If you missed part 1 of this video you can see it HERE. Move on to the next part of this series 3a HERE.


If you have IBS, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, or fibromyalgia and you’re only following the conventional medical approach, you’re probably not going to get better.  There IS a path to healing from IBS, fatigue and chronic pain.  But you need to address the underlying biological issues that create the symptoms.  Learn about why these conditions develop. And learn the “can’t miss” things that you need to heal in order to get a good outcome.   Robert is 40 and is stuck and can’t move forward in life.  He’s a super intelligent and motivated person, but he has severe fatigue, abdominal pain, anxiety, and recently can’t sleep well.  He needs to be near a bathroom all morning because his bowel is so irritable that he needs to run to the toilet on a moment’s notice.  He has had workup of his debilitating digestive symptoms and the specialists said it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Nobody has explained his debilitation fatigue.  And nobody has helped his need to run to the bathroom immediately and frequently.   Turns out he has abnormalities in his daily pattern of cortisol secretion.   He’s a talented, hard working ethical person and he’s deeply frustrated that he can’t do what is meaningful for him.   Conventional medicine has nothing to offer him.  Robert is not alone.  Thousands of people have similar clinical situations.  The conventional approach is to think about each of the symptoms as separate problems.  There is no integrative understanding of what underlies the whole picture.  And rarely any practical solutions. But his situation is not hopeless.  Many people get better with the right understanding and treatment. If you understand the underlying issues in complex chronic pain and illness, you are more likely to find what works to help you feel better, and help in healing IBS, fatigue, and chronic pain.

Video Questions

The video discusses the following questions, among other things:
  1. How does the functional medicine approach think about complex pain and illness, and offer improvement where conventional medicine has failed?
  2. What does it mean that he has “an abnormal pattern cortisol secretion”?
  3. Is this “adrenal fatigue”?
  4. What is the connection between stress, adrenal dysfunction, IBS, fatigue, and pain?
  5. How can someone heal from fatigue, IBS, anxiety, and other related chronic illness?
This is a complex topic.  These initial two videos give an overview and some of the scientific underpinnings of the functional approach to complex illness. Subsequent videos will answer the questions of:
  1. What can a person do about the problem?
  2. What are the most commonly overlooked issues that keep people from healing? Even though they’re doing an integrative approach.
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Did You Know:

  • Dr Shiller gives regular free mind-body training sessions on zoom. You can get the schedule and register at www.mindbodygroove.com
  • Dr Shiller is available for telemedicine consultation worldwide regarding chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, fatigue, and stress-related illness.  Contact the office or schedule a consultation at www.drshiller.com 
  • Inner Healing Essentials is an intensive six-week course taught by Dr Shiller, which teaches you the Six Steps To Inner Healing.  It empowers you to transform stress into vitality, and begin to take back your life from chronic pain and illness.  A new class begins quarterly.  To get more info and be notified of the next start date: https://andrew-david-shiller.mykajabi.com/inner-healing-essentials-waitlist.

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