you are pulling all this stuff together and you can start creating a more healing state. –Next Slide– I just want to emphasize this a bit more than chronic illness and chronic pain, your body believes you are in danger. There are biochemical, physiologic, biological, mental emotional signals that perpetuate that message. Whether it is life stress pain, trauma, immune dysfunction, toxin, drugs, acute illness, surgery, or the pandemic crisis that is going on, and all of the social difficult stuff going on, it all creates a sense of, you know, and it creates a vigilance, right? And that vigilance that you might experience mentally and emotionally is so to speak being experienced by yourselves, and that is part of what recent science is showing us, that our biology has a danger detector, our immune system has danger detectors, our mitochondria are danger detectors, and there is a cellular protective response, that is kind of like circling the wagons. The cells stop producing so much energy, they stop producing as much DNA and protein synthesis which they need to survive and thrive. There is activation of the immune system, hypervigilance, and decreased cellular communication, and that feeds into the danger response, and it gets stuck there, and the question is, how did you shift that? We treat all the physiology, we get you moving, sleeping, doing all those healthy behaviors that are so important, but there is activating the biochemistry and neurology of safety, and that is your mind-body connection. –Next Slide– And one little other thing just to keep in the back of your mind is that your brain has got three sort of functional aspects. These are not anatomically separate, but they are kind of anatomically different, right? There is your neocortex which is like your thinking psychological brain, and then there is your limbic system which is your emotional brain, and then there is your brain stem which is like your physiologic cellular influencing brain, and they are so integrated, but there are distinct things that you do to address those different aspects, and so, talk therapy like CBT is great, it helps you think better, but it does not necessarily get at your limbic system unless your therapist happens to be super talented and also work in things to connect with you on that level, and that does not necessarily get into your body unless someone is teaching you some kind of body awareness, body calming, mindfulness, somatic experiencing, EMDR. There are various techniques. Internal family system. There are different tools that you can learn, that you can do by yourself, or if you need the help, you get help from someone who helps you work through it and learn how to do it and learn how to hold you in that space, so that you can hold your own being in that space of safety, and that sends that cellular signal, and bit by bit, that is how you heal. –Next Slide– In my eyes, there are six steps to mind-body healing: relaxation, mindfulness, body awareness, insight, like developing your inner maps, you understand what is going on in your inner and outer world. There is activating the power of your heart and soul to heal you, but to generate positivity and love and compassion and caring and to actually connect to the higher aspects of your own being, which are there to heal you and that is part of what transforms you. So, this is a huge topic. I will be talking more about it. If you have not subscribed to the YouTube channel, do it, and you can also sign up to get on the email list, so that you are part of my email community. Get notified when new posts come out, and you know, I am constantly putting stuff out there in terms of mind-body healing as well as these other aspects of healing. Some of it is free, in terms of free sessions we do online. Some of it is more in-depth and more developed and really helps you build skills overtime, and so you are invited to keep tuning in. Send your feedback, I would love to hear it, and I am wishing you all the best for speedy healing. Take care.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Don’t Miss These 3 Things That Can Prevent Healing from IBS, Fatigue, and Chronic Pain: Part 3b

Your Mind-Body connection is almost certainly part of what drives your IBS, chronic pain, fatigue, or chronic illness. You can mobilize your mind-body connection to help yourself heal. One of the most common mistakes that I see people make is to do all the dietary, nutritional, and exercise stuff, while they don’t adequately take charge of the power of their mind-body connection. This lesson answers crucial questions that you should understand, if you want to heal:- How does the Brain-Immune-Gut-Hormonal integration create and perpetuate chronic illness and chronic pain?
- What is the influence of the vagus nerve on all this?
- How can you stimulate the vagus nerve to start reversing the disease process?
- Why should you care that your brain and stress-response has cognitive, emotional, and physiologic aspects to it’s function?
- What is the cell danger response, and why is it important in your healing process?
- What are the six steps of mind-body healing?
Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller is responding to the chaos and overwhelm of the corona pandemic by offering regular free stress-busting mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
- Inner Healing Essentials is an intensive six-week course taught by Dr Shiller, which teaches you the Six Steps To Inner Healing. It empowers you to transform stress into vitality, and begin to take back your life from chronic pain and illness. A new class begins quarterly. To get more info and be notified of the next start date:
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Full Transcript:
Welcome back my friends, it is Dr. Shiller. This is part B of a long video that is talking about the complexity of chronic pain and chronic illness and really discussing an overview of the three-part healing process of addressing your mind-body system, your metabolic biochemical systems as well as your movement and structural system as three essential aspects of really taking a big picture of holistic view and that is where the therapeutic leverage is in the integrated approach, because by and large conventional medicine is looking at all these different problems as separate things as opposed to understanding the big picture and realizing that the various symptoms are flowing out of similar underlying physiologic abnormalities or imbalances and then you can address those imbalances, and so this is really, these two parts are the first part of how to really heal, and in part A of this one, we talked about kind of the scientific underpinnings of mind-body medicine and why it is so important, not only why your mind-body connection is so important in the development of chronic pain and chronic illness, and why it is so important in actually transforming and healing chronic pain and chronic illness, and what we are going to do in this video right now is get kind of an overview of the landscape of mind-body healing and understand some of the different elements and understand the rationale about why you do it, and to get a bit of insight on some of the things that people miss when they are first learning meditation or visual imagery or other sort of mind-body approaches and how to really take a big picture of view so that you not only enhance your comfort but you transform the illness process in your body, in your mind, and in the integration of mind and body. So, I hope it is informative and inspiring and interesting. –Next Slide– I want to take this question of relaxation, mindfulness, imagery, and therapy, and how it impacts your mind-body state, your state of consciousness and just review for a second the ways that it can impact your health and have a huge impact on how you are feeling, and we have talked about this about how pain pathways are altered, how brain function can be altered, how the immune function can be changed for better. We did not talk so much about this yet, but energy production by yourselves, your state of consciousness is what determines how you do in life with the people you care about, with the person at the bank, with the police officer who reports you are speeding, with all the things that we need to deal within the world in our roles and in our functioning. If I am going to place a calm and clarity where I am present to my own self, I am present to other people, then all of that stuff goes better, and I can tell you that from my own experience. I was like an anxious, weird, introverted kid when I was a kid, who did not know how to pay attention to myself or other people, and I was kind of a dork, like it just what it was. I was not a smooth person. A lot of people did not like me. I had a lot of challenges interpersonally. Not a lot of challenges in various aspects of what I was doing in life, and when I learned to get quiet and calm and actually start to live from a deeper place in my own being and start to live with more empathy for myself and more for other people, my life changed profoundly, and guess what, my relationships are not as stressful. Our relationships tend to be harmonious and positive, and I am not saying that to say I am so great. I am saying that to say that anyone can do this, and so many of the people that I have trained than other people who have trained, people who have learnt to actually find a state to calm themselves, learn how to navigate through the world to flow with the challenges when the wave comes, to ride it like a skilled surfer or dive underneath it, because of awareness, because of skill and self-management. Motivation and self-care. It starts with you, it starts in your hearts, it starts in your soul. Are you eating stuff that is actually good for you or you are eating stuff that feels good in the moment, because you have got a lot of stress and emotional anx and you are eating sugar and bakers and saturated fats which tastes so good. There is a reason they call it comfort food, but the fact is, it destroys your body, it feeds into and poisons so many of your systems, and the same thing about alcohol and other substances, and on the flip side, exercise and self-care, whether it is going for a walk, doing something pleasant that feels good, doing exercise that feels good. These are the things that actually shift your physiology for the better, and they can actually have a huge impact on your health, and that starts with where you are at, what your state of relationship with yourself in the world, and we have talked a bit about gut barriers and motility. So, all of this obviously connected, you are one unity. –Next Slide– I want to step back and think a bit more about the science again, and you basically have three functional areas of your brain, right? You have got neocortex, that is the thinking part of your brain, you have got your limbic brain is your emotional brain, your arousal brain, your stress response happens here. All of your emotions and all of your sensory step is processed here and go to your reptilian brain. Core biological functions, like blood pressure, heart rate, influences on immune function, gastrointestinal motility and function, and so when these things were first started to be evaluated, they used to think, “Oh yeah, these were strictly anatomically distinct areas and that turns out to not be true, that there is processing that goes on at these three levels, and they are different aspects of how you process reality, but their functions, they are not anatomically distant, and if you look up the triune brain, we will see this like progression of the science over the past, I think 40 or 50 years, how initially they thought it was anatomic and evolutionary and like embryonic, but the fact is there is so much interconnection. It is all one brain, but you do have these different kinds of functions and to the extent that you are aware that you got an intellectual, rational processing brain as well as an emotional, reactive brain, as well a biological and body physiological brain. You can better understand how your mind-body connection influences your health, because it influences all three levels. So, let us unpack that a little bit, because this is one of the places where people frequently fall down. I do a lot of training for people in mind-body therapies and healing. A lot of people come to me, “Dr. Schiller, I have been doing all this meditation, it is great. I go to this deep relaxed state and I feel so good. I do not have pain when I am there, but then I come back and my pain comes back or whatever the symptoms,” and you know my sense of what is going on is they are getting some degree of limbic quieting there, and they are getting some mental emotional quieting there, but they are not really getting that quiet into their body and [07:26] healing, what their body is holding on to in terms of self-protective responses, and a lot of times that person who is doing those meditations where they go up and out, they go into some sort of expanded God’s space or some sort of spiritual, energetic, expansive space, but then when they come back into their body, they are the same old person, and so they have their pain, they have their interpersonal conflicts, they get really angry with their kids or with their spouse sort of, they cannot function on their job because they hate their boss. It is because they are soft of disassociating in a certain way, and it is great to achieve that level of calm, but it is really important to bring that calm into the body and allow to start to change you and shift your instinctive, instinctual reactive patterns that come out of your heart and you are in body consciousness and memory. The way I understand it after practicing for 20 years and studying all the science is that a fundamental question that your whole body is asking all the time, whether it is your cortical or mental thinking, your emotional processing or even your physiology is are you safe or are you in danger? And that is a huge thing, because on a physiologic level, let me just unpack this, but like here are things that make us feel not safe, things that make us feel like we might be in danger or we are at risk of something bad happening, things like life stress, pain, trauma. Pain goes into every aspect of your mental, emotional, physiologic functioning; immune dysfunction and inflammation does as well. Toxins and drugs influence everything. Acute illness, surgery, or being in the midst of a pandemic influences every aspect and creates a danger signal. Your entire being is a danger detector. If our human being is not aware of danger, then you have a risk of actually getting hurt or killed. Think about primordial human who is out there in a jungle looking for mangoes, and he is looking for mangoes and he is so into mangoes, he is not even thinking about the tigers that he knows lives in the jungle, because he sees the mangoes, really there is a tiger hanging out there. If he does not see the tiger, he is going to get eaten. If he is focused on the tiger and he misses the mangoes, he can go looking for mangoes tomorrow, but he will not get eaten hopefully if he knows how to defend himself from the tiger, but the point is that we naturally have a bias towards danger and negativity, because it is protective, and we have protective responses that are built into our neuromuscular system, right? You touch a hot stove, you have a reflex that withdraws your hand, you do not have to think about it. You have reflexes throughout your body at every level of your spine in terms of your neuromuscular system, and you have got protective responses in yourselves, in your immune system. Your immune system in general is a protective response. If they would stand at the gate and say ‘friend or foe’ and to keep the bad guys out and let the good guys in, and so the danger detector is in the level of our consciousness, which I will start right correctly later, it is in our immune system, it is our structural system, and it is our biochemical system, and we have cellular protective responses. This is kind of a new thing that is showing up in biology and metabolomics, which is kind of the study of broader cells in the context of all cells, which is systems biology approach, and more and more we are seeing that they are these protective responses on a cellular level, that cell seemed to be able to shut down in response to danger, and they shut down their energy production, they can shut down communication with other cells, they can create a state of hypervigilance and immune activation, they have reduced their actual production of DNA and cellular reproduction,. So, on an actual cellular level, your body can start to shut down when you have persistent danger that it is exposed to, whether it is through your consciousness and your understanding and something dangerous in the world, whether it is immune activation, whether it is structural trauma or something that is happening physically to you, or whether it is biochemical trauma or biochemical changes that are dangerous to your body. You know, we are starting to see that the immune system has these sort of cellular and protein patterns that are called basically danger detectors or damage associative patterns. I do not want to go too much in that detail, because it will fit people out, but the point is on a cellular immune level we are wide for danger, and that protective response becomes part of what is dangerous to us, and the protective mode that develops is probably part of what maintains chronic illness, whether it is psychological protection or limbic emotional protection or physiologic cellular detection, just going to that brain diagram or there is like the stuff you are conscious of and thinking about. Then, there is a stuff that emotional you, just reacting to, whether you are aware of it or not aware of it. Then, there is stuff that your biology is reacting to, and most of us are just not aware of that at all, and so healing depends on bringing this whole system a sense of safety and a sense of calm and a sense of “Hey, it’s okay to be me,” right? –Next Slide– The protective mode is the problem, and what I encourage my patients to do and what I encourage you to do is learn to bathe your body and your mind in the biochemistry of healing, and there is a number of steps to that, and the typical mind-body interventions of relaxation and mindfulness and visual imagery and therapy are part of it, but it is a deeper more compressive thing that we have learned how to measure, but it is an experience that many people can have, and when you have it, you know it. You know what is like to be bathed in a sense of, it is okay to be mean right now. You feel it in your body, you feel it in your bones, you feel it in your heart and you know it in your mind, and the question is and the incentive is and the imperative is to learn how to cultivate that state of being and to learn how to get back into it whenever you need to, and to learn to make it part of your lifestyle if you have a chronic illness or chronic pain, so that your bathing your body in the biochemistry of healing that you are giving a signal to the protective responses in your intellect, your emotions, and your physiology to say, “It’s okay, it’s okay, we can get back to life” and that is how we get back to life, calm, safety, connection. Connection is huge, right? Connection is huge. Connections, what it is about? Positive emotion, turning off the danger response. –Next Slide– So, I have come up with what I call six steps of mind-body healing. I am not going into the details of this right now, but I want to give the overview of that, and I will talk about it again at another time if people are interested, but the six steps are relaxation, mindfulness, body awareness, and then inner insight, as well as developing heart and soul power and transformation. It is all about turning off the danger response. Let me just unpack these a little bit for a second. Relaxation is relaxation, that is the physiology that we have measured. Herbert Benson in the 70’s started measuring the relaxation response, and all this stuff is being built on his research, and it is amazing what he did. He is a cardiologist at Harvard Medical School. The relaxation response is a physiologic, low metabolic state that enables your body to start healing. Mindfulness is a state of mind. Mindfulness is a way of paying attention on purpose in a particular way to your present moment experience, to your thoughts, your emotions, your bodily sensations, and if your are inclined that way to your spiritual sense, and it is a way of learning to see what is really going on in your life. Learning to see how your own mind-body connection is operating, so you can make better choices of it. Body awareness is actually just what it says, being aware of your body. Most of us are walking around like more connected, you know, disconnected from our neck up or busy going, going, doing, doing, we think about our body when it starts to scream it is with some sort of symptoms, but body awareness by bringing your attention to your entire body and feeling it and bringing it a calm state of mind is profoundly healing and that can be done by sitting or lying down meditation. It can be done by simple movement arts like tai chi or yoga, Feldenkreis. Pilates has a lot of body awareness. There is various other approaches that can be done with tremendous body awareness and are tremendously healing. It is about inhabiting the body. It is about bringing your mind and your soul into your body with consciousness. Insight, inner map. Insight is part of what comes out of mindfulness and it comes out of body awareness. An insight comes from relating to your own being with awareness and compassion, and most of us are so full of judgment and self-doubt and self-hatred, and it happens because we get those messages at an early stage in life. It can happen because you are sick and because your body is not working like it should, your mind is not working like it should, and it is very easy to say, “I hate myself. I hate what I become. I hate the fact that I cannot do: ABCDEFG,” and what is the “I” and what is “the self”? What I want to suggest from a Torah and Kabbalistic point of view is that you have an eye, which is your higher soul. It is a deep intelligence that is not limited to your body, and when you start to reframe I hate myself and to connecting with your deeper I, your deeper self-awareness, the place of deep self-acceptance, or you actually see what is causing things and you have compassion on yourself, and it is something you develop overtime and you see the aspects of what is not right in your life, and from that place, you are so much more empowered, they actually make positive changes. Because if you are relating to all the challenging things with self-hatred and self-doubt and self-blame, then you are creating and feeding into that stress access, you are feeding into that anxiety, depression, and misery access, and when you connect to a deeper level of yourself, that is insightful and aware. What we start to do is actually see where you can intervene in an intelligent and compassionate way in your own reality to make positive choices. The next one here is heart and soul power. It is about [18:36], and that means waking up love. It means waking up compassion. It means waking up higher insight. These are really hard things to measure, but they are not hard things to feel if you feel it. Part of what we do in the meditation training I do is we awaken heart energy, and awakening heart energy is something it has been done in every spiritual tradition through all human history until ours. It is starting to happen in ours through apps and, you know, things people do in hospitals, but the point is that you can develop the energy of love in your heart, and your heart is not just a pump, your heart is a system of nerves and endocrine function as well as this is a pump that pumps your blood, but it is profoundly integrated with your brain, and your heart influences your brain and it influences your entire nervous system, and I can guarantee you that as you generate the heart energy of loving kindness and compassion, you will begin to shift your physiology, shift your emotions, and shift your thinking process about yourself and your world and for the better, and the last thing is transformation, and transformation happens when we take our body physiologic responses and our emotional reactivity, and we start to draw our higher faculties of heart and soul into those places, and that is profoundly transformative and beautiful. So, obviously all this needs to be unpacked. A lot of it is experiential and talking about it does not give it to you, but talking about it can give you a sense that it exits, and what I hope that talking about it will do is encourage you and empower you to start looking, start looking for how you can develop relaxation and mindfulness and how you can develop body awareness and compassion and insight and develop the powers of your heart and soul to heal yourself and to transform the pain and the suffering that you are living in. –Next Slide– So, I want to close with just sort of an observation that kind of sums a lot of this up. Somebody I know recently said, he was like, it is great that science has finally seen all the connections between these different things, we were talking about integrative medicine. Yeah, the connections between your heart and your mind and your gut and your immune system, science has started to see the connections, and I agree within its core. Science has seen the connections, but my sense is that reality is different than what science understands. Science is powerful. I am a scientist. I studied scientific method, I really believe in science, but we have to know that science is limited. Science is like a light that we shine on reality and we learn specific things about reality based on the scientific tools that we have for measurement and for analyzing the doubt that we get, and it does not enable us to understand all of reality, and for sure it does not enable us to understand the complexity integration of a human being, and especially human beings in relation to other human beings, the society. It is just too big and too complex and science is not there yet, and I would take this I do that science is finally finding all the connections and turned upside down and saying that science is starting to discover the fallacy of the idea that there is disconnection, because if I am starting to see connections, what I suggest to me that you know what? My heart and my gut are different things, and my heart and my immune system and my brain and my immune system are different things, and on a certain level they are, but you start as one drop of water, and you can become two, you become 4 and 8, 16 and 32, 3 trillion cells, and the fact is the amount of connectivity starts when your one cell, where everything is connected to everything else, and as you develop, everything stays connected. It is not like it is disconnected. You know, for sure, your heart has a different function than your digestive tract, but those functions are so profoundly interconnected, and one of what I suggest and invite people to move towards as there are starting to dive into and learn and practice mind-body self-healing is to experience their integration, experience their connection, experience that life has a unity to it, that you have a unity to it. If this is abstract, then it seems kind of weird too, that is okay. You do not have to believe it. My suggestion is just start, start to develop relaxation and calm, start to develop mindfulness, start to develop body awareness and compassionate awareness and insight, start to develop the power of your heart to transform your body and start to live. So, there are lots of ways to learn these things. I am going to keep talking about these things in other videos. Please feel free to share this with other people and thanks a lot for watching.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
Don’t Miss These 3 Things That Can Prevent Healing from IBS, Fatigue, and Chronic Pain: Part 3a

Your Mind-Body connection drives the ongoing process of IBS, chronic pain, fatigue, or chronic illness. It can also be your greatest strength in helping heal these and other difficult chronic problems. Despite what many people say, there is hope for healing Irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, chronic pain, and other chronic illnesses so that you can live a satisfying and meaningful life. One of the keys to healing, is to understand the complexity of these syndromes, and the underlying biological imbalances that give rise to the symptoms. The first two posts in this series talked about the systems-biology model of chronic illness. They show you how these syndromes of chronic pain and illness arise from the integration of your body-wide-brain, digestive system, immune system, hormonal system, and so-on. These are the principles that have helped me to help many people who were thought to be helpless. A word of caution: if you learn this stuff, you might know more than your regular doctor about it, so be careful. This post is going to help you understand why and how you can mobilize your mind-body connection to help yourself heal. One of the most common mistakes that I see people make, is to do all the dietary, nutritional, and exercise stuff, while they don’t adequately take charge of the power of their mind-body connection. This lesson answers crucial questions that you should understand, if you want to heal:- How does the Brain-Immune-Gut-Hormonal integration create and perpetuate chronic illness and chronic pain?
- What is the influence of the vagus nerve on all this?
- How can you stimulate the vagus nerve to start reversing the disease process?
- Why should you care that your brain and stress-response has cognitive, emotional, and physiologic aspects to it’s function?
- What is the cell danger response, and why is it important in your healing process?
- What are the six steps of mind-body healing?
Did You Know:
- Dr Shiller is responding to the chaos and overwhelm of the corona pandemic by offering regular free stress-busting mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at
- Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness. Contact the office or schedule a consultation at
- Inner Healing Essentials is an intensive six-week course taught by Dr Shiller, which teaches you the Six Steps To Inner Healing. It empowers you to transform stress into vitality, and begin to take back your life from chronic pain and illness. A new class begins quarterly. To get more info and be notified of the next start date:
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Full Transcript:
Hey, my friends, welcome back. We are talking today and then continuing to talk about three things that you should not miss in healing, fatigue, irritable bowel, chronic pain, and allow the symptoms that go along with or can be associated with those things. Today, we are going to get into the nuts and bolts of like, okay, how is the person actually healed? What do you need to do and what do not you want to miss? So, listen up to this. We are going to focus today talking about your mind-body system and how foundational it is to your healing process. So, a little background, the first couple of videos really talk about the complexity of your health and the complexity of disease and the different underlying physiologic imbalances that give rise to it, and we talked about a particular case. We talked about a guy who I saw. His name is Robert. He is in his 40s. He is a great guy, intelligence, sweet, motivated, really wants to do good things with his life, but he has completely stuck and cannot function. He has got so much abdominal pain and digestive symptoms that he cannot leave the house in the morning, he is fatigued, he can barely do stuff until the afternoon. He has got increasing anxiety. Lately, he has been sleeping so well at night, and he really feels like life is getting away from him, and he is not accomplishing what he wants to accomplish in life. –Next Slide– Okay, so here is Robert’s case, like I just shared about what was going on with him, and to give an overview of what I developed in those first two videos, which I really encourage you to watch, they go into a lot of depth and it really might illuminate a lot to see those first two videos about how to understand all these things [01:36] you, but as an overview, okay. Your mind is more or less the main place that you perceive stress, danger or challenging circumstances as a profound impact on your body, and why? One of the main things is that connection of your brain and your gut. There is something called the gut-brain axis that we have known about for centuries and centuries, a lot of the early philosophers talked about, all disease starts in the gut, and science is starting to finally figure that out and pretty much every professional journal, every professional specialty is talking about gut-brain axis as it relates to diseases in rheumatology and psychiatry and orthopedics in everything, and one of the main ways is that we have got this gut-brain axis. When a person has stressful, dramatic, difficult experiences, some of the changes that we see are dysbiosis which is a change in the actual biome of what is living in your gut, something called increase intestinal permeability as well as the tendency towards more inflammation, both locally in the gut and systemically. It gets more complex than this, right? Because those changes affect the immune system and you can get dysregulation of the immune system, that can show up in a lot of different ways, and again whether it is allergy, autoimmune disease, chronic illnesses that have an immune component, chronic pain which is related to immune disturbance or a variety of other clinical issues, immune dysregulation is part of that, and we are more and more seeing that the gut is part of which drives that and that an immune dysregulation feeds back into the gut. Oxidative stress is the shift in fundamental metabolic processes or biochemical process that happen all of yourselves that is related to immune dysregulation and again it is a two-way street where they affect each other and immune dysregulation feeds back in your brain. When a person gets a virus and feels sick and tired, it is because immune chemicals are circulating from the immune system, fighting that virus or infection and they go to your brain and they make you like lie down and sleep so you can heal, but what happens when the immune system is chronically dysregulated as you get this chronic impact on the brain, which can affect things like brain fog, energy, cognitive status, and brain inflammation, which can do a lot to make you sick, and then what is going on in your brain feeds directly into your immune system. One of the biggest stimulators of your immune function is acute stress and that actually empowers immune function, and one of the biggest things that impairs your immune function is chronic stress. So, again a two-way street of relationship, and then immune dysregulation has an impact on pain transmission, and we learned about how pain is not just like an electrical wire, it is an electrochemical flow of inflammation from the place that hurts to the part of your brain where you experience it, and your volume can be turned up, and then pain in itself could actually affect immune dysregulation, and that is intimately connected, what is going on in your brain and stimulating your stress response and feeding into all of this, and your cellular function, the core level of yourselves, your cellular energy production, metabolism, and DNA synthesis is influenced by immune dysregulation, influenced by stress and mind-body issues and influenced by what is going in your pain transmission system, and so this is a web of relationships. It is a cycle of relationships that evolve to protective you but frequently is what keeps you sick, and so that is what we are going to start about, talk about unpacking. So, let us like get some more layers here so that you can understand what I am talking about. –Next Slide– So, we talked a bit about the way we think about things in functional medicine as compared to conventional medicine. We think about antecedents, these were like early life stuff that set the stage. Triggers, transient events that happen in life that can shift the system, and then mediators, persistent changes in your biology, your biochemistry, your immunity, your gut function, stuff that like perpetuate and keeps you sick. So, antecedents like genetics and early life stress or trauma; triggers like stressors, infection, drug or chemical exposure; mediators, stuff like dysregulation of hormones, not sleeping well, stress and anxiety that persists, immune dysregulation, the fundamental things that go on in irritable bowel, like pain, dysbiosis, malabsorption, inflammation. These feed into your whole system in social circumstances, and all of these changes become like a process that flows downstream overtime. Disease does not just happen. It develops over the course of months and years, and frequently there is a trigger that takes your underlying situation and shifts it, and so it starts to shift the process that perpetuates, and that is why so many people seem to have a kind of a chronic thing that develops after they have some sort of injury, illness, toxic exposure, stress or whatever it is, and then they just keep getting worse, and they go to various doctors who were treating things individually, like, oh, you got this symptom, that symptom, that symptom, but they are not looking at the underlying issues. So, we are talking about treating as much as we can going upstream, getting at the underlying issues, unwinding the cycles that make people sick and that keep you sick. –Next Slide– Okay, so like we are talking in the case of this gentleman who saw me, who has got irritable bowel, who has got chronic abdominal pain, who is not sleeping, who is got anxiety, and who is got probably some degree of chronic inflammatory stuff going on, because it is irritable bowel or association with it, and he also has hormonal dysregulation, where his normal production of cortisol is not like it should be and it is low in the morning. These are what is going on in him, but the issue that I want you to see in this slide is that those can be underlying so many different kinds of problems. So, if you have got chronic pain or fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, migraine headaches and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy where your nerves get sick, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue. These share common underlying physiologic imbalances, some of which we have talked about in this case. –Next Slide– So, what you are going to do about it? You probably heard me talk about the three Ms, right? And this is just what I have come up with over 20 years of practice as three handles or windows through which you can come or look at your system and you need to address off three of these, and if you miss one or two of these, you frequently are not getting at the complexity of what is going on when you have a chronic illness or chronic pain. So, obviously mind is your mind-body connection. Movement, your movement system, metabolism is all of your biochemistry, your immune system, your hormones, all of that, and these all interact with each other, that is why these circles are intersecting, and what is really happening is right in the core of it, where everything comes together, and to my perceptive, you have also got spirit, you got an aspect of your being that is beyond measure, that is beyond what science can put a finger on, and pretty much almost everybody in the world senses that in some way, and that is part of what influences everything too, because it might be part of what integrates everything. –Next Slide– So, let us go further and talk about this. I am not going to try to talk about all three Ms today. I am going to kind of run through the metabolic biochemical stuff and run through the movement, mechanical structural stuff and spend more time on the mind-body axis, and then we will talk about those other two in more depth and we will drill down into those in the later videos. So, metabolic/biochemical, what is relevant for Robert who has got the condition we talked about or first of all diet, food sensitives, nutrients that can actually reduce irritability of the gut and low antigen diet that is full of antioxidants that actually tends to irritate the gut less and can help reduce inflammation and few radicals which produce oxidative stress. We are giving some adrenal supports and botanical substances that have actually been shown in research to support mood, energy, and to have an influence on that hypothyroid pituitary adrenal axis, which is involved in our chronic stress response. There was a substance called LDN or low-dose naltrexone that I use with a lot of people with chronic illness. It is worth reading about and understanding. It an off-label use, but very common drug called naltrexone, and it gets used a lot in irritable bowel, inflammation, pain, autoimmune diseases. It seems to be pretty safe. The research that we have shows that a lot of people get benefit who have not gotten benefit from anything. So, it is very well in my experience for irritable bowel, for inflammation, and frequently for mood. In terms of dealing with stress, we talked a bit about adrenal support but there are nutrients that can help your body deal with stress, stuff like B-complex and magnesium, other substances that can be either depleted or support your system in dealing with stress, addressing dysbiosis which is that alteration in the biome that is living in the bowel, which is mainly about probiotics and prebiotics. Sometimes, we get more aggressive and actually treat it with antibacterial stuff, whether it is botanical or pharmaceutical depending on the circumstances, and then addressing leaky gut. Basically, your immune cells which get broken down from various sources, whether it is dysbiosis, toxic drugs, toxic exposure, stress. When you feed them what they need, they frequently heal, and if you do not feed them what they need, they often doubt, and again this is supported by various levels of research that certain things like L-glutamine and zinc and vitamin A and E and vitamin D and omega fatty acids help the gut heal. –Next Slide– So, let us talk about the movement/mechanical system. Movement is medicine. Your body was made to move. When you get regular exercise, and regular exercise could be aerobic, stretching strength training, or some kind of mindful movement like yoga or tai chi and various other movement arts, dance, lots of different kinds of exercise, walking. It actually stimulates hormones, reduces inflammation. It can enhance sleep, reduce pain, enhance neurotransmitter function and make you feel good, and there is a lot of depth to understand what is appropriate for you given your circumstances. Depending on your level of health, depending on how much pain you have or what kind of condition your musculoskeletal system is in. So, there is subtlety to this, and I will drill down into this some more in a later video. –Next Slide– So, let us talk about mind-body healing. When most people think of mind-body healing if you are looking up on the internet [13:05] a biomedical web search like PubMed or something, you might see things about relaxation exercises, mindfulness, visual imagery, psychotherapy, CBT, various things like that, and these are all techniques that have been used and studied to see the effect they have on the overall stress axis, to see the effect they have on various symptoms and disease complexes, and there is a lot of research over the course of 20, 30 years that show that, you know what, these things make sense. They tend to be very low risk. Once you learn it, it tends to be very low or zero cost, and the potential benefits can be very great, especially depending on how much stress, trauma, difficult stuff was going on and how overactive your stress response is, and certainly my own clinical experience of using these techniques for over 20 years in my own life and with lots of patients is seeing profound impact, and this is one of those things that people miss, because I see a lot of people who come in and they are doing all this nutritional stuff and may be they are exercising, they might have chronic pain or fibro, IBS, or chronic fatigue, or autoimmune disease or whatever, but they are not really getting at their mind-body axis, and it is complex and it is subtle. So, lot of reasons why not. Some people just are not into it. For some people, there is a stigma, like whenever they have gone to a doctor over the course of years, and I have seen this with so many people like, who will sit down and go through all the science about why mind-body medicines are really important? Why it is a therapeutic tool? Why it is not that you are crazy? It is not to do something wrong with your mind, it is just that you know what, this is a therapeutic tool that can help you, and after like, so you means it is all in my head doc? And the unfortunate thing is lot of people have been stigmatized in that way. They have had problems that their doctors could not understand because they were never perceptive and then the doctor who cannot figure it out blames the patient, and so [14:58] nuts. It is all in their head, they need to take an antidepressant. Whenever it is complex, antidepressant actually have physiological effect that are not just about dealing with anxiety and depressant, but that is part of what this all talk is about that there was so much integration of the neurotransmitters that are involved in depression and anxiety as well as lot of other brain chemistry that are involved and actually generating and perpetuating symptoms and helping symptoms develop overtime, like that wave that flows downstream. Back to our topic, these things are techniques that get used a lot and they have been researched and let us talk more about why, just unpack this so you can see a little bit. Again, I talked about some of this in the previous talks, but I want you to see it here, because I really want to see how important this is, how real it is, how scientifically validated are these connections between your mind-body system and the rest of your systems as they relate to your level of health or illness. –Next Slide– So, these are some slides from the journal. The journal of basic and applied sciences that talk about normal stress response, chronic stress pathology, and chronic stress and cortisol resistance. So, this is the pathology and of things, right? Where person is healthy. There is a connection in physical, mental, oxidative, biochemical stress go into the brain and a signal goes out to what call the HPA or hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, stimulates not only epinephrine/norepinephrine with cortisol release, epinephrine/norepinephrine activate your immune system. Cortisol kind of like slows down inflammation and turns off that stress-related inflammatory response, so that you do not get sick, right? Because if you can imagine if you are out in the forest and you fall down and break your leg and you got an open wound or you get injured or something like that, your immune system needs to come in for defense and repair. So, it is a good thing that your immune system revs up with acute stress, but then when the stress is over, you want to quiet down. In some circumstances, we talked a lot about this in the previous two talks that stress does not turn down and that can happen because you got ongoing stressors, you got ongoing illness pain, injury, an environment in your life that is stressful, dangerous, whatever it is, or it could be that you got early life adverse childhood events that turned your stress response on overdrive, so that you get triggered by an illness or injury, your stress response just gets kicked for an armful and it keeps going, and you are like, hmmm, and you start to not even notice it after a while, but meanwhile, your stress response is going, going, and what happens there is you get kind of disconnect in this feedback loop and the adrenal glands are putting out cortisol, cortisol in response to this chronic stress and then that holds thing with your immune system being reactive is feeding into your brain and creating more biochemical stress from the immune overreaction, that is one of those vicious cycles, and the other thing that we have discovered over the years, because all the research you are now looking at, well, okay, chronic stress that affects health or maybe it is because of the cortisol, but wait a second, people with chronic stress do not always have the elevated cortisol, right?, that was the finding, but what they discovered is that in many cases, there was actually a loss of sensitivity to cortisol. So, it is not just that the cortisol goes high, high, high. Sometimes what happens overtime is that cortisol stops being elevated and the cells are like resistant to cortisol, the receptors downregulate. So, basically a person cannot even mount an immune response to a stressor, and that is when people start to really burnout and get that chronic fatigue, and we said this, it is probably why people start to burnout and get that chronic fatigue, immune weakness. The guy who says, “gosh, I get sick every year, anything, anybody has I get it.” I see a lot of people like that, and it is probably related to this chronic dysregulation of the HPA axis along with resistance to cortisol, so they cannot even mount a proper immune response to stress, it is of the more complicated than that, but this is part of it. –Next Slide– So, let us move forward. Let us talk about pain, whether its abdominal pain or peripheral pain in this whole feedback loop. Stress feeds this loop. We just talked about the HPA axis, and then it feeds into what we call sensitization of spinal pathways and central pathways in the brain, and central sensitization means your brain is turned up and it is like your pain processing is turned up, and peripheral sensitization means the actual nerves in your gut or your back or your knees if you have arthritis or your nerves if you have peripheral neuropathy, they become sensitized by various biochemical changes, which were all influenced by the stress response, and so this chronic stress response with all of the changes turns up sensitization in the periphery, meaning the rest of your body as well as the sensitization which is your brain and spinal cord. So, that is part of how pain gets worse. So, okay that is all the bad news. Let us talk about the good news. The good news is you have a system inside of your body that is actually there to help you cope in deal and it is probably of how mind-body therapies can help you and it is related to the something called the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, here is a diagram that is coming from Frontiers in neuroscience and its talking about, this is not where this is coming from, forgive me. That is from another slide. Cut that. In any event, this is just a diagram that is an anatomic slide. Here is your brain, here is your spinal cord. You have got your vagus nerve pumping out here and it is connecting to all of your internal organs. Here, it says vagus right, and that is giving input to your heart, your lungs, all of your digestive organs, and then you have these other parasympathetic, which is the same branch, it is the, you know, just to review again, you have got your stress response and your relaxation response. Your relaxation response neurologically is mediated by your vagus nerve and some of the nerves in your brain as well as your pelvic splanchnic nerves that go to your pelvic organs and sexual organs and the end of your bowel, and this is all parasympathetic relaxation response. So, you can send relaxation signals to your gut and those seemed to have an impact on people with leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome and also people with pain. –Next Slide– So, let us unpack this some more. Maybe we will see Dr. Bonas as you slide here in a moment. –Next Slide– Okay. So, vagus nerve to the rescue. What are we talking about? This looks complicated and technical and geeky and it kind of is, right? But that is the way scientists think and communicate with each other and I am part scientist, so I can hear them. Hematoencephalic barrier, that means your blood-brain barrier, right? It means your brain is protected from your nervous system, I mean from your immune system and from your blood and what it is it more or less, but the point is like this, that you have got vagus nerve fibers that are going out that actually have an influence on intestinal permeability and have an influence on inflammation in your gut. Vagal outflow has an influence actually on the bacteria in your gut. The population of bacteria in your biome that are part of what gives arise to this gut inflammation and systematic inflammation, and so vagal outflow, when the vagus nerves starts to act and gets strengthened and have increased output, it shifts a lot of the changes that give rise to complex chronic disease. This is such an important thing that, you know, most of the articles when you look in the medical literature, you look at vagus nerve and chronic illness, and you have got companies that are investing huge amounts of money in developing vagal nerve stimulators. A lot of them are invasive things where they actually like put something in your neck that stimulates your vagus nerve as it comes out, gives it like an electrical charge, and then noninvasive once they do it through the skin, and that is how really great and cool, and there is early research that shows unbelievable things, like, okay, these people have rheumatoid arthritis with really bad inflammation and deformation of joints, and they did valgus nerve stimulation and it stopped. People with chronic pain, vagus nerve stimulation, ooh, volume turns down. People with various kinds of chronic, really difficult problems, the conventional medicines often fails to deal with, and they use this invasive or noninvasive vagus nerves stimulation and you get some degree of effect. I am not here to push high tech, very expensive invasive tools that are there to stimulate your vagus nerve. I am here to push you to consider that in between your ears, with your free choice, with your mind-body connection, and your intelligence, you have the capacity to actually stimulate your vagus nerve. You have the capacity to stimulate neuro-parasympathetic nervous system and get benefits that come from vagal nerve stimulation, which seems to do a lot to turn down the volume on chronic pain, chronic illness, chronic inflammation and so on. –Next Slide– Let’s unpack this some more. Right, from Curious Immunology, Dr. Bonas has again. He loves this. He loves this. I think he is developing actual stimulation devices, but he is even talking about hypnosis and meditation and acupuncture as ways to stimulate different aspects of what we call now the vagal or cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway that is stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the relaxation response, stimulates the anti-inflammatory pathway, and there is a bunch of biochemistry to it, right. The vago-parasympathetic reflux vagus nerve stimulates fibers that go in and elicit various kinds of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and nicotine agonist and etc, etc. We do not want to go too much into the overwhelming detail. The point is that those things block things like tumor necrosis factor alpha. That is a cytokine, that is an inflammatory chemical that is involved in almost all of these chronic destructive illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain and fibromyalgia, TNF alpha, and other inflammatory cytokines like interleukin 6 are showing up as major determinates and drivers that are involved in things like diabetes and heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, degenerative illnesses inflammatory, and vagal nerve stimulation is anti-inflammatory, and that is huge as potential game changer from other medicine. What I would predict is that in 20 or 30 years when various technologies, whether they are high-tech invasive stuff versus just knowing how to teach people to evoke the relaxation response and to get in all the aspects inside the heart and soul of a person that interrupts that relaxation response and stimulates the sympathetic or a stress response. When we really learn how to do that, we have a powerful set of tools for actually changing the course of chronic illness, and that is why we are here talking about this. –Next Slide– So, let us talk a little more. We are talking a lot about how stimulating relaxation pathways affect biochemistry, affect the way to gut, processes stuff, and the dysfunction in the gut that can be proinflammatory and create all sorts of brain toxic stuff and how we can turn that down. We looked at various ways that parasympathetic stimulation relaxation response stimulation can actually reduce inflammation systematically, but here is another aspect which is a direct effect on the pain pathways, and the fact that pain is really complex and this could be, you know, several hours long conference in itself to talk about the complexity of pain and chronic pain, but the point that I want you know is perceived pain is profoundly integrated with emotional distress and maladapted belief systems, and these are things that most of us do not really get taught how to deal with. My own experience over 20 years is teaching people how to deal with these things and seeing profound influences on not just perceived pain but the amount of distress and interruption and dysfunction in life a person has because of pain as it has processed through emotional distress and adaptive beliefs, and this is a vicious cycle, and every skilled pain management clinician, whether they are pain management, anesthesiologist or physiatrist or neurologist or the behavioral medicine people that work through the mind-body connection. This is really clear. It is really well understood. If you go to a well-equipped pain center almost anywhere in the world, they are going to be working with you on your mind-body healing. –Next Slide– Okay, so that has been kind of an overview about how chronic pain and chronic illness are really a multisystem, multifactorial problems, and how they develop overtime, and the important thing to know is that, that is part of why these things are workable and why probably you and many other people can actually have significant yield even though you have done the best of conventional medicine, but you probably have not looked at it in kind of a holistic an integrated way, and that is where the therapeutic leverage is, is addressing the different aspects that are all working together, and I talked a bit about the three-part model that I used that looks at three Ms, which are your movement or mechanical system in your body, your metabolic or biochemical system in your body, and your mind-body system, and we went into a little bit of detail about some of the scientific underpinnings of why your mind-body system is so powerfully integrated in the development of chronic pain and chronic illness, and why it is so crucial to address that in the healing process. Because you or some of the people watching this might have kind of decreased energy or attention span, because that is part of what chronic illness and chronic pain do. So, I am going to stop now and break this video into two parts. The next part is going to get more into kind of an overview really of what you should be thinking about when you are addressing mind-body healing and the different aspects of it, kind of a landscape and the overview of what mind-body healing is and some other places where people sort of fall down the pitfalls, the things that you can miss if you are not paying attention to it. So that is the second next part of this, go ahead and watch it now if you want to or you can come back to it later when you have more energy and you want to spend another, I think it is about 20 minutes or so. So, as always, feel free to share this video or this blog post wherever you are seeing it, and I am going to continue to produce information that hopefully is going to be inspiring, empowering, and transformative for you around healing from chronic pain and chronic illness. So, if you have not signed up for the newsletter, do so, and you will actually get notified when and new blog posts come out, and we will be in touch that way. On my email community, I shared various aspects and different things that inspire people. So, looking forward to seeing you next time. Thanks a lot.Join my email community and get notified about new content and transformative self-healing skills.
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